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23.9 hrs on record (21.4 hrs at review time)
So when i first started playing this game i wasn't a big fan of it, i thought there were a lotta issues with it. I felt like the characters in the game didn't have much personality and i thought the game was just dead with no one playing it or still caring about it. But i was wrong, so very very wrong.

My first time playing the game i recorded it and uploaded it to so if you wanna listen to my previous, raw and unedited, thoughts they're right here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-vkdPex1qU

So i, and others, think that the characters in game (Lance, Liu, Quion and Nessa) weren't really characterised/have much personality. That is entirely incorrect, in your first playthrough of an episode (with for most people is gonna be the first episode, the longest episode) you're not going to get a good understanding of the characters. I believe some, if not all, voice lines have a specific "weight" that depicts how often they appear and most of those voice lines characterise the characters best.

(In my interpretation of the characters)

Lance is a rich, charismatic, pretty boy that attempts to use humour as a defence mechanism to help "lighten the mood" given their current situation. Lance is also the boss of everyone as he owns the company that either made the space ship they're on or owns that ship/other ships they go through

Liu is a highly energetic, somewhat seemingly childish, non-combative member of the team (who might even have autism or some other form of mental condition) and she's super excited about everything

Guion is a seemingly always happy (unless getting shot) headstrong security guard/security personnel that just wants to help everyone get through what they're going through

Nessa is a no-nonsense, seemingly stressed out, captain (or at least some form of pilot or co-pilot) that is slowly loosing hope about the current situation everyone is in

this is all a somewhat brief explanation of everyone but there's far more to them (such as Liu hating guns, having never used them before possibly implying shes a pacifist to some extent). All the info about the characters above, you're not gonna get this all from just one hour of playing the game, i'm still learning more about these characters after nearly 24 hours put into the game (with the most recent thing i've learned is that Guion has been in cryostatis/cryosleep for about 100~ years)

As i said before, not all of this info will be shown to you your first time playing the game. You need to play it a few times to learn this stuff. I personally found the game growing on me more and more the more i played it, i will say it gives a weird impression when you first start playing it (as you mainly think this is gonna be exactly like left 4 dead) but the more you play it the more you realise that its not trying to be a left 4 dead clone its trying to be its own thing and build off from left 4 dead

This game is, indeed, made by some of the people who made left 4 dead (With the biggest name from that being Chet Faliszek who wrote for left 4 dead, portal, tf2 and half life if i remember correctly. I might be a bit wrong but most of his work was on Left 4 dead and portal) but that shouldn't mean the game has to/needs to be left 4 dead 3, if you're expecting this game to be that then you've come into this game expecting the wrong thing and might ruin your experience because of it.

If you try and get into a public match then you're going to, sadly, be unable to as there's not enough players at the moment attempting to play public matches at all times BUT that doesn't mean the community is dead! The community is well alive and situated entirely inside of the official discord (link to it can be found in game in the main menu, just click the discord icon. You can also find the discord by searching the name of it "Stray Bombay" with the official community server check mark) Chet Faliszek hosts weekly get-togethers to play versus mode and try out new community created content and maps and frequently talks about the game on his youtube channel of the same name (link to it here https://www.youtube.com/@chetfaliszek )

There is a whole hell of a lotta passion put towards this game and into this game from the people who care about it, myself included, and i just wish others could appreciate this game for what it is rather than put this super high expectancy onto it simply because it has a few names attached to it who have worked on possibly some of the most popular games on steam.

Stray Bombay IS NOT Valve. Don't treat it, and the game they've made, like it's from Valve. Please play the game more before you give your opinion on it, i did that and was entirely incorrect and wrong. Don't be afraid of the 2 hour refund policy to possibly restrain yourself from having a fun time and a good experience. I will be honest and say this game does, indeed, have issues but those issues aren't tied to gameplay structure, world building, character building. They're simply tied to bugs, thats it! There's nothing inherently wrong with the game, the idea behind it, or the execution of it. The game just needs some TLC and it'll be great! (which is, sadly, something the game is scarcely getting as development for the game is limited due to limited resources)

