Vince Neil vocal cords
This game displays such a good concept of the current American Economic system it does a good job illustrating how in America you do not know how much in taxes you owe but the government does. It also has great game play the combat system is great you start with a sword and get a shovel that plows through enemies like America plows through spending tax payer dollars on useless things. The story is also fantastic great character development I love how the mayor is a typical mayor you find in America doing nothing but collecting tax money for his income. The map design is great I love the many diverse biomes and special effects in each. The dungeons are also another reason to get this game there so diverse and each offer new enemies, abilities and special items from plants such as fire, bombs and movable watermelons. I think the best thing all around however is the sheer greatness of all the game play combined this game flows better then the American government collection to many taxes, better then the U.S. Congress coming up with horrible tax plans. This game is so good it does a better job getting people to vote for a libertarian then the libertarian party itself. All around great game and would recommend anyone who wants a real game experience unlike Fortnite or other ♥♥♥♥♥♥ games like R6.
記録時間: 444 時間
5月5日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 45 時間
5月5日 に最後にプレイ
майчах 2月29日 11時47分 
прими го трейд
Grayum 1月26日 8時45分 
-Rep Groomed me
Настася୧•ᴥ•୨ 1月4日 1時08分 
Queenieヽ(◠‿◠🎀) 2023年12月23日 10時39分 
+Rep accept me pls^^
xtisoki 2023年11月20日 8時56分 
hey, accept me please
pRO_Game 2023年11月20日 7時45分 
nice player :D +rep