Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

416 ratings
Hearts of Iron 4 - Historical Focus Paths
By ThrownIntoSol
This is a list of the Focuses the AI nations of Hearts of Iron 4 will take if the "Historical AI Focuses" option is enabled, in the order they are taken. Each nation with a unique tree is detailed, including all the expansion nations.
Last Fully Updated: Update v1.15.0. "Götterdämmerung"
[Many older nations that are slightly outdated, or end in 1939]

This guide is simply the Historical Focuses for every nation with a unique Focus Tree in game, and the order they take the Focuses.

Useful if one wants to play historically, or just to see when an opposing nation will do something specific when playing with Historical Focuses on.

Here are some further points;
  • I get the order by just playing in single-player using observer mode and writing down what the AI chooses with Historical Focuses on.
  • Due to how variable some of the early wars can be (such as Italy-Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, and the Japanese Invasion of Greater China) there's a big chance some national paths may change in some games.
  • Sometimes some unknown bug or variable will change the Focus order, so this guide cannot be 100% accurate, sorry.
  • Because of time constraints, I don't redo every nation every update - so a lot may be outdated.
  • I stop when Germany Invades the Soviet Union / Operation Barbarossa. I find that after this point there's too many variables so Historical Focuses vary to much to be reliably recorded.
  • I play with all DLC enabled.

I sincerely hope this is useful.
The Major Powers
  • Italy and Ethiopia start at war in 1936, meaning that Italy’s Focuses may be delayed, unable to be taken at all, or bypassed - depending on what happens there. For some reason, sometimes Italy struggles to capitulate Ethiopia for many more months than it "should".
  • Italy's "Struggle in Ethiopia" will auto-complete around the 16th May 1936 if Italy does not make enough progress in the war in Ethiopia. But this depends solely on progress in the war.
  • Many of Italy's Focuses are 35-days long.
  • Italy's "Corpo di Truppe Volontarie" Focus requires the Spanish Civil War to still be active.
  • Many Italian Focuses will change the nation's 'Balance of Power'.
  • Several of the Soviet Union Focuses have strange requirements, such as the Third Five Year Plan requiring 120+ factories and "Beheading the Snake" needing an Intelligence Agency.
  • Several of the Soviet Union Focuses will be permanently locked when/if the Soviet Union is in a war against another Major Power. Some require either a current, or a past, war against a Major Power.
  • There appears to be a random element in regard to whether Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia will each accept annexation by the Soviet Union - or try to resist. This maybe a bug.
  • Germany has several Focuses for "Inner Circle" members that will then do their own Focuses independent of the player. They'll do them in a linear order.
  • Germany has Focuses that aren't 70 or 35 days long!.
  • Germany's "Legion Condor" Focus requires two volunteers with Nationalist Spain, and thus the Spanish Civil War to still be ongoing.
  • Several of Germany's Focuses (example, Anschluss) have strange requirements.

Form the Popular Front, Reform the Labour Laws, The Blum-Violette Proposal, Review Foreign Policy, Intervention in Spain, Buy Time, Go with Britain, De-Value the Franc, Develop the Metropole, Begin Re-Armament, Defensive Focus, Firepower Kills, Invest in Metropolitan France, Industrial Expansion, Support the Grandes Ecoles, Nationalize Key Industries, Reorganize the Aviation Industry, Form the State Arsenals, Strengthen Government, Levee en masse.

United States
Continue the New Deal, WPA, War Department, Air War Plans Division, War Plans Division, Agricultural Adjustment Act, Neutrality Act, Intervention in Asia, War Plan Orange, Intervention in Europe, War Plan Black, Strategic Bombing, Fair Labor Standards Act, Escort Fighters, Arsenal of Democracy, Scientist Haven, Military Construction, USACE Projects, Manhattan Project, Federal Housing Act.

United Kingdom
Limited Rearmament, Reinforce the Empire, Service Overseas, Encourage Colonial Elite, The Shadow Scheme, Air Defense, RADAR, Industrial Effort, Fortify East Asia, General Rearmament, Air Rearmament, The Burma Road, Naval Rearmament, Extra Research Slot, A Motorized Army, Steady As She Goes, Home Defense, Prepare for the Inevitable, Issue Gasmasks, Fighter Command.

German Reich
The Four Year Plan, Remilitarize the Rhineland, Construct the Reichsautobahn, Autarky Efforts, Institute Price Controls, Fuhrerprinzip,The Spanish Civil War begins, Party Chancellor Bormann, Accelerate the rearmament Program. KdF-Wagen Factories, Develop Modern Maneuver Warfare, Anti-Comintern Pact, Adopt New Panzer Doctrine, Coal Liquefaction, Reichsleiter Todt, Fortify the Vaterlaand, Expanding the Luftwaffe, Establish the Reichswerke, Aeronautical Research Institute, Concentrated Armament Program, Reichsleiter Goebbels, Panzer Troops School, Legion Condor, Reorganize the Wehrmacht, Advanced Panzer Research, Anschluss, Germany annexes Austria, Establish Buna-werke, Bribe Senior Officers, Demand Sudetenland,Germany annexes the Sudetenland, First Vienna Award, Develop Heraeus Research Facilities, Fate of Czechoslovakia, Germany annexes the the rest of Czechoslovakia and releases a Slovakia puppet-state, Reassert Eastern Claims, Lithuania returns Klaipeda to Germany, Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Danzig or War, Germany Invades Poland, Dive Bombers, Combined Arms, Form the Jagdwaffe, Reichsleiter Himmler, Operation Weserubung,Germany Invades Norway and Denmark, Around the Maginot, Germany Invades the Benelux and France, Subsidize Hoesch-Benzin, Strengthen the Kriegsmarine, France falls, Instill Auftragstaktik, Panzergrenadier, Subjugate Romanian Economy, Befriend Japan, Uplift the Rosenburg Office, Germany Invades Yugoslavia, Expand Kummersdorf's Capacity, Demands to Sweden, War with the USSR, Germany Invades the Soviet Union.

