42 ratings
White Tower of Hoeth - Saphery ~ Multiplayer Only
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Nov 30, 2017 @ 3:36pm
Dec 14, 2017 @ 4:28pm
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White Tower of Hoeth - Saphery ~ Multiplayer Only


The White Tower of Hoeth is the greatest repository of arcane knowledge within the whole world, compiled down the millennia by the Tower’s Loremasters—the greatest mages and scholars of Ulthuan, and therefore the world—who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit and documentation of knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Built on the orders of the Phoenix King, Bel-Korhadris the Scholar King, more than twenty centuries before the current era, this ivory-white structure thrusts more than a mile into the air above the surrounding forests, a feat made possible only by the incredible magic of Saphery’s Archmages. The Tower stands at the point of a particular confluence of the coursing magical energies of the Great Vortex, a fact lending the Tower a greater strength than any creation of mere brick and mortar.

The White Tower is visible tens of miles away, a sharp white needle of marble thrusting up into the sky. Its approaches are guarded by rings of illusion and mazes of spells, which mean only those people whom the Loremasters want to approach the Tower may find the true path towards it. It is said that those who seeks wisdom and learning will find it at the Tower, but those who seek power for its own sake will become lost in Hoeth’s spell-mazes for the rest of their days.

The Land of Saphery Reference:
The Kingdom of Saphery is an enchanted land, with skies that shine with all the colours of the rainbow, hills that move by night and warm rivers that glow with gentle light. Magic courses through the blood of Sapherian Elves, and all of the realm's princes are also mages of awesome power. They are reclusive and idiosyncratic, dwelling in exquisite mansions far from other outposts of civilisation. Each noble's home has its own character that reflects the interests and magical research of its patron.

Here the High Elves learn and study High Magic, the only spellcraft that uses the Winds of Magic in harmony. Teclis, the same mage that helped the Humans of the Empire found the Colleges of Magic, is now the High Loremaster of the White Tower and he presides over some of the mightiest wizards in the world.

The White Tower is visible tens of miles away, a sharp white needle of marble thrusting up into the sky. Its approaches are guarded by rings of illusion and mazes of spells, which mean only those people whom the Loremasters want to approach the Tower may find the true path towards it. It is said that those who seeks wisdom and learning will find it at the Tower, but those who seek power for its own sake will become lost in Hoeth’s spell-mazes for the rest of their days.

This version of the map is strictly MULTIPLAYER ONLY

Which means Siege A.I is NOT compatible with this version, I will later on create one that is more simplistic for the Siege A.I.

Reason being, Siege A.I doesn't allow for multi-level pathing, which means it will bug out on doing nothing and only attacking with Artillery. Because of this, the map layout I've made is completely invalid for the A.I to recognize 3 pathways simultaneously while worrying about Enemy High-Ground advantage and of course the dense pathing toward the Victory Capture Point.

This isn't 100% lorefriendly, it is hard to do so with limited knowledge of a lot of places/locations of the Warhammer World. I compromised where I can and acknowledging the fact that in the Mortal Empires Campaign, this is a Major Walled Settlement thus why I took on the approach of making a Siege-able Wall map that the Settlement needs in-game (instead of using the generic walled settlement pre-made by CA that doesn't refer to the White Tower's existance at all).

However, I will make certain changes, I am mostly busy with things (It's important to know that this is only a hobby of mine and life tends to get in the way for the most part, but I love what I create for you guys and so I dedicate the little time I have so you can enjoy your stories and battles on my maps!) but rest assurred I will have consecutive updates on this map, and as part of the GCCM team, it's my responsibility to create maps that you can both enjoy and appreciate while still working indefinitely.

Don't forget to Rate, Sub and Favorite! Let's share this for the entire Community to try out!
Vampire Kisses Jul 11, 2019 @ 7:37am 
Umm, did you somehow not read the full title where it says, "Multiplayer Only"? Or is that a joke?
M1k3N3 Jul 10, 2019 @ 3:10pm 
I don't understand why map modders can't state whether this is for multiplayer or campaign mode. Is it really that hard to add that info? Nice map, but you map modders need to get it together when explaining the actual purpose of the map.
Vampire Kisses Jun 23, 2018 @ 8:10pm 
will this mod ever be finished. It is literally one of the coolest maps on Warhammer 2, still to date. I really would love and AI compatible one, that would be such an special treat. Splendid map! Absolutely splendid! Please update!
Greyscale Dec 5, 2017 @ 6:37am 
Beautiful work, hope its GCCM included at some point!
Aize  [author] Dec 1, 2017 @ 7:53pm 
it was taking too long because i got really busy these last few months, so I went out of my way to just upload it for the sake of just putting it out there even though I planned on realising the A.I compatible one.
Maruka Dec 1, 2017 @ 8:23am 
Aize! How dare you not let me know that you've released your map! It looks great!