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Kirjautunut ulos
1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
1466 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 149 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 8.4.
yhteensä 57 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 19.10.2023
yhteensä 512 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 8.6.2023
Saavutustilastot   0 / 1
MoodyS 11.2.2020 klo 6.20 
GameServerID: 90130877736689545
Using MatchID: 3396090304485392518 | Map: de_vertigo | Score: 16:12
Victim has 38 kill(s) 19 death(s) and 83 Points.

Reporting SteamID: 76561198998036070
Starting Accounts [BOT #202]...

ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (1) Report with confirmation ID: 3396093974059466969 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (2) Report with confirmation ID: 3396093974059466996 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (3) Report with confirmation ID: 3396093974059467020 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (4) Report with confirmation ID: 3396093974059467028 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (5) Report with confirmation ID: 3396093974059467059 sent!
ZONERBOT​.​XY​Z - (6) Report with confirmation ID: 3396093974059467065 sent!

15 Reports for this 𝚏aggot.
Thanks for using zoneR 's service ❤️
not device 11.2.2020 klo 5.56 
* . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *
     Banned by Bansystem.net
Reportbot, Commendbot and Vertigo-Boost
     Free Commends / Reports

* . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . * . *
MoodyS 11.2.2020 klo 5.55 

      🌟 Banned by ZONERBOT​.XY​Z 🌟
      The ONLY ONE working Report.Bot!

        Ban date: 2020-02-11 14:54:52

GITCOIN GIVEAWAY 13.12.2019 klo 7.47 
Your Steam ID is chosen as a winner of Daily Giveaway.
You can get your ★ Butterfly | Slaughter on gitcoin47.site