Ethiopian War Logistics,Italian Highways, Army Primacy, Fiocchi Munizoni, Struggle in Ethiopia autocompletes, Servizio Informazioni Militare, The Spanish Civil War begins, Naval Power Projection, Air Innovations, Expand Rome Flying School, Italy Conquers Ethiopia,Triumph in Africa, OTO Naval Guns, Ministry of Italian Africa, Foreign Affairs, The New Emperor of Ethiopia, Devaluate the Lire, Corpo di Truppe Volontarie, Culte del Duce, Develop Libya, Steel Industry in Terni, Città dell'Aria, The Man of Providence, Security Militias, Railway Innovations, Expand Foggia Farm Fields, Potential Allies in the Balkans, Develop Eritrea, Industria della Gomma Sintetica, Albanian Occupation, Pact of Steel, Expand Naval Facilities, Stockpile Fuel, Germany Invades Poland, Develop Ethiopia, Regional Development, German Military Cooperation, Italian Irredentism, Italy joins WW2, Support Albanian Irredentism, A Bandit's War, Superesercito, Treaty with Germany, War with Greece, Superaereo, Milizia Marittima di Artiglieria, Supermarine, Army Leaders, Germany Invades the Soviet Union.

Purge the Kodoha Faction, Army Expansion Law, Guide the Zaibatsus, New Naval Estimates, Army Expansion, Liaison Conference, Greater East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, Marco Polo Bridge Incident, Fighter Innovations, Carrier Warfare Experiments, National Mobilization Law, National Research Policy, Nationalize War Industry, Cruiser Modernization, Long Lance Torpedoes, Small Arms Modernization, Supremacy of Technology, Bicycle Battalions, Torpedo Cruisers.

Soviet Union
Heavy Industry, The Path of Marxism Leninism, The Centre, The Stalin Constitution, The Zinovyevite Center, Infrastructure Effort, Strengthen the Mobilization Plan, Restore Cossack Units, Found the PCDI, The Comintern, The Anti-Soviet Trotskyist Center, Addressing Internal Affairs, The Workers' Dictatorship, PC of Mechanical Engineering, Transpolar Flights, The Military Conspiracy, Socialism in One Country, Finish the Five Year Plan, The Threat from the Land of the Rising Sun, Expand the Agitprop, National Specialists, The Bloc of Rights and Trotskyists, Eastern Development, Expand the Red Fleet, PC of the USSR Navy, Support the Kuomintang, Develop the Urals, The USSR Academy of Sciences, Third Five Year Plan, Baltic Security, Policy of Individual Security, Military Engineering University, Claims in Baltic, Germany Invades Poland, Secure Leningrad, Shift to Armaments Production,The Soviet Union Invades Finland - and then ends, before the next Focus, Foster Flying Clubs, Behead the Snake, National Academies of Sciences, Claim on Bessarabia, Move Industry to the Urals, Rehabilitated Military, Military Reorganization, Middle East Diplomacy, German Invades the Soviet Union.
Together for Victory
Dominion of Canada
Crown Corporations, RCAF Station Borden, Rowell-Sirois Commission, National Housing Act, Halifax Shipyards, Canadian Pacific Railway, Army Modernization, CMP Truck, Canadian Infantry Corps, Strengthen the Commonwealth Ties, Shadow Factories, Defence of Canada Regulations, The Walkie-Talkie, Destroyer Effort, We Have the Hurricane, Commonwealth Air Training Plan, Dollar-A-Year Men, National Resources Mobilization Act, Mine the Shield.

Standard Gauge Railway, Industries Assistance Corporation, Western Australian Government Railways, South Australian Housing Trust, Additional Militia Training, Royal Australian Artillery, Daimler Dingo, Promote Reservists, Support the Policy of Appeasement, Strengthen Ties with UK, Adopt Westminster, CSIR, Expand the RAAF, SWPA Protector, Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation, Establish Advisory War Council, National Security Act, Volunteer Defence Corps, Expand Lithgow Small Arms Factory.

New Zealand
The First Labour Government, Strengthen the Commonwealth, National Railways Board, New Zealand Steel, Wairarapa Sheep Farms, Ratana Alliance, Expand the NZPAF, Form the RNZAF, Social Security Act, Defend our Islands, Army Reforms, Charlton Automatic Rifle, Bureau of Industry, 2NZEF, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Arrest Pacifist Leaders, Technology Sharing with Britain, Transfer the New Zealand Division, Maori Affairs Act.

South Africa
South African Railways, Support the Policy of Appeasement, Police Windhoek, Native Laws Amendment Act, Expand the Mining Industry, Special Service Battalion, Commit to the Five Year Plan, Improve the Three Oh Three, South African Military College, Voortrekker Monument, Heavy Engineering, Infrastructure Effort, Improve the Hawker Haartbees, Expand the South African Artillery, Armament Effort, Equipment Effort, Mechanization Efforts, Work for all Poor, War Measures Act.

British Raj
Lessons of the Great War, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Indianisation of Army, An Indian Sandhurst, The Bangalore Torpedo, Vickers-Berthier Gun, Royal Indian Artillery, Industrial Expansion, Expand Mazagon Dock, Provincial Elections, Indian National Congress, Tata Steel, Assam Oil, Indian Institute of Science, East India Railways, Integrate Princely Railways, Royal Indian Navy, Lions of the Great War, Cripps’ Mission.
Death or Dishonor
  • After Germany’s Fate of Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovakia will cease to exist.
  • Update 1.10.1 "Collie" reworked Yugoslavia.
  • Several of Yugoslavia's Focuses are 35 days long.
  • Hungary was redone in Götterdämmerung, and so was moved into that section.

Fortification Studies, Sudetenland Early Fortifications, Industrial Legacy, Political Direction, Sudetenland Advanced Fortifications, Democratic Bastion, Strategic Decisions, Trust in the West, Sudetenland Final Fortifications, Arms Exports, Military Technical Institute, Infantry Advancement, Military Aeronautical Institute, Air is Our Sea, Fallback Line, Balanced Industry Investments, Joint Czech-Slovakian Planning Commission.

