Kamali   Canada
pc specs:

cpu: intel pentium 4 (80mhz] runs like a charm
gpu: integrated into the pentium chip
ram: 3gb ram
cpu cooler: i actually installed a mini fan into the computer so that i save money
motherboart: frogot the name but it didnt have a pcie slot which didnt matter anyway, its red colored which is nice
poiwer supply: like 80 milowhats
ssd: idk what that is
pc case: tuba
현재 오프라인
아트워크 전시대
최근 활동
기록상 1.3시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 5일
기록상 363시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 5일
기록상 25시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 6월 4일
RaptorianKing 2024년 5월 29일 오후 5시 17분 
bowelr hat tiem, start bowlerhatmaxxing
bruh 2024년 5월 29일 오후 5시 05분 
KAY so I am angry about one of the most coveted tenets of neckbeard culture. Their most exalted item of clothing. Their most revered headgear, even more so than their chinese-made Naruto headband. Their Fedoras.

I, personally, have always felt an affinity towards early 20th century culture, and the appropriation of many of its tenets by the neckbeards angers me. (Obviously those were not good times for a large portion of society, and I do not claim it as such. I merely believe that there were high points that we could take note of going forwards.)

Neckbeards have taken this perfectly defensible, innocent, and attractive object, and soiled it with their attitudes and general negative perception in society.

Sorry if this wasn't really an interesting rant but it felt good to get out there. How do you guys feel about the fedora as an item of clothing (in its original context)?
RaptorianKing 2024년 5월 25일 오후 10시 46분 
whaterver makes you happy bro
bruh 2024년 5월 25일 오후 10시 16분 
i am nor in crisis skyalr!@ i am the craysis
bruh 2024년 5월 21일 오후 12시 48분 
iam calzn IRS
RaptorianKing 2024년 5월 19일 오후 9시 41분 
yea so what, here he is right here ->:blasbaby: