name jeff   United States
Review Showcase
21 Hours played
A terrifying, consistently tense, overwhelmingly creative psychological horror experience. The story is surely hard to grasp, however the material is there, you just have to dig in to fully understand what's going on (which I don't mind at all).

There were a few frustrating negatives, though. Clunky controls which are mainly caused by the weirdly long character action animations, and some sections surely overstay their welcome. For me at least, this was a really hard game. I had died 101 times by the end. For context, I am a huge soulsbourne fan and noticed some sections were plain hard, but some were just downright unfair or didn't work. I had to lock a boss fight near the end of the game into animations just to melee them enough times to get past because I had absolutely no ammo. Some annoying cheap "difficulty" tricks in the level design, too.

With all that yapping aside,
I think this is great, despite its annoying faults. This thing is just a ball of creativity, and genuinely feels like messy piece of art on a canvas towering over you.
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