Kingdom of Romania
Preserve Greater Romania, Army Maneuvers, Expand the Air Force, Civil Works, Agrarian Reform, Local Development, Army War College, Danubian Transport Network, MALAXA, Institute Royal Dictatorship, Revise the Constitution, Flexible Foreign Policy, Air Superiority, Expand the Galati Shipyards, Trade Treaty with Germany, IAR 80, Appoint Pro-Allied Government, CAS, Royal Guards Division.

Western Focus, Industrialization Program, Friendship Treaty with Italy, Attract Axis Capital, Expand the Mining Industry, Develop Civilian Industry, Evolution, Army Modernization, Mountain Brigades, Modernize the Air Force, Purchase Foreign, License Production, Fighter License, Rare Minerals Exploitation, Establish the Banovina of Croatia, Ban Slovene Nationalist Parties, Concessions for Macedonians, Small Arms, Domestic Artillery Production, Expand the Serbian Shipyards, Coastal Defense.
Waking the Tiger
  • The 1937 invasion of Greater China by Japan might alter the Focuses. May not.
  • In my game, Shanxi fell before Local Arms Development completed.
  • Guangxi Clique/Yunnan/Xibei San Ma share focuses until Guangxi Clique starts Anti-Oppositional Campaigns. Shanxi/Sinkiang share focuses, although Shanxi fell sooner than Sinkiang.
  • Once Guangxi Clique/Yunnan/Xibei San Ma began the Construction Engineering Continual Focus, they began periodically switching to other Continual Focuses as well. Sinkiang did this once Army Training was chosen.

Invite Foreign Investors, Unified Industrial Planning, Mission to Germany, Rural Reconstruction Movement, British Co-Operation, Mission to the US, Military Affairs Commission, Expand the Academica Sinica, Mission to the Soviet Union, Army Reform, Three Principles of the People, Nationalism, Financial Policy, Foreign Threats, War of Resistance, Scorched Earth Tactics, Mining Commission, Welfare, Land Tax Reform.

Communist China
Strengthen the Central Secretariat, Land Redistribution, Enforce the Three Rules, Agrarian Communism, The Yan’an Base Area, Focus on China, Infiltration, Revolutionary Military Commission, Literacy Programs, Ban the Opium Trade, Military Intelligence Department, Mobile Warfare, Abolish the Land Rent, Invite Foreign Investors, Mission to the Soviet Union, Central Security Bureau, Invite Soviet Advisors, Elite Mountaineers, Heavy Weapons.

Pacify the Countryside, Army Modernization, Mukden Military Academy, Law University, Obedience, First Five Year Plan, Trade Delegation, Expand the Textile Industry, Hoankyoku, Invite Japanese Investors, Expand the Railways, Develop Aluminum Sources, Expand Showa Steel Works, Social Research Unit, Alliance with the Kwantung Army, Chinese Leadership, Mukden Arsenal, MAMC, Invite Japanese Settlers.

Guangxi Clique
Secure Internal Politics, Co-Operation with the Nationalists, Industrial Investment, Public Education Investment, Technological Co-Operation, Local Arms Production, Long-Term Economic Planning, New Model Province, Root-out Corruption, Land Reform, Reform the Administration, Anti-Opposition Campaigns, Local Arms Development, Heavy Weapons Development, [Construction Engineering].

Secure Internal Politics, Co-Operation with the Nationalists, Industrial Investment, Public Education Investment, Technological Co-Operation, Local Arms Production, Long-Term Economic Planning, New Model Province, Root-out Corruption, Land Reform, Reform the Administration, Local Arms Development, Heavy Weapons Development, Anti-Opposition Campaigns, [Construction Engineering].

Secure Internal Politics, Co-Operation with the Communists, Land Redistribution, Land Value Tax, Communist Administrators, Industrial Investment, Public Education Reform, Local Arms Production, Long Term Economic Planning, Ideological Education, Judiciary Reforms, Local Arms Development.

Xibei San Ma
Secure Internal Politics, Co-Operation with the Nationalists, Industrial Investment, Public Education Investment, Technological Co-Operation, Local Arms Production, Long-Term Economic Planning, New Model Province, Root-out Corruption, Land Reform, Reform the Administration, Local Arms Development, Heavy Weapons Development, Anti-Opposition Campaigns, [Construction Engineering].

Secure Internal Politics, Co-Operation with the Communists, Land Redistribution, Land Value Tax, Communist Administrators, Industrial Investment, Public Education Reform, Local Arms Production, Long Term Economic Planning, Ideological Education, Judiciary Reforms, Local Arms Development, Heavy Weapons Development, Public Works, Labor Reform, Rural Militias, Anti-Opposition Campaigns, [Army Training].
Man the Guns
  • Mexico takes a lot of 35 day-long Focuses.
  • Mexico somehow takes "Institutional Revolution" twice. This may be a bug.
  • The Netherlands' "Germany Is The Greater Threat" is 35 days long.

Plan of Agua Prieta, Exile Calles, Repeal the Calles Law, Control the Army, Ban Political Militias, Revolutionary Women, Depoliticized Army, Abolish Capital Punishment, State Education, Professional Army, Purge the Bureaucracy, Arrest General Cedillo, National Bank, Agricultural Credit Bank, Confederation of Mexican Workers, Rent Freeze, Ejido Worker Militias, Institutional Revolution, Women's Suffrage, Spanish Civil War Refugees, Support Spain's Loyalists, Realpolitik, Rural Infrastructure, Peripheral Infrastructure, Institutional Revolution.

Obtain Foreign Colonial Investments, The Crown Jewel Colony, The Western Possessions, Abandon the Gold Standard, Continue the Public Works, Finish the Noordoostpolder, The Maastunnel, Expand the Artillerieinrichtingen, Philips, Expand R&D Facilities, Overturn Military Budget Cuts, Prepare Naval Expansion, Cornerstone of Colonial Defense, Modernize the Cruiser Fleet, Expand Curaçao Oil Refineries, Prepare the Inundation Lines, Germany Is The Greater Threat, Antilles Defenses, Form New Government, Gateway to Europe, Appoint New Supreme Commander.
La Résistance
  • I have no idea how the Spanish Civil War interacts with the Focuses. I think these are highly variable, so the progression here is probably very rough.
  • The "Many Spains" have Focuses that are 28 days long, and, ones that are 35 days long.
  • Just before Spain starts Crush the Revolution, Anarchist Spain will split off.
  • Anarchist Spain often died really early in my games.
  • Republican Spain eventually switched to a Continuous Focus.

