Ado's fan 😳   Chad
<▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬ >

Trickster is probably the most annoying and most unfun killer to play against

Let's elaborate about really important topic just to clarify it once and for all
Why Traps are a better option to Women:
- Cuter
- Better to hang out with
- No chance of surprise child
- Their physical, and personality appeal is greater and lasts much longer
- Takes care of their appearance and is considerate to others
- It's not Gay
- Infinitely more Loyal.
- It's not Gay….
- You show genuine care and they'll love you forever
- Women have more clothing options, so they'll always look cute, fresh, interesting and you'll always be blown away by their appearance
- Good cook
- Will never stab you in the back, and won't b-itch behind it either (Will say it to your face (Like a Real Man... XD))
- Won't get a lot of unnecessary things and won't be demanding that you pay for it (Everyone loves saving money)
- They'll look nice even with make-up off (Bi people will love the fact of suiting different tastes with the same person you care for)
- Gives you the ability to play the Homophobia card if necessary.

Why Women are better than Traps:-
- No need to say 'No-Ho'mo' (Still not Gay though...)

Traps are a superior Life-Partner option to women, a Bro you can have intimacy with, and wont have to face the gauntlet or an obstacle course.
It's not Gay, It's common sense.
Wake Up Sheeple, the truth is out.

(Officialy married to Ranni)
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werka⁹⁶ Mar 22 @ 3:26pm 
O męstwo nasze Łukaszu Majciochu, orędowniku i stróżu,
Wsłuchaj się w modlitwę naszą, naszych trosk głos złóż.
Twoja łaska niezgłębiona, światłem nam jaśnieje,
W skrzywionych plecach nadzieję, siłę, wiarę wyżej wznosimy.

Święty Łukaszu Majciochu, patronie sprawiedliwy i mądry,
Prowadź nas ku zdrowiu, w naszych ciałach niewidzialny bądź bryły.
Twoja opieka niezmienna, jak skała trwała,
Prosimy, abyś w nasze życie światłością rozjaśniał.

Za twoją wstawiennictwem, o święty majestacie,
Wyzdrowienia i uzdrowienia dla ciał naszych pragniemy nadzieje.
Niech skrzywiona postawa ustąpi, siły w plecach odnajdziemy,
Twoją modlitwą osłonieni, ku lepszemu jutru dążymy.

Święty Łukaszu Majciochu, aniele niewidzialny,
Obrońco nasz w każdej chwili, w każdym czasie niezmienny i niewzruszony.
Niech Twoja łaska nieustannie nas prowadzi,
Do uzdrowienia ciał, serc i dusz, w Twojej obecności bezgranicznie ufamy.

! Don’t buff bubba ! Mar 9 @ 1:35pm 
+rep strong and awesome nancy, sry for that unfair hit in the shack window <3
Freddy BootySmacker Feb 9 @ 8:58am 
+rep Chilled player, cute Feng.

Officially smacked by Freddy BootySmacker

( ^◡^)っ (‿ˠ‿)
DampfFarn Dec 30, 2023 @ 5:24am 
+rep.. cute feng.. :GhostFlowerHappy:
Throat Goat Dec 24, 2023 @ 5:17pm 
I can't believe you haha viens jt'apprends l'anglais alors salope va, we could have had fun :c merry christler to you too
Lennocks Nov 17, 2023 @ 3:15am 
+rep from Ace. Juicer survivor