Non-pedophilic Spilove
Dani   Connecticut, United States
Clicker Heroes Highest Level: 173,254
Current Eden Streak: 34
Current Mood: Wholesome chungus

The date was 11/5/23 and I opened 1 single Dreams and Nightmares cases from Counter-Strike 2. I opened up a gamma doppler falchion knife (factory new). I spent 2$ for it and its worth as of right now 600$. Look at my inventory and my showcase below if you wanna look at it.

Nicknames: Yellow, Binding of Isaac Prophet, optimistic, The Carry, bottomfragger, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, thrower, troll

Why are you down here? Did you expect more from me? Who do you think I am, the gingerbread man?! No really. Why did you come down here. What did you think was going to appear down here? Go on to the next profile! Get out of here, your wasting my time. Why are you still here? Stop reading this right now! Go bug somebody else with your literacy! This is history.

------------------- Glep Biography -------------------

Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: He is basically a small lizard-like creature that wears a purple wizard hat that's two-thirds of his own height.

Big Guy, Little Guy: The impishly small counter to the lanky and lean Alan.

Color Contrast: His design is almost entirely green and purple, and he makes a Red/Green Contrast with Alan.
A Day in the Limelight: Leads the B-plot in "Mr. Frog".

Intelligible Unintelligible: Other characters seem to understand what he's saying despite his "speech" sounding like gibberish. Some time in the future, he gets the ability to speak actual English.

Face–Heel Turn: Joined the Frowning Friends simply because they have a better 401K plan. He leaves later.

The Napoleon: He has a few moments. He gets fairly argumentative with his gibberish, and he's not afraid to literally spit in the face of his job recruiter and potential boss for insulting him. He also eagerly took up the chance to punch Charlie in the knee when he (temporarily) quit the Smiling Friends.
Narrator All Along: He is revealed to be the narrator of the first season finale.

Ridiculously Successful Future Self: It's shown through a Freeze-Frame Bonus in the first season finale that Glep will eventually become The President.

The Slacker: Spend the opening scene sleeping on his beanbag and later was seen watching a video on a tablet. Though he did later take up a mop after the Bliblies' invasion.

Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: Immediately bolts and leaves his coworkers behind as soon as the TV screen shatters at the end of the pilot.

Spell My Name with an "S": The official closed captions for the pilot misspell his name as "Fleb".

Spiteful Spit: He spits on the TV exec's face when he auditions for Mr. Frog, which somehow ends up landing him the role. However, despite his spitting being wildly popular with both his fellow cast members and with test audiences, the exec forbids him from spitting on the show, leading to Glep's debut performance being a tremendous flop.

Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Twice is seen with a normal human woman with blond hair, at the Halloween party (where they were dressed as Ronald & Nancy Reagan) at Charlie's funeral, and on a portrait in the future where he's President. The way he sits in her lap as she rubs his belly implies some degree of relationship.

------------------- End of Glep Biography ------------------- - ALT ACCOUNT

I'm investing in cases: CS20, Clutch
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Global Elite top of the line gamer. First person ever to hit global and now im retiring from cs:go.
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♛ Runnin Feb 21 @ 2:50pm 
𝙖𝙙𝙙 𝙢𝙚 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙤 :steamhappy:
,! Feb 9 @ 8:51pm 
-rep biggest complainer
Asmodai Feb 5 @ 6:58pm 
Women should not play CS
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this dumb ♥♥♥♥ should be in the kitchen making me a sandwich instead of pretending to play video games
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ma drilla