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make Titanfall 3
Yayınlanma 20 Eylül.
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kayıtlarda 174.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 173.1 saat)
This game was the best game to come out in 2021 for me. It is the most fun I've had in a hack and slash games I've ever played.

Story: The story is pretty straight forward stop the bad guys from doing something. the bosses are pretty fun to fight for the most part but sometimes the checkpoints are garbage and the AI companions are kinda bad at fighting bosses. If you're a fan of the lore of madness combat this game does have a lot of it with character backgrounds and motivations and world building. I'm sure you will learn something new about the series through this game. I do wish Madness difficulty was available without having to play tough first but its not the worst thing.

Story is a 8/10

The Sandbox: The game has a lot going on in terms of weapons and enemies. From your standard Pistols and Rifles to swords and bats, you'll be finding there is no lack of weapons to go around. The enemies you'll will have different methods of handling them depending on there faction. Like the AAHW a Agency hellbent on terminating Hank J Wimbleton which can be seen in the in game dialog or the fanatics that mostly use melee weapons and keep tossing daggers at you. lets just say each faction and enemy will bring something different to the fight.

Sandbox is a 10/10

Arena: The most replayable part of Project Nexus with the orgins. you rack up money and exp and make your character and underlings more powerful. You'll be fighting some of the same factions from the story mode with some exclusive enemy types and some new factions to fight against. To a lot of people this is the best part of the game and I can see why they say!

Arena: 10/10

Playground: Basically kinda like Gmod. You have one map can pick most of the characters in the game to play as and spawn in any weapon, NPC and playable character in the game to just duke it out in a test chamber type level its good time waster if you're bored or want to see what certain enemies do in a safe environment can be quit fun to place bets with friends to see who win in a fight. I do wish they had better methods of spawning NPCs instead of scrolling through a long list of characters they should have had them separated by faction to make it easier to find what you're looking for. but I'm giving this mode some slack cause its more of a little extra content they prob didn't need to add so I'm glad its in.

Playground: 7/10

Soundtrack: This game has some of the best tunes to listen to while slaughtering you're way through Nevada. Some of Cheshyre's and Locknar's best work. If you like the music from the original series you'll love this

Soundtrack 10/10

Overall: this game to a madness combat fan is a 10/10 this is a must play if you are a fan of the series. but to an average person I would prob say a 8/10. Its a great game and something you should try if you're getting into Run n' Gun / Beat'Em Up arcade games.

Yayınlanma 8 Mart.
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kayıtlarda 165.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 157.0 saat)
The game is solid. Has ♥♥♥♥♥♥ better overtime. I would not recommend buying the campaign it is not worth 60$ and even if you buy the campaign you wont get the battle passes for free unlike in older halos which once you buy the game you get everything it comes with the product. play it for the multiplayer, ignore the campaign.

Update: The small amount of good cannot make up for the crap of the devs and Microsoft. This game runs off greed.
Yayınlanma 29 Ekim 2023. Son düzenlenme 7 Nisan.
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