Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2

Borderlands 2 Ending
"Ending #41
Borderlands 2
Developer: Gearbox Software
Publisher: 2K Games

To quote Scooter: "Smokin' Jesus Titty Cinamon!" This game is awesome! I love this game. Without a doubt, the best release of the year so far. It takes all the badassness of the first and multiplies it by infinity. Graphics are gorgeous, music is an amazing homage to the first, game play is as tight as ever and the story is great.

Let us all rejoice in the fact that Pandora has color. Apparently the planet isn't just brown, but grass and fauna does grow. With the extra physX support, gone are the days of bland blends of colors that only sharpen as you focus in on them, or backgrounds that fade into blur. This game keeps is sharp and vibrant through the whole experience. You know you're dealing with a different beast this time when you step out onto the dam and see everything in the highlands, or be at the Bunk3r fight and see Terra way out in the distance. Gorgeous vistas abound.
My minor graphics complaint is the guns. There are hundreds of varieties of guns, but some just look plain dumb. I don't know why, but i feel Tediore is in the racing business now as well as gun manufacturing. They obviously combined their checker flag factory with their gun factory. Bandits clearly feel painting teeth on a gun make it more intimidating or something.

Despite some of the poor selections for gun design, Gearbox DOES have a knack for selecting good music for their games. Trendy opening and closing beats from "Cage the Elephant" and "Champion" last time still has me playing those regularly. I was very anxious to hear what would be in the sequel and I was very pleased. Gearbox knows how to write and edit an opening. The song from "The Heavy" along with the opening video got me fired up to play. Music throughout the entire game is an homage to the first with mixes and renditions calling back to the original. Good stuff.

I really can't come up with any major complaints about this game. I die a lot, and constant up and downs made me get creative with my swearing. This was the case in the video as well. I died twice. Once because i got bum rushed by enemies, another time because I got stuck between rock and lava. My wife was decoy, being brave and staying up near the Warrior while I hanged out by the entrance picking him off. She's a much better gamer than me and I should enlist her to include her game endings. After we beat the Warrior, which is a cooler end boss than the hentai beast you fight in the first, we kept getting pecked at by stupid Rakks. That was both frustrating because I was trying to record Jack's diatribe, and funny because the damn things would nearly die after hitting our spike shields.

Overall I liked the ending, and I am glad that Jack got what was coming to him. He was by far one of the most hated antagonist in a video game for everything he did to the Vault Hunters. It was a very emotional game. We cried, we laughed, we got angry and we finally got revenge."