🖤   Hampshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
On the eve of "Pride Month" 🤢 I'd like to remind everyone that the best way to support Alphabet People like me, is to not act like they're some sort of fragile special group that needs an entire month dedicated to praising their mere existence.

Pride month is cringe. Reject it. You'll get section 18'd
C9 is the Future

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2346 dia(s) desde o último ban
LunarHalo69 30 jul. 2023 às 20:08 
That guy silent terror is crazy invested into I:SS. I got banned from steam discussions for mentioning how the previous devs released an inhouse hack and basically ruined the game.

He responds with a similar cookie cutter response when anyone mentions it. I often see people in the forums who get banned when they ask 'tough' questions that don't fit the 'ITS SUCH A GREAT GAME" theme.

bunch of douche bags running Infestation: Survivor Stories now. Silent Terror is prime candidate #1
BLVKLVND 1 fev. 2023 às 7:14 
You know i've got to you, private that profile somemore bud. Nonce, funny how your dad is legit on the sex offenders list. I'd hide also if that was the case. Poor ♥♥♥♥♥♥ :lunar2019coolpig:
BLVKLVND 25 jan. 2023 às 6:04 
I mean thats you boyo, might wanna get them yellow teeth sorted out you 4eyed nonce
BR 20 jan. 2023 às 4:54 
Im guesing youre on about league who the ♥♥♥♥ plays league havnt played in years. Well whos ever league account your looking at and facebook account clearly isnt mine LMFAO IMAGINE trying to DOX thinking youve got all the info then fall flat on your face with all the wrong info. xDDDDDDDDD. Sit down and shutup you drip clearly your licking floors lmao.
BLVKLVND 19 jan. 2023 às 5:11 
27hr game time, 10x your elo
BLVKLVND 19 jan. 2023 às 5:11 
If you're not challenger then you're low elo. I bet you're hardstuck silver for 4 years running, claiming you're a 4fun kid.