I walked in on my sister making out with my girlfriend yesterday, she said "You have a specific butt-stuff vibe about you." I still don't know how to feel about it.
I have the world's largest collection of Taylor Swift memorabilia in the US. If you are interested in seeing my Swift Museum please come to my home at 1048 6th Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Guided tour fee is $30 but if you want the unguided tour I left a key underneath the potted plant outside. I also sell handmade TSwift figurines to guided tour attendees for $50 a pop, complimentary glass jars are provided upon request.
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andruwu Jan 13 @ 12:13am 
validate deez
andruwu Jan 13 @ 12:13am 
im trying to validate this system, but i keep hearing yiddish below
andruwu Dec 8, 2023 @ 7:34pm 
i am fr
pretty baba Sep 21, 2023 @ 5:46pm 
hey sorry for my earlier outburst the reason why i said all of those terrible things is because I have a microdick and i need to make fun of others to help myself sleep at night. seriously it is like someone glued an acorn above my balls
pretty baba Sep 15, 2023 @ 2:20pm 
your mom when me.... your when i .... when your
mom.... me when your mom.… me and your..... your mom and i when..... me when
pretty baba Sep 10, 2023 @ 1:25pm