Mangu Petrisor Mihai   Orsova, Mehedinti, Romania
"Somebody has to bite the bullet and risk taking action
In order for others to not become victims, we needed people to become the victims themselves"
Floch Forster - "He is.. our only.. hope" ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
Utvald konstmonter
Do you know what it is? Freedom. You don't have to fight anymore, you can live as you please.
Senaste aktiviteterna
114 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 17 jun
2 300 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 17 jun
14,4 timmar totalt
spelades senast den 16 jun
Mihai 8 jun @ 6:33 
Woozie 7 jun @ 11:27 
blud using an NFT like nothing happened:DLskull:
Mihai 7 jun @ 11:24 
Are you a scammer?
Landanara 7 jun @ 9:58 
Ready for a game?
Woozie 17 maj @ 8:43 
Woozie 10 maj @ 6:31 