This War of Mine

This War of Mine

34 个评价
Father's promise guide 11 or 9 days
由 Orp (Luuk) 制作
A guide how to quickly finish the first story of This war of mine and get all the achievements of this story.
Guide Father's Promise - This War of Mine

Father’s promise is the first story mode campaign available for This war of Mine. In this guide I will explain how I finished the game on the 11th night. It is however possible to do it slightly faster. I will also elaborate on how to get all four achievements of this campaign. This guide contains spoilers. I’d recommend players to try and play through the game first, before reading this guide. It’s a proper story.

You, Adam, find your shelter bombed. Luckily you managed to save your child Amelia to the building to the left of your original home. At the start of the game Amelia is very sick. The game charges you to take care of her; after the loss of your wife your probably won’t be able to bear the weight of losing your only child.

Overall strategy
Don’t bother expanding your base. It won’t be worth it since you can probably finish the game within 90 minutes if you know what you’re doing. There is no need to fortify your base since you will be scavenging each night. Following this guide you will (probably) only be raided once. Adam can carry a lot, make good use of this and only gather what you need (no electric parts, or tobacco, cigarettes etc). Do not eat any rat meat till you cleared the clue at the school.

Day 1
Start with clearing your building from the bottom to the top. Don’t wait for a crowbar, use lock picks for the locked doors. Leave the two piles of rubble between the two buildings for last. You do not need to build anything yet.
Night 1
You are forced to guard, don’t worry about it though.

Day 2
Amelia is getting very hungry and she is in desperate need of medicine. Ignore her. Instead, clear one of the piles of rubble. A trader will come. Trade your diamond and something else for a can of food and some rat meat.
Night 2
You are forced to guard, don’t worry about it though.

Day 3
Your brother is coming for a visit. Talk to him. End the day.
Night 3
You are forced to guard, don’t worry about it though.

Day 4
Due to exhaustion you have collapsed. You wake up around 4.00 and discover Amelia is gone. Check all clues, eat and go to the workshop. See how much resources you still need to complete the bridge. Move to the exit.
Night 4
Go to your brother’s house. Loot it (look for wood and materials), check for clues and empty that fridge, you want to have three pieces of rat meat ASAP. If you find any fertilizer, take it. There is a barred door and a locked closet. I never checked it.

Day 5
You are very tired. Sleep.
Night 5
Go to the pharmacy. There is no threat in or outside the building. Loot the building for useful materials. Check the clues. It says your daughter either went to the gas station or the school. Don’t bother going to the gas station.

Day 6
You are very hungry. Eat anything you have till you are no longer ‘very hungry’ but do not eat the rat meat. If you collected to proper materials, you can now build a bridge between both buildings, giving you access to a lot of resources. You also want to build a workbench today and make a crowbar. Now clear the cellar of the opposite building. It has a hatchet in it. You can now use the trap to make a bait with any fertilizer you found. Do not use any cans or rat meat.
Night 6
I messed up here and forgot to bring my three pieces of rat meat. You can bring them though. Check for clues, talk to the hobo’s one of them tells you he saw Amelia, but he won’t tell you anything until you give him the rat meat. Give it to him. If you brought a saw blade you can break the doors in the basement and get two veggies.

Day 7
Finish clearing the building, then sleep.
Night 7 - RAID
This night you will be raided. Since I messed up I decided to go to the airfield. I brought my hatchet to ‘barter’ my way through any hostiles. The airfield is guarded by two soldiers (one pistol, one assault rifle) and has some food (two cans for me) and a locked closet (crowbar time). Run towards the second hideout on the ground floor. A soldier will pass around 11.00 hours. Go to the second floor, make some noise and lure captain ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ down. Chop off his head. Move to the next hideout, wait and collect the next head. Loot the map, focussing on weapons, bullets, and food.

Day 8
It’s getting a bit colder. Don’t worry about it. Eat something and get some sleep.
Night 8
Since I messed up I had to go back to the school. I traded my three rat meat for information. The hobo tells you to go to the hospital. I collected loot and ran back.

Day 9
Eat something. Talk to the trader and buy bullets. You don’t need medicine in this campaign, so trade it. After you’re done trading, go to bed.
Night 9
Scavenge the hospital, there should be a can of food somewhere. Talk to the patient on the third floor. Adam will notice she has the same jacket Amelia had. Ask about it. She will explain she got it from a nurse. Do not take the jacket, if you let the patient keep it, you will get the next achievement. Talk to the nurse on the second floor. She will tell you to ask the guard near the entree who will tell you the doctor was taken to the toy store for interrogation.

Day 10
Eat and sleep.
Night 10
Go to the toy store, bring your assault rifle, all your bullets and your hatchet. Inside the building will be three hostile soldiers. Two of those will be conversing near the entrance of the building till 11.00 pm. When the clock hits this mark, enter the building, move to the second floor right away, make some noise and hide. The enemy soldier will check it out, and you will backstab him. He will drop a weapon and about fifteen ammo. Move down to the cellar quietly, open the door and riddle the enemy with the bullets of your assault rifle. Don’t worry about getting wounded. Make sure you don’t accidently hit the doctor. Talk to him. Leave the map and, doing so, unlock the achievement for saving the guy.

Day 11
Night 11
Find Amelia in the church. You don’t need to bring any tools. Complete the game, and get the final achievement for the campaign.

As stated, I made some mistakes. If you acquire the three pieces of rat meat, you can probably directly move to the hospital and skip the second trip to the shelled school. You can then go the hospital after that, you can use hatchet to kill the first soldier in the toy story. Equip the riffle and storm the interrogation room. This should safe you two days.
4 条留言
JustSayWin 2022 年 3 月 13 日 上午 4:43 
A good guide still, just improvise here and there a bit. I completed it on day 12 getting guns at the air port and saving the doc.
Mansn 2021 年 6 月 2 日 下午 4:40 
Probably a bice guide 3 years ago, but it doesn't work anymore :)
Update will be appreciated with the highest respect from a stranger in the internet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Harris 2021 年 6 月 1 日 上午 7:35 
Honestly i just didn't want to continue when Adams daughter got taken by his brother. I thought i messed up and quit :steamhappy:. thanks. spoilers are minimum, great guide.
Joanne Fairchild 2018 年 4 月 7 日 上午 9:20 
Great guide, thanks!

Saved a lot of time, although for me, I finished it on Day 12 as I couldn't get three rat meat until Day 9.