Dota 2
388 人が評価
The Sharpshooter Set
アイテム (5)
Bracers of the Sharpshooter
作成者 Bronto ⚡ Thunder
These six extra bullets guarantee Kardel at least eighty-five more kills....
Cloak of the Sharpshooter
作成者 Bronto ⚡ Thunder
For some reason both Earthshaker and Spirit Breaker's desire to kill Kardel Sharpeye magnifies tenfold when he's wearing this cloak....
Emblazoned Shoulders of the Sharpshooter
作成者 Bronto ⚡ Thunder
Kardel Sharpeye's decision to engrave his initials onto his shoulder armour was a curious one as anyone close enough to read it would already have a bullet through their eyes....
Stache of the Sharpshooter
作成者 Bronto ⚡ Thunder
One does not simply survive the harsh climate of the Knollen Mountains without a warm upper-lip....
The Kill-Stealer
作成者 Bronto ⚡ Thunder
Sure, the Crystal Maiden was stunned, in the centre of a Black Hole, surrounded by your allies, her whole team wiped and she only had 50 hit points remaining. Sometimes, though, you just REALLY need to make sure she dies. --- Part of the Sharpshooter Set....