Dota 2
Elemental curse - set
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Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones.
Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect.

Item (8)
Elemental curse - arms
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
Elemental curse - back
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
Elemental curse - head
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
Elemental curse - shoulder
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
Elemental curse - cape_v2
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect....
Elemental curse - spirit bear
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
Elemental curse - True Form
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
Elemental curse - Loading
Dibuat oleh sir_AXE
Long time has passed and great power corrupts , but our old friend knew that and tried to limit his strength using acient rune stones. Ice element runes worked , and slowed down Lone Druid but they came with a side effect. h...
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