Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Republic of Texas Civ by Windows ME
Type: Mod
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Jul 16, 2017 @ 3:14pm
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Republic of Texas Civ by Windows ME

The Republic of Texas by Windows Millennium Edition

The Republic of Texas was a shortlived sovereign nation during the years 1836-1846, formed after winning its independence from Mexico and its oppressive tyrant, Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. To this day, the people of the state of Texas still feel a sense of independence, being the only state that was formerly a country.

I will be the first person to readily admit that this mod is quite horrid. I am by no means an expert coder, simply working with websites, css/js, and the likes previously. The only reason this mod was born was because a) I painstakingly downloaded the 30 gigs of sdks and assets "just in case", and b) an insomnia fueled energy burst at 1 AM a while back.

This mod does not contain a unique unit (I am currently working on it, however). On top of this, the artwork is not very good (I dabble with promotional materials, not character design). But, despite all of these shortcomings, I hope that you can enjoy this mod, as I know I have.

The civ itself is the Republic of Texas, led by the interim president David G. Burnet. As opposed to the Lone Star Flag, I chose to use the Burnet Flag, the flag from 1836-1839. The mod somewhat envisions Texas if Burnet had not resigned as interim president in 1836. Below are the traits and building of the Texas civ:

David G. Burnet - Constitutional Republic: +1 Extra WildCard Slot in any government.

Texas - Remember the Alamo: Units have less Combat Strength reduction from damage. Unit maintenance decreased by 1 Gold.

Texas - Texan Mission: Texan unique building available with the Astrology Tech, providing +2 Faith and +1 Food.

(Also, true start location is supported for all YnAMP maps other than Play Europe Again)


I must give credit where credit is due, specifically to the people who enabled me to create this mod.

Josh Atkins
Josh Atkins has created a good tutorial for creating your own civ with a custom template that can get you pretty far, as it did with me.

User "RFormica"
Steam user RFormica left a comment on the Venice civ mod responding to the creators request for information on implementing TSL. I was casually browsing the workshop when I found his comment, exactly the information I had been looking for (I was not going to release the mod before TSL was working).

Known Compatibility Issues: Venice Mod (I believe we must have used the same template, which causes file paths to be named the same, resulting in chaos).
mrp8196 Jun 22, 2023 @ 12:51am 
not compatible
竹鼠 #127494079 Mar 5, 2023 @ 10:21am 
Says it's not currently compatible.
Ghiaman1334 Jun 26, 2021 @ 10:24am 
Does this mod still work?
Scottender Mar 15, 2021 @ 3:02pm 
h0tline Apr 27, 2020 @ 11:29pm 
Would love an update and add Rangers as a special unit.Also the star should be white.
KgQuetoi Feb 25, 2020 @ 9:29am 
can you update please?
redstarr513 Jan 19, 2020 @ 9:55pm 
gildar1 Feb 15, 2019 @ 3:04pm 
Could we please get an update?
Faysal Nov 1, 2018 @ 12:56pm 
No R&F
jasonrm1234 Aug 11, 2018 @ 7:12pm 
i will love to have to have a rise and fall with texas ranger
texas ranger 50 melee and range 30