Smol baby kitten ☭   Arkansas, United States
hi hi i'm Kiazra or smol baby Kiazra hehehe, my details about myself are lower on the page its up to you if you want to read otherwise this profile is leftist and abdl/baby fur only unless stated otherwise! :D *cutely wavies*

"always stay true to yourself and your values never compromise for outside influences. be brave to be yourself even if its scary" Kiazra
Currently In-Game
Empyrion - Galactic Survival
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about me

Little age: 1-18 months :tobdog:

Real age: 26

Personality: Quiet, cautious, worrying, clingy, caring, inclusive/no one left out, honest

"always stay true to yourself and your values never compromise for outside influences. be brave to be yourself even if its scary"

Likes: Cookies, Cuddles, Playtime, Toys, Naps, Diapers, Little Roleplay, sci fi, diapered art, being silly, sharing, caring/kindness, white chocolate, Plushies, mental regression, gaming with friends, experimenting with food, pastel/bright soft colors, Cheese, writing and making up stories, anti capitalist stuff, ABDL, being innocent and babyish :3

Dislikes: Trolls, bullies, Meanies, fighting with my friends, lying, Anti ABDL's, cowards [its ok to be scared but when its your friends and they need help try your best please don't ditch them when they need you], nightmares, abandonment, potty training and forced growing up, fake caregivers, Epic games, EA, capitalism, Disney, ignorant peeps

My Political Affiliations: Marxist Lenin, communist, Eco Communist, and atheist, anti capitalist, anti fascist, anti nazi, and strongly anti imperialism, and anti USA imperialism/Anti NATO.

will not friend: anyone under 18, Nazi's, Fascist/racist, meanies, bullies, cops/military from the USA or their supporters, supporters of USA Imperialism and allies of USA Imperialism such as Israel for example, transphobe's, anti furries, criminals/rude people, capitalist supporters, unreliable peeps, ghosters, those that abandon others for stupid reasons or myself, pedophiles [automatic block], anti abdl's, non-abdls [exception to this is if they are accepting of the abdl community], ignorant peep
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711 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
333 hrs on record
last played on Jun 9
1,402 hrs on record
last played on Jun 6
Kiazra 1 hour ago 
limiting my builds would ensure i can't play solo which is not a good thing including missiles going through shields....i'm sorry but it is a feature that i don't want to see especially for the end game big ships that would immediately win if they could do that as they have many guns themselves not limited in anyway shape or form the enemy will not play fair either you know? or do you focus so much on hard difficulty that you ignore this fact? another game player elitist move. i will end it there for now but it is quite clear they are targeting ship builders as well as creative players and role players who like to have many weapons on ships for their stories it is outright disgusting
Kiazra 1 hour ago 
i hope more peeps speak out against the bad changes with the new version and continue updating the old i honestly prefer RE compared to the vanilla version where the capitalist devs destroyed their own game for profit i rather not have to lose that scenario, plus i have blueprints as well that will 100% never be compatible with RE 2 and i don't plan to update them as it would take WAY too long. since they are limiting weapons even for creative mode my ships would be destroyed for sure as they was made with many weapons in mind as one of them is a titan class ship only one spawn of it. the others are modified versions of Vanilla ships with custom weapons for it to survive the harsh game play of RE.
Kiazra 1 hour ago 
i have moved Empyrion over to another folder along with the scenario update for reforged eden i see the writing on the wall though it is not talked about the reforged eden devs are taking away the creativity to build big ships and limiting to how many weapons and components you can have i find it pretty pathetic that they are removing creativity of ships just for a few game player elitist who want everything so hard that no one can play the game. regardless i would recommend all of you do what i have done and move your current version of empyron to another folder as well as the scenario file before they update it as i am guessing when reforged eden 2 is all done they will remove the old scenario and stop updating it forcing everyone to play the new version of it, i would also recommend if you find blueprints that you like to save them locally on your hard drive just in case they update to RE 2
Kiazra Jun 7 @ 12:12pm 
if peeps want to talk to you or get to know you at all they will seek you out legitimately and those that don't well they likely will remain else where by the time this is even posted
Kiazra Jun 7 @ 11:58am 
i have seen many profiles some are open others are not. a big thing to ask is why is my comment section not opened? well i have an answer with that, if i was to open up my comment section to random peeps i would likely no doubt get both hate as well as spammers to even out right creeps, not to say one couldn't handle this but i prefer not to be in the internet drama when it comes to talking to peeps on here or anywhere else i have said this once and i will say it again "you can't give free speech to everyone as it would literally be a nest of hate speech and other nasty stuff that would be pretty much the evils of anarchism" in short i maintain my voice here as well as others who are respectful. As long as the narrative is controlled to what is and is not acceptable no hate speech against others will be occurred on my watch. it is a dangerous internet out there it is always wise to keep yourself safe from both enemies and hateful threats while also being yourself :ds_duck:
Kiazra Jun 6 @ 8:54am 
and if they made their own plugins we should be able to make a mod seperate from the nappycraft mod as the peep that has made it is extremely discriminatory towards our communities and to anyone who actually likes wearing and using diapers by choice. i personally hope someone sees this and gets the idea to make a separate mod for us and get the creator of nappycraft off of the web we already got enough hate on us since patron we don't need anyone else spreading misinformation and hate on our communities. i have been experimenting with modding myself while i don't know minecraft i may attempt to mod something in if i do i will post it outside of curse forge and put a notice here, but until then to whoever reads this see if you can make a separate mod for ABDL's for all versions of MC so that we can stop having to download an anti-ABDL persons mod