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71.1 hrs on record
This game is really good, defo one of the best co-op shooters I've played in a long while.
I hope Sony understands how much they almost ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the game up.
I'm glad they backed down, whether or not it's for good will be revealed in time, but for now:

5/5, highly recommended
Posted March 6. Last edited May 6.
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1,246.2 hrs on record (731.7 hrs at review time)
was gonna rate 4/5 but it has gangnam style so 5/5
Posted October 21, 2022. Last edited February 9.
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11.3 hrs on record (9.9 hrs at review time)
It's just not good (Right now).

(++) Music, Amazing stuff, almost makes up for all my complaints
(+) New guns, Shotguns, Laser Pistols, Bullpups, good stuff
(+) Body Switch System, Very creative
(+) Vehicle System, Feels nice to use
(+) Sandbox Levels, Halfway Park is amazing

I bought a pair of Index controllers just to play this (I'm on Vive) and if it weren't for the fact that they're amazing controllers I would have felt real cheated right about now.
(-) Campaigns alright, but levels feel smaller and way more linear, likely to make the game fit on the Quest.
Boneworks had massive levels with intertwining paths and in comparison Bonelab just feels disappointing.
(--) Climbing is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ atrocious, genuinely horrendous, even worse when using certain characters. It's so bad that it's my biggest gripe with the game.
(-) Slow motion is still not toggleable and unlike in Boneworks where you could just get a custom controller bind, doing so with Bonelab just doesn't work sometimes.
(FIXED) I used to be able to do tricks with guns in Boneworks, like flippin' them and catching them in mid-air, trying to do this in Bonelab results in failure 90% of the time, gripping requires a trigger pull on top of regular gripping now (either that or the game just doesn't register the pickup).
(-) Melee weapons still have bad grips, thought they'd fix that.
(-) Aiming feels off. I played Boneworks so much I didn't even need to aim down the sights to get headshots and even though this game is on the same engine, it feels completely different, I swear sometimes it feels like there's random spread on the guns.
(FIXED) Tower Climb makes me want to eat my own ribs and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ die (same with the moon level but that's honestly my fault for missing the map at the start)
(LIKELY FIXED) And of course the bugs, as I'm writing this there still hasn't been a patch to fix infinite loads or crashes, it's probably right around the corner though.

(?) The story, Boneworks wasn't really too big on story, doesn't make much sense for the sequel to be either, it's fine.
(?) Artstyle, A lot of people moan about the Bone games' artstyle with it looking like a unfinished mish-mash of assets, but what people don't get is that's literally the point.
MythOS is a work-in-progress virtual world that has to account for various artstyles for different sceneries, It's the whole point and I'm glad they kept it for Bonelab.

Some bugs have been fixed and both Tower Climb and The Moon level have been updated.
Tower Climb no longer has the god-awful random avatar changing and there's an actual checkpoint on the mid section of the level, you'll no longer have to restart the entire level if you die.
The Moon Level has numerous pointers to where you're supposed to go now.

Turns out this game used to have sub-par Index controller support, gripping required a trigger pull on top of gripping, which if you don't know feels really uncomfortable. The only fix was either trying custom control schemes or installing OpenXR toolkit, both of these barely did anything. This has all been fixed now.
I really haven't experienced a infinite load or crash in a long while, it could still be happening for some, but personally not with me.

Small Note:
From what I can guess from my playthrough, the reason this game doesn't officially support the Vive Wands is because of the go-kart/updated crouching/auto-sit, just a note for you dudes still using the original controllers.

This game can get better and it probably will, but this review wasn't written in the future, it reflects the game's current state.
I'll obviously update this review once everything gets ironed out, cause it'd better.

6.5/10, not great, not terrible.
Posted October 16, 2022. Last edited November 21, 2022.
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121.6 hrs on record (117.6 hrs at review time)
This game is a once in a lifetime experience, I genuinely want to erase my memory so I can experience it all over.
If you're choosing between this and BONELAB, choose BONEWORKS, I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ beg of you.

Posted October 16, 2022. Last edited February 9.
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9 people found this review helpful
25.0 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I barely ever make reviews, but i really need to say this:
This game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing.

Like, I despise Rougelikes for real, but this game somehow transcends even my hatred for the genre.
I'd go as far as to say it's up there with BONEWORKS and Half-Life: Alyx in terms of how good it is.

Overall 4/5, Well worth the full price.
Posted December 5, 2021. Last edited February 9.
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