Portal 2

Portal 2

97 ratings
My First Test 2 (APRIL FOOLS!)

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My First Test 2 (APRIL FOOLS!)

Hey boys and grills its me, prominecraftfan33 and im back from the ded not really hah im invisible so I cant die you dumbos LOL. Let me tell u a storys. The other day I got home from work and told my husband I was makeing a new test. he said “cor blimey Sarah im so pround of u!”” he said it leik that cos hes british OwO I love british people like davi baggi and demon arisen I LUV YOU DEMON XXX MARRY ME. the end. that’s right im back with my 2rd first test and its even betterer than my first first test becos it has everything: storys, acheesements, action, puddles, and storys. let me eggs plane:


Wesley is back on his eveil skeems again, hes trapped u in old aperature in the bottom of aperature down below with gabe johnson and carol but this time ur in a simulation of a dream of a parallel universe IN SPACE. can u exscape the dedly obstickle course? How will this storys end? U hav to play to find out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can u slove the puddle? No I didnt think so u loser haha


Exscape the deadly obstickle course by using your mouse and keyboard and hands and brain and muscles and fingers and screen and graphics card and processor and a break for snax and if u like u can get ur friend to help u oh and watch out for the TURRENTS!


Stuck on the obstickle course becos its too hard 4 u? Never fear, u can purchase a FREE loot box for only $4.99 to help u. Just go to www.bootlox.biz/scam to purchase your FREE loot box! Here is a preview of contents:

- Disable turrents powerup
- 3th portal powerup
- Gravity gun powerup
- Trojanhorse.exe (idk what this does lol)
- Up down power down power up down powerup
- cow
- Snazzy socks powerup
- Cake powerup
- Extra Wesley dialog powerup
- Nothing
- Minecraft portal gun skin
- Anime portal gun skin
- Santa portal gun skin
- Satan portal gun skin
- Camo portal gun skin
- White portal gun skin
- Human skin portal gun skin
- poop emoji portal gun skin
- demon arisen voice pack <3


Want more fun? Me neither. Oh well u can have these acheesements instead, here they are:
- Kill all the turrents
- Start the test
- Pretend youre kissing wesley
- Find a companion cube
- Find 10 companion cubes
- Find 3 companion cubes
- Find no companion cubes
- Run away
- Find a laser or two
- Quit the game
- Die
- Place a portal
- Place the other portal
- Noclip to the exit
- Don’t noclip to the exit
- Noclip to the entrance
- Check the date
- Look at chells butt through a portal
- My eeeeeeeee keeeeeeeeeeeey is stuck heeeeeeeeeeelp
- Finish the test in under 3 – 8 years
- Stand still for 1 second
- oczko


Thanks for reading this message I hope u have a lovely day. As gabe johnson says, when life gives you melons, make melonade.
Don’t forget to like, share, follow, comment, snap, fax, print, mail, email, text, call, telegram, morse code, smoke signal, and yodel to spread the word!
Rooke Nov 30, 2023 @ 11:47am 
:steamfacepalm: :steamhappy: :steammocking:
sERIOUSLY : ;@#$%^&*** wtf? :steamthumbsup:
vallibus Nov 8, 2023 @ 2:08pm 
"And now for something totally different." Wow! A bit of a slog, but very interesting design elements.
reggert Nov 30, 2022 @ 5:09pm 
oop it was sopposed to be a facer lPZIO
reggert Nov 30, 2022 @ 5:09pm 
O O ////_///
Hikari Jun 25, 2022 @ 1:15pm 
This description is hilarious
Petutski Apr 10, 2020 @ 11:58am 
Goofy. It was fun to watch Nock's walkthrough.
Demon Arisen  [author] Apr 1, 2019 @ 4:11pm 
Hahahaha thanks Leo! These things take a surprising amount of time and effort to make (didn't have time this year unfortunately.)

Hilarious playthrough, I had no idea your voice was so similar to mine! We should collab sometimes. Loved the bit where you tripped over the combustible lemon and fell backwards into the incinerator lmao
Leo Apr 1, 2019 @ 3:51am 
I felt like it was the good time of year to try this obviously magnificent map. And you know what, it was actually kinda fun... for a few minutes, at least :P I like that you cared enough to add checkpoints haha. Anyway for some reason I wanted to record my reaction so here's my blindrun
| \_/ () Mar 7, 2019 @ 5:27am 
Yeah, I'm aware, just wanted to leave a comment, but didn't have anything to say.
Demon Arisen  [author] Mar 7, 2019 @ 5:09am 
@| \_/ () Not sure if you're aware but this is pretty clearly stated to be an April Fool's map :P So don't take it seriously.