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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 12.9 hrs on record
Posted: Apr 21 @ 6:46am


=== ( 🎯 Difficulty ) ===
☐ No Difficulty
☐ Easy
☐ Standard
☐ Big Learning Curve
☑ Hard
☐ Impossible

=== ( 👪 Audience ) ===
☐ Everyone
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Mature

=== ( 👀 Graphics ) ===
☐ What Is This?
☐ Bad
☐ Acceptable
☑ Good
☐ Great
☐ Stylistic
☐ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece

=== ( Sound/Music ) ===
☐ Bad
☐ Nothing Special
☑ Okay
☐ Great
☐ Beautiful
☐ I´m Gonna Cry

=== ( 🌏 Story ) ===
☐ This Game Has No Story
☐ Nothing Special
☑ It´s Alright
☐ Well Written
☐ Epic Story
☐ Thinking About It, When I Sleep

=== ( Grinding ) ===
☐ Nothing To Grind
☐ Isn't Necessary To Progress
☑ Average Grind Level (Yeah, this is a problem)
☐ A Lot Of Grinding
☐ You‘ll Need A Second Life For Grinding

=== ( 💎 Price ) ===
☐ Free
☐ Underpriced
☑ Perfect Price
☐ Could Be Cheaper
☐ Overpriced

=== ( ☣ Requirments ) ===
☐ A Toaster Could Run This
☑ Low
☐ Average
☐ Above Average
☐ High End
☐ NASA Computer

=== ( ⏰ Game time/length ) ===
☐ Really short ( 0 - 4 hours)
☐ Short ( 4 - 12 hours)
☐ Average ( 12 - 24 hours)
☑ Long ( 24+ hours)
☐ Multiplayer/Neverending

=== ( 🐞 Bugs ) ===
☐ Game itself is a bug
☐ Lot of bugs
☑ Few Bugs (It's an open map, there's going to be some bugs)
☐ Nothing

=== ( Controller Support ) ===
☑ Yes
☐ no

=== ( Steam Deck Friendly ) ===
☑ Yes
☐ no

=== ( Enjoyment ) ===
☐ I´d Rather Watch Grass Grow
☐ Hard To Enjoy
☐ Repetitive
☑ It's Okay
☐ Fun To Be Had For Sure
☐ The Kind Of Fun You Will Remember
☐ Life Changing

=== ( Replayability ) ===
☑ One-Time Experience
☐ Only For Achievements
☐ If You Wait A Few Months/Years
☐ Definitely
☐ Infinitely Replayable/Multiplayer

=== ( Worth Playing ) ===
☐ No
☑ Wait For A Sale (Not because the price is steep, but because you might not like this)
☐ Yes
☐ I Can´t Recommend It Enough

⭐️ Learning skills, but not by levelling.
⭐️ Perfecting your attacks.

💎 No levelling up system.
💎 RPG elements but this is far from an RPG.

💼 Open World.
💼 Survival.
💼 Souls-like.

+ It takes more than just one button to cast a spell, there's a about 2-4 steps to cast a spell, this is pretty unique!

+ The survival mechanics are spot on! If this was thrown into a more handheld game, I would have adored this!

+ Going on adventures takes preparation, you can't just go out there and expect an easy fight.

+ There's a co-op mode! This is a game changer for a lot of people!

- No map markers, I can't sit here and say this is a good thing, I like a little bit of a guide on where to go, but this has nothing! Probably why I disliked this game.

- I know this is a cruel world but why make a game this cruel too? For the first 5-7 hours, you're pretty much sneaking around to scrounge up silver, that may sound like a fun game to some people but not for me.

- It's NOT an RPG if there's no form of levelling up system, I'll probably get some heat for saying this but my argument is valid!

- The weight of certain items, the game forces you to sell goods, so why make items so heavy?

I'm not going to sit here and ♥♥♥♥ all over this game because I didn't like it, but i'm not going to be fake and say it's a good game. I sit with the people who don't see this as an RPG and more of a survival game with a few RPG elements. This is the biggest problem towards the game, it's borderline false advertisement since it pulls RPG players like me to buy this title.

It's a very well made game with very good survival mechanics, that's the solid truth. A lot of players will enjoy what the game is giving which makes this very hard to thumbs down but I can't ignore how misleading the game is, i'm probably going to get heat for being an ass but I'm a critic and I want to get my message across to perhaps help other gamers avoiding the trap I fell into.

If you're still curious or unsure about Outward then get it on a 50% discount, who knows, you might like this game, i'm just here to give you a little heads up.

Total Score = 58/100.

Outward includes several survival aspects, such as having to carefully watch one's warmth, hunger, fatigue and thirst. It's also possible for the player character to suffer from such conditions as a cold, a disease or indigestion. Losing all of one's health in battle can lead to a variety of consequences, including being imprisoned by enemies or being brought back to safety by an NPC.

The game has an auto-save system, meaning the player is unable to manually save and return to earlier saves upon death or other such setbacks. While the game has a magic system, spells were specifically designed to be challenging to obtain. Similarly, skills and stat increases must all be earned by completing quests for NPCs or paying experts to receive training. Quests have multiple outcomes, and success or failure can permanently affect the game world and how the story progresses, such as a character being convinced to stay in a faction, or an important city being permanently destroyed if the player fails to kill certain characters.

■■■■■□□□□□ 5/ 10
It's not an RPG game.

OS: Windows 7 or better
Processor: Intel Core i5
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 960
Storage: 51 GB available space
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