South Africa
Of all games, I didn't expect to find a South African robot in Ultrakill.

With 8 hours of Disco Elysium now in my bloodstream, my wordiness rating has gone up, with a cosy Victorian air, well-maintained with nonchalance smoothness, avoiding a sesquipedalian temperature.

I recommend the documentary "African Addio", so long as you're old enough to see it. Lots of history to learn in it, but I wouldn't show it to a 10 year old, that's for sure.

My findings so far:

The video game company known as "Northwood" also secretively owns a few other businesses, under the names "Nordic Woodlands" and "Neven West Medical", which runs multiple hospitals and mental institutes across the USA.

Nordic Woodlands is an NGO (non-profit organisation) dedicated to the survival of forestry across the world, but most prominently in Poland; Northwood's country of origin.

While Nordic Woodlands broadens its focus internationally, Neven West Medical is entirely based in North America. And it has been brought to the Agency's attention that NWM has been supplying NordW with mental patients to be used as test subjects in increasingly Japanese experiments being conducted underneath the █████ █████. Notable scientists involved include Dr. Jamisha Pillington, sister/cousin/mother/wife (we haven't decided) of Jomfry Pillington, most wanted fugitive in the United States.

Neven West has also set up two (2) hospitals in Washington, whereas every other country Neven West has been based in has only had one (1) hospital.

Neven West, the NGO known as Nordic Woodlands, and their parent company, Northwood, are to be further investigated before serious action may be taken. Although real life anime girls will become a threat to the normalcy of the world, they are not as immediate as the Agency needs to send in a strike team.

Nerd? I see no nerd here.

He's in my sights.

The door was blossoming with fish-eyed serpents, half-buried and unearthing themselves from its mangled wood. They had no scales, and if it was skin, it was jet-black. If it was flesh, there were no apparent muscles.

The door creaked, and the handle turned. The serpents retreated into the door, then through the walls. Like pulsing veins, they squirmed under the sepia wallpaper.

A man, clothing identical to me, a goateed face staring back at me as I sat here, watching the worming snakes move in the walls, came over to me and picked up my empty bottle. He threw it across the room. It reached the window, and it shattered. Glass fell to the pavement four storeys below.

I looked at him and said, my thoughts in the future, my vision in the present, my sanity in the past:

"Dr. Freeman."

The radio stutters to life in your hands. It should be broken, with batteries ripped out and panels falling off, held by rusty screws.

Cautiously, you set it down, and begin to listen:

-- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .. ... / ..-. --- .-. / -. . .-. -.. ...
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TREPANG2: Horizon Needs You
Review Showcase
18.4 Hours played
With Cry of Fear there's no reason not to play this game other than you're scared of it. I can't count how many times the game startled me, better yet, unnerved me. My only issue with the game is why there isn't some kind of magical Resident Evil chest, where I can stuff all my loot and switch it out later. So many cool guns but I have to rely on the Glock most of the time. If it was a design choice, I wouldn't be surprised. Having to lose a cool gun because I needed single key sure does disempower me.

The streets and alleyways and apartment blocks and subways are portrayed really, really well in here. I may not live in Sweden yet I can tell this game was made by someone who lives there, breathes there, walks there. There's a lot of detail in the game, and with it, a lot of secrets and items.

In my first quarter of a playthrough I got stuck dozens of times and overall didn't enjoy the game much. Long story short, I actually just sucked and was either too scared or somehow too bored to continue. A month or so afterward I picked it up again and lo and behold I enjoyed it. I was frightened by it, sickened by it, and I loved it. The monsters that chase you and are battered on the head by you are grotesque, fast, and scary. In a game like Resident Evil you usually have time to get your bearings, aim, and shot. In Resident Evil 4, to speed up the gameplay, they had enemies run at you, then slow down and creep after you. In Cry of Fear they turned things up to eleven. Soon as they've spot you, heard you, they'll race after you immediately, never faltering or tiring.

By the end of my first full playthrough I got the best ending. This was a good and bad thing for me. It left a great taste in my mouth and I'd always remember it as the canon ending, but I'd miss out on these pages hidden throughout the game. The pages help you find secrets and items, and after getting the best ending I was completely unable to get them, so I have to use the wiki to unlock the rest of the items.

The music is akin to Silent Hill. It doesn't whisper to you, it screams, and the monstrous thing in front of you screams with it. Beats follow you as you run and pant. The atmosphere in this game is amazing. Some may say it just ripped off Silent Hill. I'll always believe it's a homage.

For your own amusement I recommend interacting with the dead cat you find. Keep interacting with it until you get a special text.
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RocketPillow May 2 @ 5:13pm 
Until I see faces in windows, statues that move when I blink, and armed forces arresting witches under the moonlight, this commission is nothing but a commission to me.
CD's_nuts May 2 @ 3:28pm 
when the SCP foundation is real
AP Art History Sep 10, 2023 @ 11:45am 
RocketPillow Dec 20, 2022 @ 2:07am 
Will do, thanks. To be frank, I sort of forgot it ever existed until now.
Emmanuel Dec 19, 2022 @ 7:02pm 
Hey man, just wanted to comment that I played that Stalcraft game and saw that you had it on your wishlist. The game is free, like 100% free because I just installed it without paying for anything

So yeah install and play since it's actually extremely fun and I'm having a blast
Booty Burgler Oct 11, 2022 @ 2:25pm 