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397 h registradas
última sesión: 19 ABR
6,4 h registradas
última sesión: 24 FEB
138 h registradas
última sesión: 19 FEB
Mars Monkey 11 ENE a las 0:57 
kills teammates when he starts bottom fragging.
Obiwan Kenblowme 6 ENE a las 15:06 
-rep throws at cs garbage when trying
zamboni driver 6 ENE a las 15:05 
-rep throws games but doesn't really matter because hes just as ♥♥♥♥ when trying
Nugget 6 ENE a las 15:05 
-rep throws and complete ♥♥♥♥♥
diglett 6 ENE a las 15:04 
-rep throws and gets mad at teamates for no reason
ArcLight 6 AGO 2023 a las 23:39 
-rep throws and gets mad at teamates for no reason