P.S I owe Chet Faliszek/Stray Bombay £6.36 for buying the game only when it was on offer and not at full price
Posted June 7.
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8.9 hrs on record (3.5 hrs at review time)
It loses its charm very quickly

Once you play it for 3-4 runs you realise that the starting map is the exact same every time just with some doors blocked off, the monsters you encounter aren't really scary they're just weird. The game isn't difficult technically due to monster spawns being heavily tied to RNG. Sometimes you can explore the facility in its entirety and not encounter anything and sometimes you can find a monster right outside your landing pod, there's no consistency

Game is basically unplayable when you're playing solo/got no friends to play with meaning you gotta find random lobbies which have been having issues. Once you get into a lobby you're rolling the dice (at least for me) to get a lobby where people speak the same language as you do. The comedy/fun in the game is entirely dependant on everyone else in the lobby wanting to have fun/make jokes, if one person isn't doing that then it strains the fun with game heavily. If you get a lobby with a mute person? No fun to be had because you can't entertain yourselves

there's nothing to really work towards in the game, you're given a task to earn views and become popular but that's really it. You earn money from every video you upload but there's nothing to spend that money on, i don't know if there's more content coming to the game but if there's not? This game ain't gonna be anything more than "the game that went free for april fools" it needs more content ASAP

i don't know what the best way to fix the monster issue but the devs could at least add a proper random map generation instead of just random door generation

edit: Turns out all the maps are the exact same with just a few tiny changes, as you go further and further into a streak (not losing and continuously winning) it gets "harder" by increasing the spawn rate of more dangerous monsters but that's not really a difficulty increase thats just "hey, the things that can kill you instantly? Yeah, you're gonna see them more" which technically is a good thing because it increases the views you can earn
You also don't really have to work harder to gain more views, the first 3 days require you to get 3k views and then the next 3 days (days 4-6) ask you to get 45k but there's no real difference between the rate in which you earn views. When recording just a normal video with no rare monsters nor deaths you earn 1/3rd of the total required view count for the 3k requirement and the exact same things goes for the 45k requirement. Just a regular video with no deaths gives you 1/3rd of the view count for the 45k requirement! I haven't gotten past day 6 yet so i'm not too sure if that exact same thing happens further into the game but its not like Lethal company (the only other game in this new genera) where the number can become so high you just can't complete a quota, the number in this game just doesn't matter because you're going to be earning the same amount of views regardless unless if you run into a rarer monster or record one of your friends dying (which gives a big boost in views)

Once the devs fix the known issues with the game they NEED to put high priority in re-balancing the game to make it a challenge, the game can't be scary if it isn't challenging and if it isn't challenging then its not very engaging besides just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around with friends for an hour-2 hours
Posted April 6. Last edited April 10.
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2.2 hrs on record
this game made me Dead Hard so much i was incredibly Exhausted so much so that the killer Picked me up and Carried me to their Basement and Inserted their big "Hook" into me
Posted August 4, 2022.
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16.5 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
i was writing my review of this game and i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ closed the tab.

TRUST ME this game is not worth your time PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE trust me
Posted July 29, 2022.
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1.2 hrs on record

it is a time wasting scam that makes you do random ♥♥♥♥ for no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reason and makes that random ♥♥♥♥ you "need" to do take 2X longer because the game Dev's say so

this game is not scary at all, i genuinely thought i was playing as a schizophrenic due to when the "horror" part of the "game" started to begin stuff would just happen for no given reason besides "ooooo it's a spooky ghost whooooaiodjoshrfuowhw2hoifeh" people/ghost(s) would just appear, disappear and do dumb-ass ♥♥♥♥ without a purpose besides "scaring" the player but unless you are a youtuber or a five year old it will not scare you one bit

before i played this i had no idea so many youtubers played it when it came out (or around that time) and oh my god, i have not watched the videos they have made because why would i put myself through that overreacting-♥♥♥♥-storm of a "video" but considering what they are saying in their titles and thubnails they have found this game to be "scary" but (from my perspective) nothing has been an actual scare EXCEPT the into scene where the radio the main character and his wife are listening to where it mentions that Russia is considering/threatening to launch nukes (i think we all know why this is scary)

please, just don't buy this game, please don't. spend your time/money on something that might be fun or just something nice to do rather than let it go to waste so greedy/lazy "game" Dev's can have it
Posted May 9, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.6 hrs on record
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this game was bad, basically you are playing "coordanation simulator the game" you go to a place you take a picture and you head to the next one AND THATS IT. all events in the game are scripted and you can only die or "win" once you get the last node (or what SHOULD be the last node) AND non of your hard work goes to any use because all of the pictures you took could not be recovered from your ship (because i guess you had them on you and were not transmitting them to the people you are working for) i personally feel like the dev(s) made the game a chore just to waste your time, so many things are either unnecessary or just a pain because the dev(s) said so. if ya want a more in-depth analyses go look at this https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2790077449
it basically explains everything so i don't have to
Posted April 28, 2022.
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13.7 hrs on record (4.3 hrs at review time)
this is probably the most game ever made (take that how you will)
edit: it should have been called "The Stanley Parable 2, because the first one was so good we decided to put a number 2 next to it (and because it rhymes with boogaloo and electric like Mr Electric form shark buy and lava girl)"
Posted April 28, 2022. Last edited May 4, 2022.
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2.1 hrs on record
not much to say, it's the exact same last stand 1, 2 and "3" just with ai up-scaled textures and some steam achievements (i wish there were more and they were a bit more challenging but they aint :( ), if you like last stand 1, 2 and (you don't know what a good game looks like) 3 then you will enjoy this, way worth the purchase
Posted March 24, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
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57.2 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)

the story.. Jesus Christ, as i said no spoilers but god, but that was ♥♥♥♥, it's like fallout 4's story and days gone's story had a baby, you are sent into an area looking for someone you have NO emotional attachment to, and you risk your life (and mental well-being) just so you can get any info too see if she is even alive (yeah you don't know if she is or isn't so you are just hoping she is)

the game-play is actually amazing, one of (if only) the best parts of the game, though whenever you climb something you just kinda pray that techland ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up the geometry just enough so you can climb stuff (stuff that don't have ladder like property's)

missing content: do y'all remember the 2019 game-play? well i do, but techland don't, NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING from the 2019 game-play is here, not a single ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing, no drowners no chasing a vehicle while on a time limit NO NEW PART OF THE MAP TO EXPLORE DUE TO A CHOICE YOU MADE, THIS GAME IS A DOWNGRADE FOR 2019 I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BET IF COVID DIDN'T HIT THEN THE GAME WOULD BE WAY BETTER

the """"""""""""""choice"""""""""""""" system suck's, like idk what i can compare it too but it is pointless, the majority of them don't matter for an ending, forget what was seen in the 2019 game-play, everything is gone and nothing remains y'all remember downers? TECHLAND ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ DON'T, it's either ya piss off one person or the other ALSO LETS TALK ABOUT THAT FOR A SECOND, YOU DO ONE TINY THING WRONG AND YOU NOW HAVE MADE AN ENEMY BUY IF THEY BASICALLY TELL YA TO ♥♥♥♥ OFF OR JUST BETRAY YOU THEY GO "oh well i'm sorry please forgive me, here have.. like 100 coins and a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ weapon that you wont use due to it either not working with your build or just plain ♥♥♥♥" ♥♥♥♥ OFF, i actually wanted like 90% of the people in this game to die, hell if I had the option i would kill 'em all except for like maybe 1-10 of 'em (yeah i went on a rampage with my view of it, i don't give a ♥♥♥♥ playing this game gave me a migraine)

also Jonah's voice acting is amazing, one of the things that kept me playing was his voice acting 10/10

also ♥♥♥♥ the mo-cap/facial animations, it's really bad

♥♥♥♥ you techland, you made a ubisoft game, i knew as soon as you showed off that you were able to climb and "claim" watch-towers that this game was gonna be ♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥ you
Posted February 7, 2022.
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1,381.0 hrs on record (745.8 hrs at review time)
's decent
Posted December 22, 2021.
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