Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

135 人が評価
Send Prisoner
456.941 KB
2019年5月25日 10時25分
2023年1月12日 8時00分
29 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Send Prisoner


Translation by google
If you want to improve the translation of the mod or its description, thank you to let me know in comment

Send Prisoner

This mod allows you to request and give prisoners. (right click on the portrait)


If you have problems, please let me know with as much detail as possible below or in the discussion.


Should be fully compatible with any mods.

CK2 Version: 3.3.0

Achievement = Incompatible (You won't get achievements with this mod)


AGOT = Incompatible

55 件のコメント
Era [FR]  [作成者] 2023年9月23日 6時42分 
There is already an option to use a favor to request a prisoner, but only the jailer has the authority to decide whether to use it or not. This has been done to limit favor abuse.
OP Cheater 2023年9月23日 4時07分 
I had a favor but I cannot use it for request prisoner. Please let me know how to fix it.
OP Cheater 2023年9月23日 4時03分 
Can you add button for using favor for request prisoner?
Era [FR]  [作成者] 2023年1月18日 2時53分 
@Comiclove The IA will respond to your request but will not make its own request.
Comiclove 2023年1月17日 20時09分 
Can the AI use this as well?
Era [FR]  [作成者] 2023年1月12日 11時09分 
No need, this version has been updated :)
Bio the Human 2023年1月12日 10時14分 
Oh didn't know about that, but still, there are some things I don't like in the complete version, and since I use other mods, it would be hard to implement it and most likely going in conflict :isaac:

Thanks for the good mod anyway ^^ I guess I'll just gift gold to the one who gives the prisoner based on how much would have been correct imo (AI doesn't use it anyway).
Era [FR]  [作成者] 2023年1月12日 8時14分 
I just updated this mod, with a more complete version present in another of my mods "Medieval Earth".
The value of a prisoner now depends on several things such as:
And more...
Bio the Human 2023年1月12日 2時14分 
If you'll ever work on it again, I think you should increase the gold payment based on the rank of the prisoner. Receiving an emperor for 50 g it isn't the most balanced thing :P
Emperor_Nicholas_II 2021年12月7日 17時30分 
I don't have a Russian translation, as I understand there is no one in the new version?