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Recent reviews by Engels can suck my balls.

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1 person found this review helpful
18.5 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
Buggy. Occasionally I or one of my friends would be forced to swing from what should have been an "out of bounds" area. The quitting point for me was when there was a hole in the course that counted as an "out of bounds" area. I made it over the obstacle and then somehow glitched or lagged back into it and was force to go again.
Posted September 11, 2021.
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0.0 hrs on record
Really disappointing DLC for me as a Byzantophile. You start of as a monarchy but have to flip fascist in order to reform Byzantium? Hello? its incredibly frustrating to have Byzantium locked behind a single long focus tree. What if i want democratic or communist Byzantium? welp guess i can go ♥♥♥♥ myself. to be fair the other paths get other formables, but paradox is lying to themselves if they think anyone plays Greece to do anything but form Byzantium. A problem with the DLC as a whole is the focus trees are so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ long. Its flooded with 70 day focuses and you cant really do anything until 1940. Also for some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ reason Romania consistently guarantees turkey. why on gods green earth? I think they were trying to simulate the Balkan pact but realistically that shouldn't happen. The balkan pact was a treaty promising to suspend territorial disputes not the Romanian superhero treaty.
Posted October 29, 2020.
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10.6 hrs on record (8.6 hrs at review time)
A good quality game but there are a few improvements that would make the game just a little better
1) skills. As of right now skills are just a waste. i never invest in them because its so impossible to ever get decent use out of them. Instead of being tile based if you could somehow target areas in between tiles they would be useful
2) better AI for archer units. right now archers target the first viking that comes into their range which really can hamper their usability. I don't want my archers focusing shield units (which are basically immune to arrows) when units without shields are literally right next to them
3) Pikemen. Pikemen really feel like a painful and useless investment right now. sure they shred melee units early game but they get completely slaughtered by archers and their "cant attack while moving" penalty is way to harsh. it seems the individual men in the pike unit refuse to attack until all their buddies arrive and then get slaughtered (although i haven't seen this with pike units rushing to the coast to fight landing vikings just with vikings already on land). I have tried using their charge ability to counter archers but like all others it sucks. you can only charge in a straight line that means you cant hide behind cover and then rush around a building with a pike charge. Also pikemen can get "overwhelmed" which is about the silliest thing i have ever heard. if you have a square of pikemen standing still and guys with swords charging at them the swords would lose every time. Changing any one of these weaknesses in the pikemen would turn them into a unit worth using.
Posted May 3, 2020.
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313.6 hrs on record (215.5 hrs at review time)
There are massive connection issues, gamebreaking bugs, and frequent crashes. I would say in my typical squad of four people at least 2 people crash every day which is just unacceptable. There are a multitude of frustrating bugs including: falling out of your vehicle on your screen but you're body is in the car and you cant move, getting permanently downed and unable to get picked up, a sound glitch where everyone can hear you continuously reloading which annoys your squadmates and gives away your position, sometimes you will see people warping between two different locations at lightspeed but they are actually at neither location and are now permanently invisible to you, and finally vehicles can get a mind of their own flying straight into the air or just sliding around the ground with no driver in sight. Then there is the absolutely abysmal connection issues. The minigun lags the game out to a standstill often giving the player using it a massive advantage. People often kill you without swinging their melee's shoot you without looking at you, or the classic standing completely still as you mag dump them and then they teleport behind you and you're suddenly downed. The devs have announced they are starting up development again and are working on a new map, which should be on the bottom of the laundry list of issues and bugs with the game they need to deal with first. The game has a nice novelty to it and is fun to play with friends, but I often find myself dropping the game for a few months before picking it up again because the multitude of issues just wear my patience down.
Posted April 11, 2020.
