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36.6 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Now, my dream has been fulfilled! since 15 years ago I played that starshiptroopers FPS I has always want been want charging up and face the bugs with my friend like this.
wonderful game, solid game play loop, but has some gun play issues and lack of content, but I am confident this is going to be a "fun" team shooter.

so far I give it 11/10.
service guarantees citizenship! Do you like to know more?
Posted May 20, 2023.
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2,753.1 hrs on record (2,339.0 hrs at review time)
one after another, every single time that it is been proved an health gaming experiences and relationship between dev and player base is the key for a long term investment. we pay our time and money in exchange of happiness, but when dev took it away and treat us as their salves - makes us into their "gaming machine" to rise up their total play time. Then, we shall choice something else to pay our time and money, cause we deserves better, we deserves to earn equal amount of SL and RP to how much time and real money we invest into the game. return the economy system to what it was before (maybe around 2020), and there will be room for players to actually enjoy their investment, as this game's content should not just be "grind"!.

and fix your heil PVE mode for the beginner heil, they are getting slaughtered by those cold war radar AA. have you even test how hard is it for a beginner heil like AH-1G HU-1D without rocket computer to do those PVE mission? THEY can't even get close, they must relay on others to take out AA first, while all others are just bot that don't want grind, this is really something a unhealthy game mod change.
Posted May 19, 2023.
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32.8 hrs on record (11.5 hrs at review time)
Review in short:
They make seat for 10 hour 48 min for completing the game on hard difficult.
The only reason I left my seat is either to take a dump in bathroom, so I won't make my room a mess like other "key subject"
or my MOM rush in the room with BOSS MUSIC in the background yelling me for lunch.

They manage to keep the original plot and add in more chara building for both main and side chara, ( Isaac did say the wrong thing on vid call lol) , the big twist in the end with cross, I must say: a job well done!

while on the other hand, I keep getting fooled by my old memories for enemy spawn and other details, even for a long time fan, this is some fresh experiences.

so 9.5/10, go play it yourself!
(and if you wonder where the rest 0.5 go? I got stuck in the infinite loading screen 3 times after I die to some accident, yes I have no death due to combat but 6 from pure hazard and 1 from looting things for too long and miss the recall session)
Posted January 27, 2023.
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52.7 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
A good game concept, but balancing badly on the levels and tech progression. if you are very tolerance towards to time and failures, yes this is a good game for you, taking you dozens hours to overcome some odds that first seems difficult.

since game doesn't have a difficult setting, so you won't able to make the game fit your style, but you try to fit the game, which could be difficult for many people.

so here are my key winning factor of my run:
1.stay as long as possible, mine everything from chapter 1-earth 2-ice 3-debrid
2.get the tech lab upgrade as soon as possible (chapter 2), then farm, and garbage! yes I mean garbage I will address the reason below.
3. specialized sections, no sections need to be jack all trade, they can provide things to each other, just make sure you have some optimal route, (or this is just gonna take sometime).
4.shut down things that you don't use. (this is really important, since you won't able to use solar power along to power the entire 6 full developed section)
5. DOG! that little angle saved my ass.

Detail review:
I played two runs and completed the game, the first run end due to risky action and lack of iron, which in the second run I collect every single material in the chapter 1, when I left for chapter 2 I already stored up to 1800 steel in total, and since I didn't realize the importance of upgrade the lab's production level, so I only begin to relay on self-development in chapter 3(since when fully upgraded you get 5 science point every 3 cycle, compare to the 1 science every 10 cycle without upgrade.

and I hear you yelling in the back: but since you jump three times, and you ship is losing over 100 hull point every cycle, how you able to stay in one star system for over 6 year, since there ain't enough iron in the system!
- and you are half correct and wrong, you see iron does run out and there ain't new resources coming in, which we will need to generate on our own, that are --------------------- garbage -----------------, since I mentioned, in chapter 3 you will at least end up with 2000 crews (3000 more from the star system), and then you can research the what protocol for your housing and cells, so they generate tons of garbage base on the populations, and you know what is next, send garbage to the recycling center and 2 of them will be enough to last you over for a long time (if you upgrade the hull repair speed in EVA hatch as well as making the section space specialized, you iron cost will below your recycling rate for sure.

and you be facing three major issues: room, housing and food.
food can be solve with a fully upgraded water recycling combined with a full room of farm. 4 farm and I was able to feed 10K of crew. (which the game only provide you bit over 5000)
housing - combine the cell with the best apartment, just make sure half of the crew is living better housing you get + 3 bonus, (don't forgot the dog in chapter 3)
Room - sometimes, you just need to turn one section into a storage room, and don't worry about transfer them after the drone upgrade.

so in the end 6.5/10 I would say,
+ music
+ somewhat freedom in design and building
+ beautiful stars and back ground
+ somewhat bug free (at least I did't counter any)
short story-line
grinding for repair and research
Long list of research, but must follow certain path in early game
- fixed outcome, no replay value
- Cargo ship AI, when you whole 9 ship fleet went for a single iron, while the first pick up the thing, the rest just come back empty instead go for other iron lies around
- Accident everyday
- No difficult setting
- sometimes AI are stupid, and forgot to eat ( even with the power on)

things could be improve with more update or mods
I would like to see the ship expanding with 10 section and over 10K of crew

Posted December 11, 2022.
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86.7 hrs on record (28.6 hrs at review time)
lot of new idea and game play choice, the combat system look better, but enemy AI are kind stupid....... and the AI for you own people back in shelter is even worse, they require constant directing and order to keep themselves "alive", even on normal difficulty, I can't leave my screen for over 10 minutes without the entire place burn to the ground, much different compare to the first game.

