California, United States
Do not send me an invite for trading, I wont accept it. Rev my motor, baybuh. You are all my waifus. Now make me sammiches. Because books. I would KILL for Kiri Kiri. The Summer Sale ruined Christmas. Eek! I'm not decent! One Punch Man is pretty good.

"If it is not sex jelly, then I have no use of it!" -Me.
"I call it my Erwin Rammel. That's not weird, is it?" -Me.
"The bandits we fight and kill are the ancestors of mutant offspring concieved by old Russian Cossacks as there was a low amount of women and an extremely large amount of rabbits." -Me.
"The whole ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Steam Market is broken! THEY CANNOT COMPREHEND THE PRICE CHECK!" -Me.
"I love ♥♥♥♥" -Heisengirth, 10/3/14
"It takes nine to ten hours to play through Space Marine, but those hours go right to Matt Ward's ego." -Me, 11/28/14
"I'm not saying I'm a crime expert, but I got my Crime Free Utopia achievement in Democracy about two hours into the game." - Me, 1/17/15
"This guy, yet another Metal Sonic, refused to let me heal him because I was responding to his voice commands with "yes" and "no" commands of my own. Then when he goes to explain why he isn't letting me heal him, he calls me an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Who does that?" - Me, 4/23/15
"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sewer monster is trying to nibble my giblets and my infrared vision is out of batteries. Why do these ♥♥♥♥♥♥ goggles run on Double A batteries?! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Star Wars." - Me, 5/8/15
"if the Battlefront reboot is anything but a travesty and a ruination of my childhood I will be suprised." - Me, 8/19/15
"How is it a religion when it is real?" -Kind Deception, 11/23/16

R.I.P. Jason Thirsk, 12/25/96

R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman, 5/2/13

I don't give a single damn about cards. Dont sleep with your phone under your pillow. Wanna hear a joke? GUARDSMEN. I'll change my picture for every holiday I consider worthy.

Here's my personality thing I guess:

Hey, Big Zam!
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deadgoon Dec 29, 2023 @ 12:37am 
woah! pipe! bomb!
Kiri♡Kiri Jan 1, 2023 @ 2:23pm 
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ViviDrone Apr 3, 2017 @ 8:13am 
Kiri♡Kiri Jul 4, 2016 @ 2:33pm 
Had an x-ray done today and they found you in my heart. The doctor said if they took you out, I would die, because I could not live without such an amazing friend. Give this heart to everyone who you don't wanna lose in "2016" including me if you care Try to collect twelve (12) its not easy. Be honest! Send this to anyone who made you smile this year.
Dr. Nakisey Mar 29, 2016 @ 1:15pm 
Thanks for the help in Anor Londo! i can't believe we did it with just 2 estus!
I will be glad if we cooperate other day, i never went into fully into Coop.