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22.6 hrs on record
Played this game for a while now and its pretty fun but the guns are ridiculously inaccurate Some revolvers will have only 60% accuracy when you stand still and have both hands on the gun. I'm cross dominant and left handed and even I can hit my target more often than that at the gun range. Then there is your accuracy while moving. With a few rare exceptions it is always 1%. This game is honestly trying to tell me that 99 times out of 100 that while i walk somewhat quickly I miss a target at least a 1.5 ft wide and almost 6 ft tall even when we are mere inches away from each other? In order for the bullets to miss as often as they do in close quarters combat they would have to come out of the side of the barrel. The solution to these issues are fairly simple: Just factor distance into accuracy. It makes no sense for me to miss a full grown man with a gun when i have it practically up his ass just because I was holding w. If I am 20 ft away from him then missing is a bit more likely since there is more time for the bullets trajectory to make it miss my target.
Posted December 4, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.0 hrs on record (0.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
After playing a few rounds I am really not that impressed with this game. As other reviewers have pointed out this game is focused around knock back, and that is a terrible mechanic. anyone who has played TF2 knows what I'm talking about. It is hilariously easy for a group of 3 or 4 survivors to just clean house against the hordes of zombies. Every weapons massive knock back makes playing the zombies just impossible. one bullet sends you 3 or 4 feet back. the large amount of automatic weapons and shotguns just makes combat so easy for survivors. ammo is more common than grass so spray and pray tactics are just to easily abused, and this only further compounds the issues with knock back. Secondly the warm up system sucks. everyone is put in a tiny box someone becomes a zombie and for about 15 seconds everyone scrambles not to become infected. The problem is the infected prime often only gets one or two people, but he can easily hit half a dozen more. these characters then start at lower health meaning they are easier to focus down later. this also corals people to the health stations making it easier to predict where players are. this game needs a complete redesign of its combat system and how infected are chosen. Remove the knock back system and give zombies less health, because right now combat consists of zombies getting juggled for 30 seconds and then dying. there is no counter play. even if you get the drop on someone it takes 3 hits to kill so it takes massive team effort to get one guy killed. more people should be chosen as zombies at the start its basically the same as the system in place right now without people feeling like they got screwed since they were killed or hit in tiny inescapable box.
Posted May 11, 2019.
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1,680.1 hrs on record (993.4 hrs at review time)
Its pretty good i guess.
Posted June 14, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
9,077.1 hrs on record (4,792.0 hrs at review time)
Dont bother getting into this game the devs do not care.
- We are coming up on 2 years with a matchmaking system that puts level one players in the same lobbies as level 150 players
-Ranked mode has been abandonded by the devs
-the dragons fury shoots a projectile so large you hit people standing behind yet the devs have not fixed this weapon since it released in october
- maps bugs that have been in the game since launch day still exist
-the devs have nerfed totally balanced weapons into the ground while ignoring the overpowered ones
- every update is the exact same material with a new coat of paint. they just release a set of contracts that give ♥♥♥♥ rewards and in the latest set of contracts they made it impossible to do more than one at the same time even though that was already a feature in previous updates (probably to pad the amount of time it takes to get through all the content)
-these updates are always filled to the brim with bugs
TLDR devs dont know what their doing, routinely release broken content, and dont really care about improving the game
Posted March 23, 2018.
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1.8 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
this game is incredibly rigged. every time i knocked out 2 or 3 people suddenly my hands suck ♥♥♥♥ and wouldn't even get a pair for the next ten hands dont waste your money on this game or poker night 2 which i hear is even more rigged than this one
Posted May 17, 2017.
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7.0 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
I really liked this game, but the levels really regress in quality as you progress further in the game. In the beginngin traps would come out of nowhere, but you would have enough time to react to them. I started noticing around wolrd 7 or 8 that the traps would come upso fast it turned into a game of flawlessesly executing memorized sets of moves instead have quick reation times. If you didnt know another trap was coming you would just die to it. Furthermore there are some levels that are just flat out impossible without certain abilities, and that really defeats the purpose of having them. The only ones that consistently work for each level are double jump and slow time. Maybe if the later levels were redesigned this game could be better but the unfair level design really sucks all fun out of the game.
Posted October 6, 2016.
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