

154 hodnocení
Of Rust
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Mode: Sprint
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463.595 KB
4. úno. 2018 v 16.36
20. úno. 2018 v 10.25
Poznámky ke změnám (2) – zobrazit

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Of Rust

What was once a temple and surrounding city began to rust and crumble away...
Počet komentářů: 5
PinesOfChaos  [autor] 9. úno. 2018 v 11.02 
@PPPaul, I have shadows turned on, but I will admit it is super dark, I'll try to add some sort of lighting that fits the map
SlenderPaul 9. úno. 2018 v 8.02 
Let me guess: you play with shadows disabled? The start becomes almost unplayable with shadows on. Otherwise this is a realy cool track.
PinesOfChaos  [autor] 6. úno. 2018 v 16.28 
@Mango, I'll ptobably add like an arrow, maybe two
@-Ω-, [Insert something about the worm once being a creature that protected the city and was considered a deity, and there were a lot more]
Wipeout! 6. úno. 2018 v 16.06 
nice track, except right after the beginning tube section, It's hard to tell where to go afterwards
-Ω- 5. úno. 2018 v 18.52 
More lore? tyvm