American Samoa, United States
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Crusading for Jesus
Ever since I joined the Order of Saint John, I dreamed of decapitating a Saracen. People tell me that being elected as the Pope is impossible and that I'm a Bible beater but I don't care, those guys are infidels. I'm having an exorcist attach a Crucifix to me and then Jesus will forever protect me throughout my journey to the Kingdom of Heaven.

From now on everyone should respect my right to be a Templar and my right to crusade; protecting my right of liberation. If you can't accept me you are a Christianophobe and should check your Muslim privilege, For those who do accept me as a humble Crusader, God Bless you for understanding. Deus Vult.
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669 hrs on record
last played on May 26
902 hrs on record
last played on May 26
303 hrs on record
last played on May 14