Unfortunately my friends list is being filled up too fast, if you have questions about warpaints or general advice dm me on discord instead!

Discord: krunkykaiju

If you want something signed I do it for free but please supply the gift wrap and have your trade link in bio so I can send it back!

Trade link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=94326162&token=_rIN2Mrw
Gablota przedmiotów z warsztatu
https://i.imgur.com/kiJrLKt.png 14 warpaint skins made from scratch for Tropic Crisis, first 9 utilize the dragon slayer base but comes with 5 extras, and a bonus for the Fuming Snake! https://i.imgur.com/U1d61Eu.gif https://i.imgur.com/CEn94Ap.gif https://
3 798 ocen(y)
Status – Oczekuje, Autor – Aydan
Gablota nagród
1 406
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Przyznane nagrody
Ten komentarz czeka na analizę przez nasz automatyczny system sprawdzania zawartości. Zostanie tymczasowo ukryty, póki nie zweryfikujemy, czy nie zawiera szkodliwej zawartości (np. linki do stron próbujących kraść informacje).
Aydan 18 godz. temu 
Wait what?! I don't really know how I'd be able to stop them, but I'll make a post on the page
🏌 19 godz. temu 
Scammers are using your White Chip to scam or steal accounts, just letting you know
Yo, Phishing scammers are using your White Chip to steal accounts, if you have more tools than me to get the site taken down/ need evidence add me.
⪓ ETHANZ ⪔ 31 maja o 13:58 
let's play together and have a blast💥
Alexus Clay 20 maja o 12:59 
uwuuu legend its u?