Realm of the Mad God Exalt

Realm of the Mad God Exalt

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Realm of The Mad God: Fame Farming.
By Muyumi
This guide will help you farm Fame.

Original Link:
1. Make a character. Wizard because it can help kill gods.

2. Toss your ability. By not using it on that character, you get mundane, which is a nice bonus.

3. Don’t kill a cube. Not even one.

4. Don’t use consumables such as pots from inventory. Thirsty bonus is also good. However, the default stack doesn’t ruin thirsty.

5. Teleport to the train. If you die try again.

6. Level to 20.

7. Equip throwaway gear w/o ability. Even crappy para vits give fame bonuses.

8. Sit in the train.

9. Only kill gods. Turn off autofire if you can. If the train is a very good one you can just get a few targeted kills in and not worry about killing things otherwise to save time accuracy farming. However in most EUN2 trains they need your help and killing things gives more fame.

10. Do not TP, you get a bonus for not TPing.

11. Do not trade, you can also get a bonus for that.
Piegunman Mar 1, 2018 @ 7:18am 
Yeah I meant using either not shoting at all not sure if you can get fame for geting hits on thing so you have to chose one probs rather then the other abiltys do more dammge anyway so you trade your unused wepons now for the things you use for that like armor and rings and better abbiltys even ern more pots this way too till you need to cash in your fame your fame get one 7% fame weapon or something if you can think thats for armor only. for the bonus though not sure which on not sure which one is worth more you can cherk now anyway without the relam eye if you press the bule thing near fame in nexus now anyway.
Muyumi  [author] Feb 23, 2018 @ 11:21am 
Thanks! Ill add it to the guide. :steamhappy:
Piegunman Feb 18, 2018 @ 7:52am 
also more for not tradeing as well and more for not shooting as well let others do it
Piegunman Feb 18, 2018 @ 7:51am 
Don't Tp you get a bonus for not TPing
Muyumi  [author] Dec 25, 2017 @ 7:29am 
ah ok
Insp!ssus Dec 22, 2017 @ 3:28am 
basically a bunch of people following each other in the godlands killing gods, thus earning a lot of fame as well.