Tungsten Cube
Dingus McDongus
Trade offer - https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=86000598&token=tvZq0_te
OK guys, I appreciate the donations, but I can tell some of you are just offloading your garbage onto me, so for that reason I'm not accepting donations that are just a bunch of cases anymore. I'm not unboxing them and they're worth basically nothing, so really it's just a bunch of wasted backpack space. Don't feel like you're obligated to donate anything either.

D-List YouTuber who got lucky with a dumb series. Bad Weapon Professor. Not accepting friend requests from people I don't know. I don't add friends for trades, if you really want to trade with me my link is right here. Also if you message me, don't just start off with "Hey" or "Hi," if you have a question or request then just let me know.
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
5,417 hrs on record
last played on May 21
275 hrs on record
last played on May 19
14.5 hrs on record
last played on May 19
Penguineer May 7 @ 5:12pm 
Hey i sent you a trade whenever you can get around to it. Thanks.
GoGoShooter Apr 12 @ 5:39am 
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🧡 Cool Guy 🧡
⚡⚡ Let’s be friends for future games ⚡⚡

🌟🌟 Have a wonderful year🌟🌟
💫💫 Stay safe & take care💫💫

🔥🔥🔥+REP The profile is fire 🔥🔥🔥

Juice Kelly Mar 29 @ 6:39pm 
play deep rock already
Is this the Krusty Krab? Mar 29 @ 9:38am 
If there are so many people trying to offload TF2 items to you and you don't want them, then they can add me and I will take it. Good videos. Although slightly irritated you have already done dazzle camo as I drew some designs last year but never published them!
The Foreseen Mar 24 @ 7:53am 
Great vids, keep it up! ~👍
AdamHendrick #FixTF2 Mar 24 @ 1:38am 