Tiny King Trashmouth
Jon Nobo   California, United States
(Mostly) Retired modder.
I prefer to keep to myself, but don't be afraid to leave a comment or ask me anything in my comments; They're always open.
Hey, thanks for Droppin' by!
If I receive random friend requests, I will block you immediately; Let me know why you're adding me beforehand if you need/want to add me for whatever reason. This doesn't guarantee that I'll accept the friend request regardless, though.
Anyway, I do lots of L4D2 mods. You can see my works below.
I typically don't take commissions or requests.
Workshop Showcase
Simply a collection of all the Pokémon or Pokémon-related mods I've created overtime for ease of access.
880 ratings
Created by - Tiny King Trashmouth
Workshop Showcase
A collection of my Furry Left 4 Dead 2 add-ons; Very specifically the ones aiming to recreate the survivors as furries, scalies, anthros, etc. etc. with minimal changes to their actual appearances beyond that. As such, this collection will only contain tho
382 ratings
Created by - Tiny King Trashmouth
Artwork Showcase
"crocTop" Latch
27 2
Recent Activity
199 hrs on record
last played on May 23
1,349 hrs on record
last played on May 22
33 hrs on record
last played on May 22
Cazapalas May 11 @ 9:58am 
Heya :) planed to finish furry survivors with coach ?
☯Yo❖yokai☯ Mar 21 @ 8:11pm 
Where furry coach? :d2brewmaster:
Tiny King Trashmouth Mar 2 @ 12:53pm 
@Moggers96 don't really have a ko-fi since i never had a reason to set one up, but i do have a https://paypal.me/jnobo set-up for ease of donations or similar :conwayshrug:
Moggers96 Mar 2 @ 11:09am 
Hey there, I've been using your mods for almost an entire decade, starting with the Zoroark V1.

Long story short, I wish there was a better way to thank you for it. I was wondering if you have a Kofi or if you'd be okay with sharing your PayPal or anything like that? And I've noticed you sometimes saying you feel bad taking money but, you really have touched the lives of many with your mods and I just see it as a small way to show thanks for being such an integral part of the best years of mine and likely others lives. :boomer:
The Dumb Half-Elf Nov 6, 2023 @ 2:13pm 
sorry idk if there was a way to reply on steam ^^'
Also thank you for replying back :D if you still have the files that would be awesome if you can send them again!
The Dumb Half-Elf Nov 6, 2023 @ 12:05am 
Hello! Sorry I don't have a proper way to contact ya ^^'

I commissioned a rig from ya years ago after you did a fabulous job on my friend's model (the Ellis robot model for Salakirby) and I no longer have access to the rigging you done with my model anymore of my robot Ray. after I upgraded my computer... forgot to save the rig T^T I still have the original blender model so I was wondering if I can commission you again to help re rig it