Ravens 3077 ***[R]***
V.L.   Queensland, Australia
RAVENS HAS somewhat RETURNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEEN BUSY
For øyeblikket frakoblet
LVL 30 .. the original LVL 99 (before GRID 2's final patch)
ravens sacred GRID 2 crasher list ***OFFICIAL*** (7 May)
kasper20012_pl <-- it has george floyd avatar & is from poland. guaranteed crasher. 1 million percent. always are. oh it has the vac ban. this is deeply shocking
acetuke <-- laggy t4 nismo crasher tried to take me off in redbull ring. ghosted through me
fentanyl <-- start line crasher
twrazgriz [PRTDT] aka, rattjizz <-- says im a "cheater" for years, shows no evidence. just like nullshit
pieknis <-- lmfao. tried high speed dive attack me, but totalled himself
presiir<-- aka, pissur <-- liar liar pants on fire ( https://youtu.be/QSi-FrS4H2Q ,classic original video). also caveman
PEDRO <-- tried to crash me midway through race, but wasn't difficult to take care of him instead

May 3 crashers

bartol <-- vac banned <-- longtime crasher. most ppl know this already but, he spent years in prison. his lover in prison was a inmate called "big lion". just slam this prison inmate, trust me

April 26 crashers

bartol <-- vac banned <-- longtime crasher. most ppl know this already but, he spent years in prison. his lover in prison was a inmate called "big lion".
chorazy glus G4Sims <-- backmarker tried to take me out, but was too slow
. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198195197191/ <-- he tried to ruin time attack, but it was first lap (that's just a sighter lap). so i ruined all of his time attack laps afterwards
axl <-- aka, angry spits axl sugar т1тs <-- he used to always try to backmarker when multiple laps down, gigantic G2 knowledge fail
jooreckey <-- known crasher, listed on 10JAN24
bartelkliftimn on ig <-- pink volkswagen crasher

April 23 crashers

agent bond <-- first race back, this guy tries to dive slam me at algarve first corner. AIR BALL! <-- oh he's vac banned what a surprise
wisdomk33 <-- aka, wisdomless spirit <-- spread lies & misinformation about me on a certain someones' twitch channel. one of the dumbest players in GRID2. drives slow cars & is just generally slow. was told a whole heap of garbage about me, from ratjizz. likes to tell ppl to "куs" themselves, which is a very unwise thing to be doing
POKLADY ESY DOMCONDOM <-- crasher who doesn't like to be overtaken
orzus eilush <-- tried to take me off track in night yasmarina
rafael <-- tried to take me out at start of race
pomidowrowyTed <-- tomato boy here, long time known crasher

February 3 crashers

ruben sanchezzed <-- long time known crasher who tried to crash me just now
pawelmadza <-- nearly nudged me out of first corner, which i didn't appreciate
𝐿𝑒𝒿𝓁𝑜𝑜 <-- aka, poopoo <-- caveman tried to crash me when i tried a clean overtake. he has gamebans anyway, so that says enough
krispy <-- was clean for some of the race, then turned crasher, would u believe
kamiltson <-- just a crasher. just slam this the moment u can, trust me. i made him ragediscon
12kickvertez11 <-- crasher in a tyler mcquarrie
gaspacho <-- crasher in a tyler mcquarrie
oliveri twist
chmielei <-- known crasher
Andy <-- ahah. known crasher
DJ Czarmuch <-- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242451698/ LMFAOO it's "MrNiga" (poland's finest).
snejki <-- snejki puts the cave in caveman
sajgan <-- another caveman trying to crash anything that moves
khalid kashniri <-- immediately tried to crash me off starting line. he got crashed instead
dewpear <-- another caveman would u believe
"?" https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242267550/ <-- crasher
marwi66 <-- vacbanned crasher
yOungLejend <-- first race with him, he's crashing me
Helmandir <-- this guy tried to crash me but instead took himself off track, then tries to blame me over voice chat for it
Big Metal Scrapper <-- aka, Big Metal Crapper <-- hilarious crasher fails
rhgrfhfg fhj
Samir <-- crasher nube in honda civic
LALA DARO ROZLKADAM AJ AJ <-- has vacban so i have full rights to slam him
Furiaa <-- kamakaze
MLODYMAKSUI <-- rammed me at start of race
twrazgriz [PRTDT] aka, rattjizz <-- says im a "cheater" for years, shows no evidence. just like nullshit

February 2 crashers

desi <-- RIP <-- just a crashing slop bucket
pijackpolsko <-- RIP
DON <-- tried to crash me yesterday, was very upset that i crashed him today
MCkazcorex1232 <-- fairly sure this is known crasher my mistake possibly
andy <-- known crasher
bolec <-- if u see bolec, just slam him trust me
jaro daroo
Elvis Presley <-- 🎵one for the money, two for the show, three ur getting slammed u crashing ho🎵
Marzcezewka <-- crasher listed Jan 30
unlucky Midlane <-- idiot crashed me on starting grid, then somebody RIP'd him the following race
Jerry <-- every rat trap i set for Jerry, he gets clapped in

February 1 crashers

g.mattas <-- this massive idiot didn't want to lose the lead of the race, so tries crashing me (as he did others), then has the audacity to complain when others do it to him
sneijki <-- caveman didn't crash me at start of race, but then tried crashing me when i tried clean overtake. now he makes negative comments about me over voicechat, but he was the one who crashed me, so he has no one to blame other than himself
mamastacha <-- has vacban & gameban so i have full rights to slam him (permanently)
DON <-- tried crash me towards end of race
seseikeilele <-- instantly tried crashing me start of race
jedyma wolno nazwa
"!" https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198099732917 <-- another caveman. "it's about sending a msg" yeh. that you're narrowminded cavemans
yacubozas <-- another caveman
jerry <-- GRID 2's most rat-clapped rat
Dauamuameek <-- he tried put me in wall at start of race, and tried to backmarker me at end of race, missed both times
nmk <-- he hilariously tried to put me into wall last corner of race
LOLU <-- kamakaze
tibjiski zawadaika

January 30 crashers

gabriel <-- caveman tried some sh1t on me in touge. oh he has vacban. lmfao! was saying alot of racist caveman crap on mic. made him ragequit in time attack
EDZIU <-- instantly tried crashing me in race. clicking his profile shows he has gameban. (bans always explain things)
janne Ahomen
jaro daro
Marzcezewka <-- didn't want to lose the lead, so tried to wreck me
Elvis PResly
Nostradamus <-- i hope Nostradamus can foresee the bad things that are going to happen to him in the future
CARL <-- slam <-- RIP i finally totalled CARL. but took myself out also ;s
catweeszele0702 <-- wreckless dope
jasziu Jezu :ddd <-- RIP! (video replay coming) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldWHLfxQr6w

January 29 crashers

mlody <-- yesterday, mlody fuскed up because he crashed me
M 5 T R I X
presiir<-- aka, pissur <-- liar liar pants on fire ( https://youtu.be/QSi-FrS4H2Q ). also caveman
jerry <-- get in that rat trap & get clapped hard
pionKimng <--another caveman crasher
CARL <-- again, there's only one way to deal with a CARL
DZBAN G3STRIKS CASEOPENING <-- he will forever be known as the whispering startline crasher
edge of reality <-- why

January 28 crashers

andy <-- wreckless driver, just slam this wookie
CARL <-- there's only one way to deal with a CARL
kasper <-- known crasher
WUC <-- has vacban so i have full rights to slam him
showmam <-- has vacban so i have full rights to slam him

January 21 crashers

jasui jezu :ddd <-- known crasher
falko <-- aka, crasho
AAAAA <-- the surfer of mountains
plutom <-- need i say anything
martuisArhtAntomius <-- another caveman
shazy <-- likely team caveman
Mr.n1gа <-- poland's finest. this ca
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5 663 timer totalt
sist spilt den 6. mai
2,5 timer totalt
sist spilt den 20. nov. 2023
104 timer totalt
sist spilt den 1. sep. 2023
fentanyl 6. mai kl. 14.01 
ky5 doggy
fentanyl 6. mai kl. 13.29 
leaving lobby, just to joing during match, so u wont get kicked
fentanyl 6. mai kl. 13.28 
go delete comms n1gga
Ravens 3077 ***[R]*** 6. mai kl. 13.09 
@femtanyl <-- normally nubes like u atleast hide their low game hours (48 hrs of experience), before accusing others of "cheating". standards keep dropping
Piękniś 6. mai kl. 12.47 
nobody wants u in this game
Piękniś 6. mai kl. 12.46 
wypierdalaj z lobby smieciu zajebany