Spain (Pre Civil War)
A Great Spain, Hand Over the CEDA Campaign Chest, Negotiate Carlist Support, The Army of Africa, Secure the Northern Garrisons, Con Paquito,

Nationalist Spain
Unify the Nationalist Front, Save the Alcazar, Martyrdom for Primo De Riviera, Consolidate the North, Foment a Carlist Split, Caudillo of Spain, Extol the Martyrs of the War, Banish the Party Leaders, Safeguard the Freedom of Worship, Fuse the Parties, A Methodical Approach, Portuguese Aid, Expand Conscription, Integrate the Requetes, The Iberian Pact, National Recovery, Adopt the 26 Points, Prepare the Pyrenees Defenses, Autarky.

Spain (Republican Spain)
New Leadership, The Future of the Republic, Petition for French Aid, Re-Affirm the Popular Front Strategy, Crush the Revolution, Relocate the Gold Reserves, Ensure Loyalty, Anti-Fascist Unity, Expand Soviet Aid, Soviet Equipment Shipments, Soviet Military Advisors, Soviet Technological Advancements, [Army Training]

Regional Defense Council of Aragon (Anarchistist Spain)
International Brigades, Autogestion, Seize Public Transport, Agrarian Collectivization, Collectivization and Workers' Control,

Eastado Novo, Continue the Public Works, Institute Superior Tecnico, Second Navy Re-Equipment, Support the Spanish Nationalists, Colonial Assimilation Policy, Roads Bridges and Dams, Portuguese Legion, Arsenal De Alfeite, A Powerful Merchant Marine, Army Re-Organization, Corpo De Estado Maio, OGME, Food Industries, Merchant Marine Protection, Metropolitan Army, OGMA, Textile Industry.
Battle of the Bosporus
  • The Update that came with this Expansion also reworked Yugoslavia - From "Death or Dishonor".

Power to the Tsar, Dissolve the Military Union, Acquire Modern Tools, Negotiate Bulgarian Rearmament, The Tsar's Regime, Improve the Road System, Restore the Tarnovo Constitution, Freedom of Press, Invigorate National Industry, Promote Bulgarian Nationalism, Limited Women's Suffrage, Expand Sofia University, Bulgarian Irredentism, Approach Germany, National Military Academy, Ban Far Right Organizations, War Logistics, Crush the Communists, National Railway Lines, Found the Brannik, Join the Tripartite Pact, Support Macedonian Organizations.

Kingdom of Greece
Devaluating the Drachma, The King's Government, Force the Farmers into the Factories, Metaxism, The Four Year Plan, Hellenic Armed Forces, The Hellenic Navy, Paying Back our Debts in Bulk, Greek Autarky, Open up the Country, The Hellenic Spirit, A Modern Navy, The National Youth Association, Crack Down on Republicans, Use the Military, Fiscal Responsibility, Expand Our Tobacco Industry, Prepare Against The Mediterranean Threat, The Hellenic Army, The Backbone of the Army, An Orthodox State, The Third Hellenic Civilization, Defending Our Kingdom.

The Montreux Convention, Continue the Policy of Etatism, Hava Okulu, Ratify the Six Arrows, Peace at Home, Turkish State Railways, The Second Five Year Plan, Treaty of Saadabad, The Sanayiciler, Learning from the Great War, The Guardians of Kemalism, Assess Our Future, The Hattay Issue, Türk Alusu, Cooperate with the Debt Council, Utilize Foreign Capital, Modernizing the Army, Expand the Air Bases, Expand the Cölcük Naval Base, Peace in the World, Varlik Vergisi, Abuse the Office of Soil Products.
No Step Back
  • Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia share similar Focus Trees, with each having more unique political branches.
  • There are multiple 35-day Focuses.
  • There appears to be a random element in regard to whether Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia will each accept annexation by the Soviet Union - or try to resist. Maybe a bug.

Reconvene the Seimas, Rastiki's Military Reforms, Exile Voldemaras, Root Out the Iron Wolf, Rejoin the Railways, Renew Allied Trade, Lithuanian Preservationism, Purge Popular Resistance, Patriotic Eduction, A Martial Prime Minister, The Nationalist Council, The Nation and its Power, State Media, Presidential Reform, Soviet Mutual Assistance, Arrest the Nazis in Memel, Anti-Communist Militia, Victory in Trust, A Corporatist Economy, Expand the Military Budget, Attract Workers to Kaunas, Modernize the Industry, Baltic School of Aviation, Germany Invades Poland, Original Designs, Develop Natural Resources, A Reminder of the True Enemy,

Suspend the Constitution of Latvia, Empower the Paramilitarists, The Sun Shines Equally, Rejoin the Railways, Renew Allied Trade, Appease the Democrats, A Martial Prime Minister, Attract Workers to Riga, Banish Celmiņš, British Aircraft Manufacturing, Establish the Chambers of Professions, Improve Military Life, Modernize our Industry, Develop Natural Resources, Trade with the Neighbours, Riga-Crossley Motors, Baltic School of Aviation, Nationalised Industry, Original Designs, Fund the Aizsargi,Germany Invades Poland, Increase Allied Shipments, Merge the Presidential Titles, The Forest Brothers, A Domestic Motor Company,The Soviet Union Annexes Latvia.

The Era of Silence, Fight the Vaps, Isamaaliit, Rejoin the Railways, Renew Allied Trade, Establish the Rahvuskogu, Secure the National Council, Secure the Chamber of Deputies, Modernize Tallinn, Attract Workers to Harju, Modernize our Industry, Exploit the Banks, Support Independent Militaries, Republican Defence League, Harju Ford Industry, Harju-Crossley Motors, Revisit the Economic Policy, Women's Defence league, develop Natural Resources, Rebuild the Harju Forts, Unchain our Education, Corporate Chambers, Arm the Nation,The Soviet Union Annexes Estonia.

Complete the April Constitution, The Four Year Plan, Central Region Strategy, The New Polish Industry, Fill the Railway Gaps, Polish Militarism, Consolidate the Sanation Government, Agrarian Reform, The Castle, Central Defence of Poland, The Sanation Right, Eliminate the Socialist Parties, Develop Upper Silesia, Polish School of Mathematics, Dissolve the Sejm, Support Right Wing Paramilitarism, Department of Home Defence, Develop Polish Shipbuilding, Attract Poles to Gdynia, Study British Ship Designs, Expand the Gdynia Seaport, Second Man of the State, Invest in the Old Polish Region, Modernise the Congressional Factories, Warsaw Main Railway Station, Invest in Eastern Poland, National Defense Fund, Germany Invades Poland.
By Blood Alone
  • Ethiopia's Focus tree is highly dependent on still being at war with Italy and the status of said war. The war is ongoing at game start. Sometimes capitulation takes a long time - no idea why.
  • Ethiopia's "Boarding the Train" Focus lets Ethiopia continue the war in exile.
  • Many Ethiopian Advisors and Focuses alter their Balance of Power.
  • ["Strengthen the Black Lions" and "Supporting the Arbegnoch" are Continuous Focuses. Once Ethiopia starts cycling between the two it's "stuck" in regards to doing new Focuses until some of it's own land is liberated in the future.
  • Many Focuses are 35-days long.
  • Many Swiss Advisors and Focuses alter their Balance of Power. In addition, many of their Focuses have Balance of Power requirements.

Rally round the Emperor, The Second Italo-Ethiopian War, Falling Back, Boarding the Train, Addressing the League of Nations, Italy Conquers Ethiopia, The Ferengi, The American Radio Address, Secure Arms, Anti-Italian Propaganda, The Abuna, Unification of the Habesha, Recruit from the African Diaspora, The Patriots, Organize Regional Revolts, [Strengthen the Black Lions], [Supporting the Arbegnoch].

Swiss Guiding Principles, National Defense Fund, Increase Defense Budget, Reaffirm Spiritual Defense, Fortify Border with Italy, Armed Neutrality, Ban Foreign Nazi Propaganda, Fortify Border with Germany, Fortify Border with France, Buero Ha, Pro Helvetia, Ban National Movement for Switzerland, Adopt the Rumantsch Language, Patriotic Shooting Clubs, Promote Henri Guisan, Réduit National, Expedite Mobilization, Aktion Nationaler Widerstand, Heer and Haus, Fortify the Austrian Border, Case North, Purchase American Planes, Seek Allied Trade, All Adults Training,
Arms Against Tyranny
  • Many a 35-day Focus.
  • Finland changes National Leaders. These are important for Focuses - and Focuses change Public Trust in National Leaders.
  • Probably a bug, but when playing as Finland - the Soviet Union never declares war against Finland for the Winter War.
  • Norway's "Rikstanken" Focus requires that Sweden have at least 1x Light Tank in Stockpile OR have a Major Fascist/Communist Power for an alternative acquisition method.
  • When a Major Fascist Power / Germany invades Norway, Norway will split into both a Democratic Denmark, and the Fascist Norges Nasjonale Regjering led by Quisling.
  • Denmark's Focuses rely heavily on their Welfare and Warfare Balance of Power.
  • (May be a bug, or not) Iceland appears to change what type of Focuses they focus on for some unknown reason. As a specific example sometimes Naval Focuses are chosen first, but other times it is Air. Including when it is a choice between mutually exclusive paths.
  • Iceland has several similarly named Focuses [Engineering Projects, Infrastructure Development, Infrastructure Projects]

[Pehr Evind Svinhufvud in power] Finnish Neutrality, Enhance Southern Infrastructure, Industrial Development, Väisälä's Radiosande Tests, Increase Military Budget, Suomen Maavoimat, Reach Out To Scandinavia, Moderate Politics, Mannerheim Line, [Kyösti Kallio in power], National Unity, Outokumpu for Defence Industry, Industrial Upgrade in Harjavalta, Jäniskoski Power Plant, Political Unity, Railways and Infrastructure, Repurpose Small Industry, Defense in Depth, Oy Alkoholiliike, Extra Refresher Exercises, The Cold Front, Jaeger Movement, Salvaged and Retooled, Motti Tactics, Winter Warfare, Foreign Armour, Weapon Caches, Arm the Lotta Svärd, [Germany Invades Denmark and Norway], [The Soviet Union Invades], A Cry For Help, Underground Resistance Cells, [The Winter War Ends], Union of Finnish Brothers in Arms, Finnish Radio Intelligence, Bank of Åland, Suomen Akatemia, [Viron Kansa is bypassed when the Soviet Union annexes Estonia, [Risto Ryti in power], Expand the Imatra Hydropower Plant, The Lone Wolf, Co-operation with Germany, German military Advisors, Joint Scientific Program, Long-Range Patrols, Utilize the Sámi, SIssi, Expand State Military Factories, [Finland joins Barbarossa].

[Per Albin Hansson in power] Defense Act, [Axel Pehrsson-Bramstorp in power], Urbanisation, Hygienic Housing, [Per Albin Hansson back in power] , Work Projects for the Unemployed, Government Weapons Contract, Poverty Reduction, State Paid Vacation, Norma Projektilfabrik, Bofors Fly Swatter, Bofors Anti-Tank Gun, Form SAAB, Affordable Housing, Accept the Saltsjöbaden Agreement, Stadsbarn, Husqvarna Weapons Factory, Radiotjänst, Standardize Equipment, The Royal Institute of Technology, Continue the Second Industrial Revolution, Swedish Volunteer Corps, Democratic War Cabinet, En Svensk Tiger, WInter Drill, Värnplikt, Per Albin Hansson Bus, [Germany invades Denmark and Norway], [The Soviet Union declares War against Finland], Rationing, Totalförsvar, [The Winter War Ends], [Operation: Save Norway Bypassed], Train the Sheltered, Secret Mobilization, Domestic Aircraft Designs, Form RFSU, Allow Landsverk to Operate Independently, As the Barometer Falls, Land-Air Warfare, SKF Ball Bearings, Sámi Reconciliation, Rapid Response Force.

[Johan Nygaardsvold in power], Continue Nygaardsvold's Cabinet, Broken Gun Policies, Leaving the Hard Thirties Behind, Cut Military Budget, Bail Out Towns, Print More Money, Social Incrementalism, Restart Public Investment, Restore the Public Trust in the Storting, Building an Independent Norway, Hurtigruten, Norwegian School of Economics, Weathering the Storm to Come, The Neutrality Guard, Rearm for Defense, Patrol Our Coast, Fortify Norway, Coastal Defense, Start Rearmament, Drøbak Coastal Fort, Rikstanken, Kickstart Military Industry, Norges Tekniske Høgskole, Sjøforsvaret [Germany Invades Norway], [The Soviet Union Invades Finland], Modernize Fortifications, [The Winter War ends], Expand the Dockyards, Expand the Merchant Marine, [Democratic Norway capitulates], Hærens Flyvebaan, Artillery Development, Anti-Air Support, Mine Laying Effort, Convoy Defense, Expand Hæren, Improved Weapons.

Norges Nasjonale Regjering
[Germany Invades Norway], [Fascist Invasion of Denmark completes], [Quisling's Coup completes], [Sjøforsvaret is still in-progress from Democratic Norway pre-Invasion], [The Soviet Union Invades Finland], Modernize Fortifications, [The Winter War Ends], Expand the Dockyards, Expand Merchant Marine, [Democratic Norway capitulates], Hærens Flyvebaan, Foreign Plane Designs, Invest in Airfields, Kystvakten, Artillery Development, Empower Large Industrial Groups, Get Rid of Quisling, The Administrative Council.

[Thorvald Stauning] Continue the Kanslegadeforlig, Industrial Investments, Public Works, Agricultural Subsidies, Support the Schleswigian Farmers, Devalue the Krone, Trade with Britain, Trade with Germany, Reaffirm Neutrality, Political Unity, Sign Forsvarsforliget, Policy of Disarmament, Social Stability, Stockpile Oil, Expand Værnepligten, Build National Motorveje, Expand Ubȧdsvȧbnet, Limited Industry Regulations, Import Machinery and Material, Sikkerhedspolitiet, Modernize Agricultural Machinery, Modernize Industrial Machinery, Agricultural Reinvestments, Increase Industrial Progression, Increase Food Production, [Germany Invades Denmark], [Denmark surrenders as a Puppet, named German Protectorate of Denmark], Samarbejdsregering, Connect the Islands, Expand Institut for Teoretisk Fysik, Expand Our Industries, Aalborg Portland Cement Plant, Reorient Production Lines, Strengthen Military Industries, Seek Independence, Sanction Sabotages, Create the Danforce, Align with Foreign Powers, Establish Den Dansk Flotille.

[Hermann Jónnasson is in power], The Kingdom of Iceland, Expand the Fishing Industry, Hydroelectric Power, Declare Absolute Neutrality, Engineering Projects, Advanced Technology, Infrastructure Development, Infrastructure Projects, Garður Airfield, The Armed Forces of Iceland, An Airbase in the Sea, The Icelandic Police Force, The Merchant Fleet, Agricultural Expansion, Iceland Air, Anglo-Icelandic Relations, Modernizing the Coast Guard, Hrafninn Flýgur, Support Equipment, Proffesionalize the Army, [Germany Invades Denmark], [Denmark becomes a German Puppet as the Norges Nasjonale Regjering], [Sveinn Björnsson is in power], International Trade, Þungur Hnifur, Taking the Fight to Our Enemies, Doctrinal Studies, Industrial Research School, Banking on the Future, [Iceland becomes a Puppet of Great Britain], Infiltration, Expand the Industrial Complexes, Political Unity, [Japan attacks the USA], American Protection, [Iceland becomes a Puppet of the USA].
Trial of Allegiance
  • Many 35 day Focuses.
  • Many Focuses from different nations have the same names.
  • Chile's "Host Spanish Refugees" requires that the Spanish Civil War has ended.
  • Several Argentinian Focuses will change the National Leader.
  • Argentina's "Consolidating Power" will begin a countdown to a Civil War.
  • Paraguay's "Pull Back Troops from the Chaco" will cause a coup, and switch National Leaders - and ruling party.
  • Uruguay's "Recognize Francoist Spain" requires a Franco-led National Spain.
  • Uruguay's "Colorado Election Victory" will bypass, as it is an event.

Tribunal de Segurança Nacional, Aftermath of the Coffee Crises, Ensure Military Support, Work with the Integralits, Exército Brasileiro, Marinha do Brasil, Desenvolvimento, The Cohen Plan, Estado Novo, Promote Resource Extraction, The Polaca, Stimulate the Economy, Radio Nacional, Deal with the Cangaço, Ban Political Parties, Decree Number 37, Reward Army Loyalty, Secure our Borders, Exército Technical and Production Department, Academia Militar, Establish DASP, Brazilian Autarky, Departamento de Propaganda, University of Sãu Paulo, Good Neighbor Policy, Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, Batalha da Borracha, [World War Two begins], Força Aérea Brasileira, Increase Defense Spending, Construct New Airbases, Disrupt Operation Bolivar, The Strength of the Common Soldier, Tamandaré Wall, Academia da Força Aérea, The Department of Propaganda, Purchase Foreign Aircraft, [Peru declares war against Paraguay], Departamento de Logistica, Empresa Brasileira de Aeronãutica, A Nimble Air Force, [Japan attacks America], The Washington Accords, Construct Parnamirim Airport, [Germany Invades the Soviet Union].

Endorse the Constitution of 1925, The Polisies of Arturo Alessandri, Construct the Estadio Nacional, Inflation Control by the Banco Central de Chile, Supress the Nacistas, Public Works Projects, Ejército de Chile, Cooperation with the National Falange, Contract EFE, Devalue the Peso, Armada de Chile, Construct New Naval Bases, Expand the Forestry, Expand the Army Academy, The Strength of the Common Soldier, Put the Nitrate Production to Use, Purchase Destroyers and Submarines, Expand the Repair Yards, Acquiring Foreign Designs, Foreign Advisors, Connect the Northern Railways, Expand the Naval Arsenal, [the Focus "Elección Presidencial de Chile de 1938" is bypassed], Establish CORFO, Privatise the National Industries, Strengthen the Instituto Nacional, Host Spanish Refugees, Re-approach America, [World War Two starts], Develop Inwards, Utilize FAMAE, High Quality Nitrate, Work to Counter operation Bolivar, Invest in Shipping, Expand Military Facilities, The Investigations Police of Chile, Impose New Taxes, Prussianization of the Army, Invite Naval Advisors, Enforce Stricter Secularism, [Peru declares war against Paraguay], Advancements in Telecommunications, The Department of Propaganda, [Japan attacks America], An Attempt to Maintain Our Neutrality, [Germany Invades the Soviet Union].

Ejército Argentino, Armada de Argentina, Roberto Maria Ortez, El Manifiesto Concordancia, Banco Central de la República Argentina, Crackdown on Corruption, Industrial Expansion, British Economics, Rapid Urbanization, Import Substitution, Agricultural Improvements, Military Production Lines, Emphasis Public Works, Economic Reactivation Act, Towards a Greater Argentina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, Construct New Air Bases, Capitalize the Beef Industry, Revisit the Roca-Runciman Treaty, Immigration Wave, Develop Civilian Industry, The Argentinian Metropole, Economic Tax Reforms, [World War Two starts], Invest in the Roads, Invest in the Railways, Expand Steel Extraction, Construct New Naval Bases, Invite Naval Advisors, Expand Aluminum Extraction, The Castillo Cabinet, Consolidating Power, March to Casa Rosada, [Peru declares war against Paraguay], Balancing Act, Expand military Industries, The Strength of the Common Soldier, [Japan attacks America], Specialize the Heavy Guns Industries, Expand the Army Academy, [Germany Invades the Soviet Union].

Land Improvements, [National Leader switched to Communist, Rafael Franco], Workers Rights, Febrerista Land Reforms, Ban Vouchers as Payment, Central Bank of the Republic of Paraguay, Military Pensions, Chaco War Decorations, Allow Female Workers, A Great Charter, Pull Back Troops from the Chaco, [Higinio Moringo becomes National Leader], Suspend Elections, Get Rid of Colonel Paredes, Ban the Liberal Party, Align with the Guión Rojo, Discipline - Hierarchy - and Order, Invite Japanese Settlers, Order Italian Planes, Urbanization, The Permanent Leader, Cult of Personality, River Trade, Cash Crop Exports, Export Focus, [World War Two starts], Mythologize the Father of the Nation, Arm the Fuerzas Armadas, Agricultural Colonisation, Expand the Army Academy, Beef and Hide Industry, The Paraguayan Economic Miracle, Exploit Mineral Wealth, The Strength of the Common Soldier, Heavy Industry, [Peru declares war against Paraguay], Wool Makers, Protect Domestic Industries, National Academy of Sciences, [Japan attacks America], Specialize the Heavy Guns Industries, [Germany Invades the Soviet Union].

Terra's Dictatorship, Statism, Laissez-Faire, Empower the Land Owners, Prohibition of Usury, Ministry of Public Work Assistance, Rapid Industrialization, Revaluation Law, BROU, Pay off All External Debt, La Teja Refinery, Conaprole, Mercado Modelo, The Uruguayan Economic Miracle, Exploit Mineral Wealth, Break Relations with the Soviet Union, Recognize Francoist Spain, Pluna, Rincón del Bonete Power Station, [Event fires, 'Colorado Election Victory' bypassed, and National Leader changes], Declare Neutrality, Law no.9943, Break Diplomatic Relations with the Axis, A New Constitution, The "Good" Coup, Legalize the Pool, Investigate German and Italian Cultural Organizations, Land Improvements, Workers Rights, [World War Two starts], Right to Food - Housing - and Health, Law no.9914, Protect Domestic Industries, National Academy of Sciences, Agricultural Colonization, Heavy Industry, River Trade, Beef and Hide Industry, [Peru declares war against Paraguay], Cash Crop Exports, Wool Makers, Arm the Fuerzas Aéreas, Construct New Air Bases, Export Focus, [Japan attacks America], Domestic Designs, [Germany Invades the Soviet Union].
  • Austria's "Support Italy in Ethiopia" Focus requires that the Second Italo-Ethiopian War is still ongoing.
  • Austria will receive a Guarantee of Independence from Italy after the 'Reach out to Italy' Focus, which will be rescinded after the 'Disregard the Treaties' Focus.
  • Romania will replace Hungary's Treaty of Trainon with another Treaty after Hungary's "Negotiate the Restrictions" Focus. This is a requirement for many Hungarian Focuses.
  • Hungary's "Seek German Contracts" has different effects depending on German opinion of Hungary.
  • Hungary's "Support for our Finnish Brothers" Focus requires that the Soviet Union and Finland are at war, but only takes 14 days to complete.
  • Belgium and their puppet/colony of Belgian Congo share a sub Focus Tree in which either can complete MOST Focuses. Some are still nation-specific.
  • Belgium has Focuses that are completed once specific event choices are made.
  • Belgium historically falls to Germany, and so many Focuses require capitulation.
  • The Belgian King will Surrender if certain areas of Belgium are taken.

Totalitarian Safety, Clamp Down on NDSAP, Regulate the Finance Sector, Support Italy in Ethiopia, Economic Resuscitation, Devalue the Schilling, Reach out to Italy, Refine the Vaterlandische Front, Industrialization Effort, Invest in the Erzberg Steel Mines, Disregard the Treaties, Rapid Rearmament, Grazer Maschinen-und Waggonbou, Osterreichisches Bundesheer, Follow the Alfred Jansa Plan, Integrate the Remnants of NDSAP, Recall Retired Generals to Service, Germany annexes Austria.

Continue the Regency, Reinforce Horthy's Reign, Economic Intervention, Secret Rearmament, Reintegrate the Imperial Railroads, Hold War Games, Expand the Ganz Muvek, Pass Statute XIX, Outlaw the Part of National Will, Undercover Air Maneuvers, Spur on the Trianon Trauma, Promote Increased Urbanization, Restrict Voting Rights, Negotiate the Restrictions, Utilize the National Unity Party, Announce the Gyori Program, Re-Establish the Rongyos Garda, Germany annexes Austria, Parties of Hungarian Life and Renewal, Make the Magyar Legiero Known, Renounce the Treaty of Trianon, Germany annexes the Sudetenland, Act of Defense, Initiate Army Maneuvers, Germany presides over the Vienna Award and Hungary is given Southern Slovakia, Form the Gyorshadtest, Invest in Ludovica Academy, Promote Hungarianism, Reaffirm Territorial Claims, Germany invades Poland, Seek German Contracts, Hungary takes Podkarpatska Rus/Karpataljaa, The Soviet Union Invades Finland, Support for our Finnish Brothers, Invite German Investors, Joint Aluminum Mining Company, France Falls, Expand the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Join the Axis, Hungary Joins the Axis (lol), Doctrinal Studies, Hungary takes control of Northern Transylvania/Szekelyfold, Joint Air Development, Italy Invades Greece, Allied Manufacturing Programs, Germany invades Yugoslavia, Quality over Quantity, Construct the Arpad Line, Germany invades the Soviet Union.

Government Resigns, Government of National Unity is chosen, completing said Focus immediately, Monetary Reconstruction, Rebuild Wallonian Industry, Gold Reserves, Perpetual Neutrality, Independent Neutral and Loyal, Investigate Bribery Charges, Congo Investments, Societe Generele de Belgique, Defense Bill, Social Partners, Repudiate Treaty with France, Royal Intervention, Paul-Emile Janson is chosen, completing said Focus immediately, Plan de Man, Revive Coal Mining, Cockerill, Increase Length of Service, FN Herstal, Germany annexes the Sudetenland, Dyle Plan, Economic Recovery, Paul-Henri Spaak becomes National Leader, Adriaan Martens Crises, Minerva-Imperia, Defensive Neutrality, National Redoubt at Antwerp, Fortify Liege, Germany Poland, Eben Emael Fortress, Belgian Gates, Iron Wall, Koningshooikt-Wavre Line, Germany invades Scandinavia, Force Publique, Germany invades the Benelux and Belgium joins the Allies, Belgium falls and The King Surrenders as Germany invades France, Unfit to Reign, France Falls and Vicky France is set up, Secretaries General, Government in Exile, Legacy of the Great War, Expand the Tungsten Mines, Expand Force Publique Recruitment, Develop Infrastructure, Germany Invades the Soviet Union.

Belgian Congo
Governor-General Pierre Ryckmans, Allow Local Autonomy. Belgian Congo, Rawji Group, The Heart of Africa, Invest in Urban Centers, Jungle Industry, Strengthen the Banque du Congo Belge, The Special Committee of Katanga, Establish the SABENA Air Routes, Closer Cooperation with Eugene Jungers, Uplift the Apostolic Vicar of Leopoldville, Contract the Empain Group, Invest in Geomines, CCCI, Improve Colonial Lawmaking, Forminiere, Bakwanga Mine, Establish Lovanium University, Ruanda-Urundi, Smuggle Diamonds, Regional Specialization, Chefs Coutumiers, Germany Poland, Research Grants, Rubber Plantations, The Intore Lion Dancers, Germany invades the Benelux and Belgium joins the Allies, Belgium falls and The King Surrenders, The Congo and the War in Europe, Found the Congolese National Movement, France Falls and Vicky France is set up, Army of the Congo, Belgian Officer Corps, Emergency Powers for the Colonial Governor, Aviation Militaire de la Force Publique, Prepare for Offensive Action, Germany Invades the Soviet Union.
ThrownIntoSol  [author] Dec 4 @ 5:19pm 
Oh, that's in the notes for Major Powers! Essentially it depends on how well Italy does in thew war, and sometimes the AI for some reason does super-badly. Most of the time it's 'Struggle in Ethiopia" in my games. :) - but good catch, so I clarified it in the entry.
NoamLovesCats Dec 2 @ 4:58am 
This doesn't say if you do "The Abyssinian Fiasoc" or "Struggle in Ethiopia" As Italy
ThrownIntoSol  [author] Oct 13 @ 4:04pm 
Must have happened at least twice for me to put it in, because normally when something weird happens like that I'll restart. Maybe was a bug at the time I wrote it up? :)
All talk and no fight Oct 13 @ 2:09pm 
Why do you say for FInland, that theres a bug where the Soviets dont attack you? this must be old, the SOviets always attack a player FInland
WindowsMalfunction Mar 4 @ 11:38am 
Mega underappreciated, I'm going through and playing every country like this! No shocker, I got to France and lost as soon as Germany attacked Belgium....
CannedBison Mar 12, 2023 @ 3:57pm 
In the Mexico focus order, "Repeal the Calles" comes after "Control the Army". Also in my English-Language localization, "Professional Army" is still given in Spanish as "Escuala Superior de Guerra".
Jonh carapucas Oct 7, 2022 @ 1:50pm 
thx u
VladVeganu Mar 29, 2022 @ 12:49pm 
I've noticed (post NSB) that France did the "Begin Re-Armament" before "Go with Britain". USA seems to act the same so far (unclear about others).
TheVisionaryZ Nov 23, 2021 @ 9:08am 
Please update for No Step Back!!! :steamhappy:
Equilin Apr 26, 2021 @ 1:02pm 
So France does not remove Disjointed Government hmmmm.....

Also can you please extend this (or just the majors cuz they're the only one that matters between that) up to 1941 (with Japan's Strike on the Southern Resource Area)?