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Baldur's Gate 3
Show me da wae
作成者 - kuro mewsagi
Some people might have trouble nepping, due to their lack of nepping experience. This guide will teach you how to nep like a nepping pro who neps Nep Neps every day since the early days of nepping.
Told myself to abandon all hope. Paradox created. 10/10
記録時間: 28 時間
記録時間: 9.3 時間
6月5日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 1,265 時間
6月5日 に最後にプレイ
Kirin 2017年2月17日 22時53分 
You have been warned in Gnomeball Field, Let me tell you something friend. I remember one day I had to write an essay about anything. It could've been anything at all. Ya know what I decided to write about? I decided to write about Windows 98. Why Windows 98? Because, my friend, its such an interesting system. It was the last Operating System to use the FAT32 file system, isn't that neat? Doesn't that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ intrigue you? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ no it doesn't. You know why? Because you're a regular human being unlike myself.

If my parents hadn't plopped me in front of a computer back in 1999 I may not have been the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up individual who's beyond all hope that I am now. As soon as I saw that screen I was hooked almost instantly.
Fluffy Bottoms 2013年3月23日 7時55分 
Hi there! ^_^