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기록상 30.5시간 (평가 당시 24.1시간)
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⠘⡀⠀Yes, I play fetish porn games
⠀⠀⠑⡀ on my main account,
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠢⢄⠀⠀ so what?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

2024년 5월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 5.3시간
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I'm just dissapointed on this game and wasting 7€ for it. I've seen the trailers showing it being a dynamic FPS, quick paced and arcadey. Instead... the second I go into my first match and I'm eager to pull the trigger on a easy target? oh turns out I have to MANUALLY reload my rifle. So I naturally try something that fits best slow reloads, sniper rifle? oh turns out you still gotta MANUALLY reload it. Instead of getting like an auto reload like in GTA which would be better gameplay wise.

it doesn't help matters that prone and crouch are TWO different buttons, you can't do like in some shooters where double tapping crouch makes you go into prone. And to make it worse... the second I manage to shoot somebody with the sniper? oh its just a bodyshot even if I clearly hit his head from a mile away.

Jesus christ, don't play this game until it becomes what was promised.
2024년 3월 17일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.3시간
Safe to say... this game both fascinated me and depressed me a lot :(
2024년 3월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.6시간 (평가 당시 3.0시간)
Well, I certainly retract my statement, this game has proven to be pretty good and fun in terms of gameplay. Granted that the prologue doesn't have much in terms of story and the works but still it is pretty good. I love how there was features that mute or louden the songs if the speed varies... Although I would like to change several things of the game

Like... how some of the stuff like coilovers can't be installed (buggy) so I'm stuck with the stock suspension on the game. even then this game could use optimization for low end PCs and consider offering wheel support.
2024년 2월 27일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 4월 23일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 0.3시간 (평가 당시 0.2시간)
Well, what can I say about it? It's a pretty good game if we want to kill some time while waiting in class or when there's no internet connection. I like some retro games and lookalikes. I do want to try more games like this in the future.
2024년 1월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 4.6시간
All I'm going to say about the game is simple, I was excited because I thought it would be like a good version of LA Noir without the cheesy dialogues, the janky car driving, the glitches, and the amateur-ish voice acting... Hell it has furries even! Not to mention the nice retro graphics that bring me back to better gaming times

I thought that the first chapter was a good beginning, a random lad who returns late at night, & abuses his wife... and we're sent to follow him and see what's he up to? I was smiling when I entered the Bite a second time! I thought it was all good! We would find him, shoot a few pictures and case closed before moving onto the next case, eventually working our way to biggest and more ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up cases.

And then there was the otter filets, the club is used to turn people that wouldn't be missed into filets to be eaten by apes. I was surprised as we kept digging and finding more powerful people involved, but then? I thought that Howard was going to become the bad detective and tighten everyone's nuts until they spill the beans, eventually bringing everything to light and cause a huge societal collapse or a revolution that results in your death by the powerful people.

But nah, it all devolved into the protein thing, maybe it was related with the meat they were sending in the first place? Maybe, that could have been good… but then the game's writing crashed and burnt the moment they involved this “alien” thing nonsense and directed the game into existential nihilism which climaxes with... Howard just getting out of the City into the nothingness beyond the walls, he then ends up dying eaten by the parasite on his back only leaving his backbone (wasn’t the parasite supposed to CHANGE the individual instead of KILLING it?)

The fragment with Renee and Clarisse? It didn't contribute anything else to the story apart from a “possible fight” We don't get even a post credit scene, we don't even know about Howard's mom or why he hates her, why the alien even killed him off or where Larry went to.
Honestly, I'm glad I got the game for free… Because if I had bought the game and received this sh*t writing and end… I would have made sure the writing dept of this game properly learned how to develop a story, TLDR: Beginning is good, but then the game devolves into nihilism and alien nonsense and after it kills the main character for no apparent reason.
2023년 12월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 14.4시간 (평가 당시 12.9시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Not gonna lie, I do like the feel this game gives when it comes to give the "backrooms" experience of liminal spaces, Even then I feel that this game really needs some optimization, sorting of visual /physicsbugs like the character's hand clipping through walls or bars. Not to mention that some entities when you outrun them end up getting stuck, did I even mention the inability to jump over obstacles in run for your life?

Dont even get me started on the electric station level... where the hellhound spawns are completely random and they even spawn at places outside the level spawn? Stamina duration on the game as well is a huge problem... back when I was 10 I could easily run faster and longer than the guy on the game, levels like the smiler infestation level are straight impossible unless you resort to glitches or bhop to reach the lit places...

As for items... Why would you even add liquid pain to the game? it has really no use other than to troll the player into drinking it.

Flaws appart... I'll uninstall and wait for more content and corrections from this game, it truly has potential
2023년 4월 14일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1,031.3시간 (평가 당시 692.7시간)
As a long-time fan of valve and dedicated player of Team Fortress 2, it pains me to write this review but there is just NO OTHER SOLUTION. What was once a vibrant and fun multiplayer game to play casually has been brought to it's knees by a plague of automated sniper bots and Valve's HEAVY neglect.

Not only the sniper bots are everywhere in casual mode infesting it… The servers are LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE because as soon you get out of spawn you get headshotted. They spam voice and text chat with doxxing, illegal content as CP… Hell this isn't only a breach of privacy problem but a SEVERE threat to all of the players of this game

Lack of updates, even less when it comes to bug fixes! But of course! Please! Keep releasing cosmetic updates! Keep releasing small useless updates like tournament medals or localization files… When YOU VALVE should be updating the ANTICHEAT system! Heck! You totally abandoned your playerbase to the point a regular casual match suddenly turns into MVM and everyone has to go engi… naturally this serves as a way to farm stranges and unusuals, but that's besides the point…

Valve’s response to this crisis has been nothing short of disappointing. For a company that once championed player experience and community engagement, their current attitude towards TF2 is a stark contrast. The lack of updates to address these critical issues is appalling. The game feels abandoned, and the players are left to fend for themselves against an onslaught of cheaters and malicious actors.

Look, we need ANTI-CHEAT UPDATE, we NEED the game to be OVERHAULED… if you aren't going to do anything with this game you might as well sell it to people that actually care, neglect has gone for far too long and it's about time updates come back to tf2… The players deserve better… and It's hard to recommend to new players this UNPLAYABLE POS game because the ANTICHEAT doesn't work!

Wake the ♥♥♥ up valve… time to update the game
2022년 12월 7일에 게시되었습니다. 2024년 6월 6일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 20.7시간 (평가 당시 6.2시간)
Art of Rally for me is pretty much the rally videogame which I would recommend for those who don't have high end PCs and wish to have a inmmersing Rally game experience. Art of rally mixes both low poly 3D with semirealistic rally car handling and third person cameras with both the posibility of freeroam or messing around in weird bonus cars.

Physics wise it might need a rework, maybe we could tweak settings like brake distribution but for now... This game is like a incomplete painting. Here hoping for what the future has in store for the game.
2022년 7월 31일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 613.6시간 (평가 당시 386.1시간)
I would certainly recommend this game if you like space and scifi stuff... altough the grinding is a BIG part of the game, but the resources of the community are pretty good to bypass most of these tasks.

Would recommend it if you have a LOT of time to kill.
2021년 12월 4일에 게시되었습니다.
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