2022 NOV update, bad news for the game, Devs are forced to go due to various issues, but there are still two crew working on the game for bug and fix, and even released a major patch one month after announce they let the dev team go, I can't recommend game, but I can recommend gamer to support the responsible Devs.
Posted May 6, 2022. Last edited November 17, 2022.
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17.2 hrs on record (8.8 hrs at review time)
珍爱生命远离动物园,挖到老虎立刻卖了。 相信我你不希望成为东德修车工兵尤其是后期不带老练那种。
Stay away from those tiger and panther if you want live! even you just dig the ground and find them, sold them right away, you don't want to be end up like the pioneer in company of hero 2. " we are dying here!"
Posted February 22, 2020.
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121.9 hrs on record (95.6 hrs at review time)
2年前 2个“少年”无意间穿越成为了大叔并坠机进入了这片野蛮的森林,不久后他们伫立在天坑前,一个疯狂的想法在她们的脑中回响。。。。。。。。。。。
在那之后2个月后 天坑旁的森林秃了一大块,而天坑上却出现了一条直通坑底的木梯,1300多根木头,4个幸存者。


云端存档 10/10! 我和DR花了2个月 砍了300多棵树 生存模式撸出天坑台阶 还烧了我台电脑..... 如今本来还打算再重启这个建造计划 结果一看存档还在。 不说了 好评!
Posted April 18, 2019.
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1.2 hrs on record
据说剩下的3个BB角色是 9 正义女 和麻衣
照美大爷你死的好惨啊 果然粉丝向万岁 ES都能因为剧情被搞进这作(感觉进这作的BB女性角色貌似都有胸大的共同特点,某两个女主除外)
没有照美还想让我喊 真香???
Posted June 24, 2018.
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23.7 hrs on record (20.7 hrs at review time)
大量剧透 (读前三思)
话说我咋看出了死亡空间的影子。 两作游戏第一代都是东拼西凑一大堆信息最后结局给你个大反转,然后埋下伏笔给第二代。
二代两座游戏都是一条主线,然后中间不断反转然后good ending。
火药捡垃圾这类新的系统加入,给了玩家们更多硬钢的理由,不像一代子弹打完必须找新的,这里你直接作就好了。武器升级和技能升级被分开,再一次强制玩家选择杀怪。 我打个比方,探索地图给你的是少量脑残液和大量资源用来升级武器和制作弹药,但是杀怪则会给你大量脑残液。然而慢动作技能要75000脑残液,差不多意思你要一路不杀怪躲到boss战那么你能升级的技能全都只能是基础。 相比起战斗,有时候逃跑和躲藏的压迫感才是享受(喜欢的人可以去试试一代的KIDMAN DLC 大量逃跑少量战斗。d
然后来说说主线,这座游戏从一开始就给你埋下伏笔,可以说从kidman说的那句 “and someone will be in there for you” 最终的boss已经明确了,你的老婆会因为某种理由成为你救出女儿前的最后一道障碍。开始的相机变态和一代鲁本很像,闪现,神经质但是他话特别多。诶 社会我鲁爷人狠话不多,化身莱斯利再战50年。 而这代的相机变态就是有无数机会干掉S叔结果玩脱了。
二五仔是你!没错这作的二五仔特别多,kidman的4人二五仔小队,结果小队里又出了个二五仔黑人,黑人收了这个相机变态让他抓S叔女儿,结果这个相机变态也是个二五仔想占有己用。。。。。。。。。。。。所以黑人藏得很好,他的出现的确是个一个“惊喜” 当然我的确喜欢他变成前座3个boss让我打的感觉
前期小boss尸体贞子: 相机男的创作物 rebirth(重生)
前期相机变态:主要人物描述:S叔办公室文件,收集文件,人物接触和虚影。 因为战争中拍照然后负伤导致价值观扭曲。
中期小boss 欧尼尔(火男):第一个在stem内遇到的友好NPC,人物接触,虚影和忏悔。
后期结局老婆:主要人物描述:S叔办公室文件,手机文件,S叔的投影机,人物接触和虚影。 为了保护女儿被保护人格侵蚀扭曲。
相比前前座的小boss和最终boss的各种联系 (贞子是烧伤的鲁本姐,箱子男是鲁本的保险箱,电锯男则是鲁本狂暴的化身)
然后是各个角色退场的时间,和cod无限战争不一样最后集体领便当,这座游戏的5人小组的死亡时间非常宽松,使得你能有时间和每个人接触并了解他们 当然队长H哥除外。 3张主要的沙盒地图 剧院区,居民区和骨髓空间,都有一名队员,并且他们的退场时间都是在13章之后,在这之前你就已经和他们经历了很多,一起死会让你觉得比较感谁死的比较打击你,但是一个个有顺序并且因为不同理由退场反而会让人更加惋惜。并且黑人skyes并不算死亡只是不明。
之前755 打一代30帧不到差点要了我老命
Posted October 16, 2017.
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0.1 hrs on record
哪个开火动作为啥看的这么不协调,看着我心疼,然后就是后勤部分,貌似这游戏没后勤 取而代之的是一种活动==选择消耗你一队特定人物的体力 根据他们的特长来回报你==真的==真爱党表示要死了,还有就是开发肝肝肝,我的肝啊,肝完发现==欸 貌似要的材料是你想象中的3被,啊你说啥我的材料被我拿去开发科技了。
最后的最后 剧情党(个人原因) 我实在对这个剧情无爱。

Posted September 4, 2017.
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