Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Stick Fight's Undefeated #1 Player ~ Click "View more info" for more info about me and my SF Discord (temporarily inactive).

Leave a comment on why you're adding me to heavily increase the odds of me accepting your friend request! =)

Stick Fight Information:

❇ I'm a community hub admin for Stick Fight. The developers offered me that position, but I don't necessarily "work" for them. It's considered "volunteer" work and I don't get paid.

❇ I'm the current #1 player and world champion for Stick Fight. I'm also undefeated in every competitive game mode. This has been true since June of 2018. However, I haven't actively played the game since February of 2021. Since then, I've gotten pretty rusty, and there might be new pros better than me, but I'm still undefeated! =)

❇ I bought Stick Fight on February 10th, 2018. I got all achievements on October 17, 2018, around 4 months after achievements were introduced. If you were wondering why it took me 4 months, it's because I was just playing normally. I never went out of my way to get any specific achievement.

❇ I have more hours in Stick Fight than anyone else, and none of my hours were idlefarmed. Why? Because this game is fun as hell and I have no life!
Edit: The fellow SF nolifer Rexi surpassed me in non-iflefarmed hours on October 2, 2022. GG, but I'll take back my record one day!

❇ I co-own the world's largest, oldest, & most active Stick Fight community. It currently has over 500 members! Click this button to get taken to a guide that explains what the group is about and how to join it ---> 💠

❇ I'm an avid map maker for Stick Fight! All of my maps have spawns that are completely fair to all 4 players. Click this button to see my custom maps ---> 💠 If you enjoy my maps, a follow would be greatly appreciated! (If you follow me, you'll get a Steam notification every time I make a Stick Fight map.) To follow me, scroll up to the top of this page, look underneath my steam level in the top right, click the button that says "More," and then click "Follow." Thanks!

That's all for now! If you want to play SF, feel free to shoot me a message. I'll almost always accept if I'm currently playing, whether you want to fight casual or competitive. The only times I won't accept is when I'm 1v1ing someone, playing in a full game with 3 other friends, making maps, or hosting/playing in a tournament. If you have any questions, feel free to message me or ask in my profile comments. I read them all. Good luck out there, thanks for reading, and have a good day :wave:
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203 hrs on record
last played on May 22
139 hrs on record
last played on Apr 9
me()w May 3 @ 8:49am 
Based Stick Fight enjoyer
<#F11212>Nampuntis Oct 19, 2023 @ 4:24pm 
@Picto whats there to right about, all there is too is it is that a planet crash landed onto the Stick fight community.
<i> Sep 28, 2023 @ 10:07pm 
Hell nah, you wish

dope, ill give it a read
picto Sep 26, 2023 @ 6:10pm 
hey zilotron, so me and a few people have been talking and im going to be writing a short video essay on the history of the competitive stick fight community, from the old to new times. im trying to talk to a few veterans of the community to get information from about stuff !!
funny how im always on th Sep 19, 2023 @ 3:25am 
funny how im always on th Sep 19, 2023 @ 3:25am 
id smoke you