lavanez (as david said)
Acidic or rhyolite lavas containing> 65% silicon dioxide (viscous lavas)
basic or basaltic lavas containing <52% silicon dioxide (SiO2) (fluid lavas)
An intermediate form are andesitic lavas with a SiO2 content between 52% and 65%.
When the magma rises to the surface of the earth, a series of dynamic processes take place, through the contact and melting of the surrounding rocks, which influence the composition of the lava that has reached the surface. The surface lava undergoes a rapid cooling process, which explains the amorphous glassy form, or in the case of the existence in a higher percentage of gases, the porous shape of the rocks (pumice). The temperature of the lava differs according to the type of lava as follows: the acid lavas have a temperature of 800 ° C at the outlet, while the temperature of the basic lava reaches 1200 ° C.
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Slime Rancher
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What is lava?

Lava is magma once it has been expelled from the interior of a terrestrial planet (such as Earth) or a moon onto its surface. Lava may be erupted at a volcano or through a fracture in the crust, on land or undersea, usually at temperatures from 800 to 1,200 °C (1,470 to 2,190 °F). The volcanic rock resulting from subsequent cooling is also often called lava. A lava flow is an outpouring of lava during an effusive eruption. On the other hand, an explosive eruption produces a mixture of volcanic ash and other fragments called tephra, rather than lava flows. Although most molten lava is about 10,000 to 100,000 times more viscous than water, with a viscosity roughly similar to ketchup, lava can flow great distances before cooling and solidifying because lava exposed to air quickly develops a solid crust that insulates the remaining liquid lava, helping keep it hot and inviscid enough to continue flowing. The word lava comes from Italian and is probably derived from the Latin word labes, which means a fall or slide.Its first known use in connection with extrusion of magma from below the surface was in a short account of the 1737 eruption of Vesuvius written by Francesco Serao.[4] Serao described "a flow of fiery lava" as an analogy to the flow of water and mud down the flanks of the volcano (a lahar) following heavy rain.

Felsic Lava

My type of lava is felsic. Felsic lavas have a silica content greater than 63%. They include rhyolite and dacite lavas. With such a high silica content, these lavas are extremely viscous, ranging from 108 cP (105 Pa⋅s) for hot rhyolite lava at 1,200 °C (2,190 °F) to 1011 cP (108 Pa⋅s) for cool rhyolite lava at 800 °C (1,470 °F). For comparison, water has a viscosity of about 1 cP (0.001 Pa⋅s). Because of this very high viscosity, felsic lavas usually erupt explosively to produce pyroclastic (fragmental) deposits. However, rhyolite lavas occasionally erupt effusively to form lava spines, lava domes or "coulees" (which are thick, short lava flows).The lavas typically fragment as they extrude, producing block lava flows. These often contain obsidian.

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