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Recent reviews by Maxine T. Tigress

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11.4 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
I think I'm a good chunk into this story, but I'm already blown away by the telling of it. I'm rooting for Kara and I'm sympathising with Markus and his crew.

So many complicated feelings.
Posted April 27.
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30.1 hrs on record
Very much a chill-out sort of game to play after a stressful few rounds of any other on your daily rotation. Wash some things and laugh at the wacky story.
Posted March 27.
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36.6 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
So I went back and gave this game a more honest shot up until getting the Mystic Spearhand class, which is probably the must-have class for this game to start being fun.

This game is just poorly optimized for PCs. I meet recommended settings and this game still gets stuttering and intermittent freezing at random times that last anywhere from 2 to 10 minutes.

Combat in the game's kind of meh up until you get the special classes. Enemy variety is pretty bleak, as I seem to mostly be running into the same non-boss archtypes with very little deviation. Most of the time it's mashing the same button and letting the NPC party do most of the heavy lifting. Bosses are pretty cut and dry, too. Mostly fought cyclops', trolls, and minotaurs, with the odd chimera and griffon showing up with the latter flying away. The magic-slinging dragon is cheap as hell and I nearly put this game down for good after dying when the game started to stutter during all the meteors.

Questing in this game is very much a chore, especially when you may not be given accurate instructions as to where to locate targets and have to trek back up a path you came down on with a freshly spawned lich-thing slinging spells at you.

I can't really recommend this game in the state it's in, especially when you've got two different anti-piracy programs running at the same time, likely causing the slow-downs with redundancies.

MTX is whatever. I've gone 17 hours and easily found everything off shopkeepers. You can get rift crystals casually by sending your personal NPC on quests and hope others recruit them. No idea why Capcom insists on it when all it does is give terrible optics.

Also I'm getting super annoyed with dialogue in the game, running around as a clearly feminine character and constantly getting called "ser." I get that it's a period thing, but it really pokes me the wrong way. Also, before people laugh at me and my minor dysphoria, I would like to add that your pawns like to talk smack behind their owner's back. Apparently a lot of you like all-male or all-beastren teams and your pawn questions your taste. :P
Posted March 22. Last edited March 30.
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31 people found this review helpful
3.5 hrs on record
Like with all things, Ubisoft really shot itself in the foot by removing this game from the Steam store and making it impossible to download legally.

They have since moved to a subscription service, making Rocksmith no longer the cheapest way to learn guitar and bass effectively.

Ubisoft, you suck.
Posted February 26.
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120.0 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Not recommending because the community has kind of taken the satirical fascism in the game and embrace the literal sense of it. Devs have not taken a solid stance against all sorts of phobias, allowing this game to become something of a safe haven for some pretty vile individuals.

Have been shot at, called "sub-human trash", and then kicked for having a furry and/or feminine name within seconds of dropping in to a low-difficulty run, even with a kit that most would deem "meta."

Serious, devs. You kind of do need to make it clear sometimes that this behaviour is 100% intolerable within the community.
Posted February 18. Last edited May 6.
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22.7 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Still in beta, so expect bugs.

Aside from that, it's an entertaining mix of a lot of AAA games from the past year, as I'm seeing hints of influence from Elden Ring, Legend of Zelda, Pokemon (very obviously), Monster Hunter, Fortnite... That said, I feel it takes a little bit too much inspiration from Pokemon and Fortnite in particular. While I understand that it's parody, I just think it's skirting the edge a little too close for comfort.

Additionally, the matter of maturity comes up. With guns being a major thing in the game and some locations having some very grim or adult themes (guillotines here and there, pal butchering, and the sexual harassment lizard), I feel like it's also, still, skirting the edge. What direction does the game really want to go? it's like it's all heavily implied, but at the same time it's not being used to the dev's advantage. Kind of just feels like it's just assets they used to fill in an area for shock value, and it's barely even a static zap.

Very easy to lose track of time, but the resource gathering bit can be a bit tedious when trying to build up parts of your base.
Posted January 21. Last edited January 22.
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131.4 hrs on record (72.1 hrs at review time)
The tadpole in my brain is telling me to tell you to buy this.

Do it now.
Posted August 23, 2023.
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116.0 hrs on record (24.6 hrs at review time)
People take WAAAAAY too long to do their turns. 6 minute turn timer is too long. Game is very much "Pay-to-win" as is the physical card game. If you don't want to spend money, then expect to have one deck in mind you actually enjoy playing and start saving up all the hundreds of card-creation tokens for it.
Posted April 7, 2023. Last edited April 14, 2023.
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6 people found this review helpful
83.5 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
Season 2 is finally upon us and... THERE'S STILL ISSUES EVEN FROM LAST SEASON. The AI match against Kreek Rustgouger bugs out and becomes utterly unplayable on your turn, forcing the timer to run out on you. THIS IS AN ONGOING BUG SINCE LAUNCH.

Cosmetics and, yes, entire teams are looking like they're going to be locked behind 50+ levels of battle pass, but at least you can skip all that if you don't have time if you're willing to spend over $75 to unlock it all because the games keep getting game-breaking glitches that mean you can never finish a match when you're sure to win. Additionally, a lot of the Lizardman team skins are locked in a bundle, forcing you to pay twice for the team and cosmetics you may have already unlocked through the previous bloodpass. This is ridiculous.

I'm still a little miffed that we are without a team editor that allows us to freely add skills to players to match our tabletop counterparts so I can easily use this game in case neither my opponent or I can leave our homes.

My requests for the developers are as follows:
-Abandon blood pass, add team levels, adding more cosmetics based on how many games we play with a certain team.
-Cosmetic randomizer for players?
-Implement team SPP editor.
Posted February 24, 2023. Last edited November 16, 2023.
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A developer has responded on Mar 14, 2023 @ 5:25am (view response)
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178.4 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
I want to like this game, but I can't bring myself to really recommend this game in its current state.

-First thing I think about is that loading for every transition takes quite a bit of time; enough for me to leave my computer and pour a drink and still be loading by the time I take a few sips at my desk.
-Graphically intensive, my computer really has to work to make it run smoothly with my 2060 graphics card. Apparently this is a struggle for a few people.
-Cosmetics are pretty "meh" with the in-game currency. The microtransaction cosmetics are also pretty lackluster, and would probably benefit from allowing players some freedom to change colours on things.
-Weapons are pretty much the same as Vermintide where you're more likely to rely on your trusty shovel/cudgel than your guns. I WANT to be more reliant on guns in a space opera like 40K.

And the biggest gripe I have:
Other players SUCK for a lot of reasons.
-Darktide, Vermintide, and even Left 4 Dead stress the importance of sticking together to survive. Of course, lots of players have no patience and like to split the party, leaving stragglers to die or just getting wrecked by an elite up ahead.
-They constantly mess with your line of sight. If you're a veteran, Ogryn's will stand almost directly in front of you most of the time, thinking they're being your tank or something. They're not. They're in the way. Your teammate's flamer creates such a bright light that it's impossible to see through it to make a decent shot at the sniper down the way that just blasted the psycher into the smelter's pit.
-Greed before need. Down to your last lasgun magazine? Your teammate just nabbed every ammo supply in the area as they made their mad dash ahead of the group.
-Your shovel is the only thing you can trust. Put your faith in it before you do your teammates. Hold it even above the Emperor himself. Your shovel will not run off to hit that Daemonhost you marked out ahead on the path. At least, not without you.
-...Nazis. Holy crap, I've played 3 games TODAY with at least one person named "Hitler" or "Austrian Painter" or something. I get that the Imperium of Mankind is openly fascist and even the character conversations have some curiously fascist talking points like "do abhumans even have souls?" But COME ON! Just because there's no real "good guys" in Warhammer, doesn't mean you need to cosplay as the worst guys in a Krieg-inspired outfit you got in the cash shop.
Posted December 17, 2022.
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