Wholesome 100

nuts even
Právě je offline
1 ban ochrany VAC | Informace
Poslední ban byl uvalen před 1298 dny
Přehlídka položek
Nedávná aktivita
94 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 26. kvě.
0,6 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 16. kvě.
21 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 4. kvě.
CoochiMan 25. čvn. 2020 v 9.22 
-rep is a walling noob
ElTiburonnn 15. čvn. 2020 v 18.22 
rep- walling most likly
soujuh 12. čvn. 2020 v 14.55 
-rep walls in silver
Zobus 9. čvn. 2020 v 14.33 
Hi, our team went to the finals of a decent tournament, but our player will not be able to take part in this match, we urgently need a stand-in who can replace him.
If we win this tournament, you will receive about $600~
Add my main account, if you're ready to compete https://steamcommunity.com/id/LilBosus/
Mantikora24 2. čvn. 2020 v 7.23 
Sup man, my friend recommended me to invite you to our team. We have flexible schedule and good salaries. So if you want to try - you're welcome :) Add my main to discuss all of this → https://steamcommunity.com/id/dungeon_mr
Gring O))) 30. dub. 2020 v 17.52 
-rep white