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УберСтас May 18 @ 11:52am 
49 чел ну этот который эти
w1tch3r007 Apr 8 @ 12:06pm 
у меня папа миллионер он тебя купит, он крипто инвестор у него джип и дорогие дома у меня дома 4 телевизора и целых 2 микровалновки у меня у папы свой бизнесс он продает аружие в чичню
УберСтас Mar 7 @ 12:32pm 
the guy in the video is called jay and as I've seen in some of the comments,yes this was a house flood.to clear the elephant in the room,the reason this got uploaded was that it was that although it looks like the whole house went up in water,it didn't really even spread throughout all of his room,leaving a reasonable portion (30%)relatively in tact.miraculously,although his computer wouldn't turn on,the hard drive was still in tact and he was able to recover the video after the water was dried. the reason the video cut off was that the water had soaked through the power cable leading to his computer.water department managed to dry the water not long after it had started and the only real damage was most of his room and a bit of the hallway.a few months after the flood he decided to edit and upload the video on a friends computer,as there was no way he would loose out on the comedic advantage of his house catching water in the midde of a numa numa parody.he and all of his family is ok
УберСтас Jan 25 @ 11:47am 
w1tch3r007 Nov 22, 2023 @ 3:22am 
1.minecraft is a entire rip off of legos. not the other way around.2. i played with legos a long time before minecraft was a dirty thought in mojangs head. and i will be playing with legos for the rest of my life. can you say that about minecraft? you can only bash so many dirpy skeletons and exploding green d$%#s before you switch to creative. then once you have made piston clocks, and computers you will rely on fan made mods to keep the game fresh at all. and as for the controls. i used xpadder and had zero issues with the control scheme. you all sound like a bunch of babies. just saying
УберСтас Nov 17, 2023 @ 5:43pm 
Сердечник Шевцов:DSTpigman: