Owen Chivot
No information given.
Review Showcase
22 Hours played
A fine roguelike card game that falls short of taking the genre to the new heights in spite of its commendable innovations.
I recommend Beneath Oresa to those who like its style & it's positioning system, but who are not tired of this kind of card games.

I loved Beneath Oresa's joyous, tense fights based on a refined positioning system. I liked its honest difficulty, intriguing lore, striking world &, most notably, the faction system allowing to represent various facets of three unique gameplay styles through each of this faction's characters.

However, I lament the lack of quality-of-life features & run variety as characters often fail to sufficiently inform their faction's playstyle, & card selection sometimes makes it hard to specialise into a synergistic strategy instead of chasing the best numbers.

I'd encourage Beneath Orsea or one of its heirs to hone in on the positioning system, & on the faction & character system to make each character almost play a different game from the others through unique synergies! Maybe the rogue-like aspect isn't even needed to make the most out of these characters & world.