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12 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
Incredible remake of this unappreciated gem from the old days.
The obvious thing are the graphics, everything looks beautiful, plenty of attention to detail went into the new sprites, a lot more variety... the music is also great, many new tracks to replace the same main theme repeating pretty much every level.
The game is still short, but this remake has a few new levels, and they are pretty decent. Could have been a few more, but at least the few we got are interesting and unique. We also get collectibles that have some cheeky references.
Pretty much all of the classic level design and secrets were kept, even the questionable ones, but it also changes stuff, specially the bosses. Also what they did with the Jan-ken-pon fights is adorable, it doesn't allow you to skip the little jingle, which is a minor inconvenience when you lose the match, but it's still super charming. Also, there are A LOT of new sprites for the 8bit mode too, which is a very nice touch, definitively worth playing the game over again with the 8 bit mode.

I'd say the only thing this really lacks is leaderboards, stuff like time attack and speedrun mode, maybe even one for most money collected, like the leaderboards on the Sega Ages port of the game... considering the game is short, giving more arcade-ish options like that would go a long way in incentivising replayability. Also, compared to the remake of Wonder Boy, I'd say that game has a better artstyle, but that's up to preference. I was worried I wouldn't enjoy the artstyle they went with for this, but it grew on me and I definitively enjoy it.

To finish, it's a great remake, must-have if you are an Alex Kidd fan, and if you are new to it, give it a shot, it's definitively a unique blend of gameplay and level design that no other main platformer franchise has. If it's short length bother you, I'd say wait for a sale, but do still get it, it's worth it
Posted June 22, 2021.
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27.5 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
Well, as a Serious Sam fan, I think I should review this and say my piece about it...

First off, if you have a budget pc, anywhere close to the "minimun" requirements DON'T BOTHER... the biggest problem I have with the game is it's piss poor optimization. As a budget gamer, I don't mind having to run things on low if that gets good frames, but in this you put everything on low, everything looks like a smeary PS2 game, and it still runs bad. And you'd think it's all the hundreds of enemies on screen, but no, it's indoor areas. Thousands of trees, grass and enemies? No problem. Three empty werehouses you can go in? 40fps.

With that out of the way... the good stuff. Gameplay is probably the best in the series. Weapons are great, they feel great to shoot, every single one of them is useful, Gadgets (duke nukem style items) and the perks are great. Dual wielding is amazing, adds a whole new layer of strategy on what gun to use in a each encounter. Also some surprise moments of gameplay that are very fun and exciting. Sadly the whole "giant horde" thing is only really used once, so... yeah, that's lame. Overall tho, every new adition is either good or REALLY good.

Levels are alright, some fun ones, some impressive ones... Variety is nice, but there are a lot of same-y warm-toned italian cities and ruins. Tho... considering 2 of 5 games in the series are completely made of desert levels, that's not that much of an issue :p Also, if you ever manage to get out-of-bounds, go exploring, it's INSANE how large the out-of-bounds are in this, very fascinating.

The difficulty of the game is a bit weird. I played it on Hard, and... the name did not dissapoint, it's HARD... but the difficulty curve is clunky. SS3 had the best difficulty curve, it starts easy, last level is a nightmare, smooth transition between. SS:TFE was pretty consistant with some MASSIVE spikes (frog room and the bull corridor)... SS4 in the other hand, feels like half the battles are difficulty spikes. It's usually one really hard fight, followed by two moderate ones, more or less. I imagine they made it this way to acomodate for the more overpowered gadgets... It doesn't make the game worse overall I don't think, but still worth pointing out.

Story is... well... it's fun. It's action schlock, and that's exactly what it wants to be. It's unashamed silly and stupid, but still takes itself seriously when it needs to... which I'd say is the biggest issue with Serious Sam 2. On SS2, EVERYTHING was a joke, everything was a cartoon, on SS4 they knew where to keep silly and hopeful, and where to make it serious and important. Voice-acting is passable, not great but not bad... Sam himself sounds very good tho. Sadly the one really bad thing with it is the animations on the cutscenes, it's bortherline awful... I can understand the low budget for this stuff, it's ok if it has to be a little bit stiff, but... damn, it feels like they did the cutscene animations in The Sims 2... and that's selling The Sims 2 short. It didn't help my case that I had to play the game on low, so the animations looked bad, and so did the character graphics.

To close this out, I enjoyed the game, I'd rank in as more or less just as good as SS3... I imagine if they manage to iron out the optimization and maybe touch-up the cutscenes this could be even better than SS3 (still not as good as SS1 however, but at least a lot better than SS2). If you are new to the series, I'd say start with SS3, just keep in mind that the extreme seriousness of 3 is an exception, not the rule.
Posted November 23, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
11.1 hrs on record
Absolutely excellent game, very fun, edgy, movie-like story, very fun, fast-paced gameplay, similar to Bayonetta with the fight mechanics, just a bit easier and more lenient to learn and experiment with combos.

The biggest plus in this game is the level design, they are super-imaginative and fun to both play and look at, the graphics look alright, but the special effects are amazing, like shifting walls, moving textures, text embeded on the geometry, crazy abstract enviroments and disgusting demon bosses.

The game is quite the spectacle, very much worth to play, specially if you never played any devil may cry games before
Posted June 29, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
75.3 hrs on record (45.9 hrs at review time)
Excelent build of Serious Sam and all of it's incarnations (we don't talk about SS2), better graphics than the HD versions, amazing engine with a bunch of new tech and useless visual options that could keep you experimenting on your hardware for hours, truly a marvel. If you like games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D, get this and never let go of the S key.
Posted November 22, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
22.0 hrs on record (16.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Do you like vehicles? Do you like building stuff with some degree of complexity? Do you like to ride stupid cars that make no sense and spin at the speed of light if you turn the wrong way? If any of those answers is yes, then you likely will enjoy the game.

The things you should be worried about is...
1- The game has no story or goals, it's just building and using your vehicle to explore.
2- You likely gonna need to do some research to figure out how things work, thankfully the game has a built-in shortcut that takes you to the game wiki.
3- Pretty much nothing in the overworld of the game is interactable, it's just a huge (and I mean HUGE) empty playground for you to drive on, which is ok since you can make really fast vehicles, just don't expect missions or NPCs

None of those points really bother me, so I enjoy the game quite a bunch, and if you do get it, I hope you enjoy it too ^^
Posted August 29, 2018.
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8.5 hrs on record
Usually when people say "it feels like a movie" to a videogame, it's not good, since they have distinct ways of telling a story... But this game did it. It's the perfect blend of movie storytelling, but by game means. Sure the cutscenes are there to help it feel like a movie, but they are short and well placed between gameplay in a very well paced adventure. What the game shines on is to blend the story with everything that's going on in the game. The scenarios evolve, the acting evolves, the things you do seem to mean more as you see how you ♥♥♥♥ up again and again overtime... and you evolve too. Maybe not in a "lifechanging" way, but over time you might consider more what's going on, as some of the message the game sends you starts to sink in. The only thing that doesn't evolve with the narrative is the gameplay, it stays mostly the same all the way, extremely solid and fun, with enough variation to keep you going.

So to make it short, it's amazing, specially if you enjoy movies like Fight Club and Apocalipse Now. Plus the gameplay similar to Gears of War, cover-based shooter
Posted April 15, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
396.7 hrs on record (91.7 hrs at review time)
Best city building game since SimCity 3000, enough said.
Posted November 23, 2017.
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7.6 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
The game is excellent, if you have played Chivalry, this game is just like that, but on a much faster pace, and with magic abilities. The fast pace makes the game feel much more fluid than Chivalry did, but still keeping the same control scheme to the swords. Also if you hate the archers from Chivalry, you'll be very happy with this, since they actually made the ranged class in this game fun and fair, unlike the hellish pool of frustration that Chivalry could be at times.

In short, it's a faster chivalry with a new set of rules, very fun and replayable... It isn't a straight upgrade from Chivalry, since the slow and precise controls of that game still holds up. Both are good in their own merits and you should definitively try both.

PS: most reviews here are negative thanks to low player count, that was changed recently thanks to the free day and price drop.
Posted September 11, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
This game does not work in any 64bit system, at least not on Windows 7, ironic for what was once called "the most advanced game ever". There was never a patch for this, devs are too lazy to do it for the past 10 years... Don't bother buying it here, just get it for PS3 or something
Posted June 28, 2017.
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2.1 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
This game is excelent! It's a little rhytm game, pretty simplistic gameplay wise, but extremely charming for graphics and music. All has a "homemade with love" taste, all graphics were hand made, so were the songs. If you like rhytm games, even if only a little, give this a shot, it will warm the cockles of your hearth~
Posted June 27, 2017.
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