funny siivagunner man.

I run a trade bot, he's my baby <3

If you need to contact me for a bot-related refund just add me on discord:
현재 오프라인
Look 'ma! I got impersonators, I finally made it big!
So yeah, you don't need to comment before adding, because some loser is stalking my comments.
If you really want, you can send me a trade offer with a message

Discussion accounts are not a thing, and have never been a thing.
It's just a trick by scammers to explain why they can't be arsed to set up their profile properly to actually impersonate someone.

The Hall of Shame:
거래를 위해 내놓은 아이템
소유한 아이템
거래 횟수
장터 거래 횟수
Bonzai - Buying Backpacks 2024년 3월 22일 오후 4시 55분 
added to discuss pricing suggestion from tyrants you just sold
Szalthimself 2024년 3월 11일 오전 12시 37분 
Added for a bot holding a scammed item im chasing up, Proof shown when added
OG MIMIC 2024년 3월 5일 오후 9시 53분 
Hello, im having some issues with trading on your bot. Added to discuss about unusual trading.
ShofaX 2024년 3월 1일 오전 11시 54분 
Hi, added to discuss the DBD German Gonzila
SaltyFatRat 2024년 2월 21일 오전 1시 29분 
hey, sent an offer to your bot! :steamhappy:
Alterna 2024년 2월 16일 오후 1시 35분 
+ Rep fast at responding to questions (thanks for the unu) :balloonicorn: