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Évaluations récentes de Mr.Yort

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1.8 h en tout
The game has some moments where it shines in terms of story telling and atmosphere. Despite that there really isnt much to it other than its message. My VIdeo Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycJuUEQOKv8&spfreload=5
Évaluation publiée le 2 janvier 2017.
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14.2 h en tout (13.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Overall I felt that its a good game worth the price of addmision. Decently optimized and beautifull to boot. My one major gripe is the lack of innovation in the core gameplay .

Video review here
Évaluation publiée le 18 décembre 2016.
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348.7 h en tout (79.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Fallout 4 in a nutshell

The Good: Fallout 4 is a good game worthy of a full price purchase, but it is also overall a let down for me as a fan of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The game's gunplay is the best it has been in the series and I would never go back. I never understood why so many rpgs had to have awkward clunky combat, Fallout 4 says no to that and mixes it with an improved VATS system for a very gratifying combat experience. Even though the visuals are not the best in the industry they are still a huge improvement over previous game and some of the remolded enemies such as ghouls actually look horrifying. The voice acting cast has been expanded and improved upon. Finally the world of Boston is big unique and I loved every minute of it.

The Bad: Being a Bethesda game I expected a fair number of glitches and problems, that being said considering that my personal experience with Skyrim at launch was fine for the most part I had expected less bugs and glitches, I was sadly mistaken. In some respects this the worst offender. I encountered a glitch where I couldn't use the elevator to go to the top of a building I would get caught in an invisible wall. I had to console command cheat on a main story mission to access a crucial part of the game. Being forced to do that is just sad and I was hoping for better from Bethesda, despite their track record.

I did my best to get used to the MC Main character voice actor and new dialogue system but after almost 80 hours of gameplay I have to say it is worse than in previous games. While I am judging Fallout 4 as its own game to illustrate my point I will use New Vegas as my example. In New Vegas your MC had very little background info and honestly that was a brilliant move on the writer's part. Being an RPG I could make up my own backstory almost anything and it would jive well with the rest of the game. Because the MC in New Vegas is a blank slate that allows the player to really make the character they want to and identify with them more. Fallout 4 does tell a decent and gripping story but it clashes with what the player wants their character to be. As for the dialogue system, I found it was limited at best and annoying the worst of times. In previous game I felt more immersed in the world because I could ask detailed questions about the world from NPC's. Due to having only 4 options at any given time three is you never use sarcastic, the result is a dialogue system the that tries too hard when the simple system from previous games just worked.

One final minor gripe I had was I had to dig really deep to find interesting quests. No quests like Those, Agatha's Song, or even the Misfits are present. Most of what I found was "Hey go here find this artifact", previous games also had this but it was the people you met and the places that made the quests interesting. Remember in fallout 3 when you found that group of raiders who were "Vampires". I could be wrong but based on my experience Fallout 4 does have some interesting quests but it mostly contains uninteresting filler side missions.

I have more good and more bad to say but If I kept going this would be a novel length. Would I say you should buy it? Yes I would say it's worth the purchase but it is a departure from previous games. Some changes are better than others but it is still a very fun game.
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2015.
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