Peggle Nights Enjoyer
comment before adding
my spirit animal
Sato0 May 25 @ 11:44am 
wont run away just sell something if you want it
Troglotroll May 25 @ 10:03am 
Hi, I made an offer to you, I only have this amount in my floatdb account so cannot offer more
NⱯGATO May 17 @ 8:39am 
oh ok, thanks for the reply bro
Sato0 May 17 @ 1:51am 
the ak is not really negotiable since i crafted it and just listed it for op in case someone bought it for it
NⱯGATO May 16 @ 11:06pm 
wats the lowest u can go for ur ak ?
Sato0 May 16 @ 10:42pm 
what did you have in mind?