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609.0 hrs on record
A perfect game for you PC to run X)
Literally, there is some bug within it which prevents its closing in Steam even if you exit the game.
Posted April 22, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
148.4 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
A great example of a revived project from fans for fans! Really glad that Dream Sloth succeeded in negotiations with Counterplay Games and were able to gain from them all the source materials and in result bring Duelyst back to life.

As for newcomers, the game itself is a fast-paced turn-based TCG where all the creatures you play are not just cards, but fully-controllable units, which makes the experience more like chess\Shining Force\Heroes of Might and Magic rather than your ordinary heartstone\Pokemon\Yu-Gi-Oh clone.
Definetely worht checking out.
Posted December 18, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
37.0 hrs on record (19.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Basically, it is 'Arkham Horror' tabletop game translated into PC and without coop mode. Really, had totally the same feelings from playing this.
Great, just great.


В целом, это почти как "Ужас Аркхема", только для ПК и без коопа. Серьёзно, очень похожие ощущения от геймплея.
Круто, просто круто.
Posted December 6, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
441.3 hrs on record (356.5 hrs at review time)
The game broke with the new update :C
I try to continue my singleplayer game, and the fatal error crashes the game with message 'cannot create NextToPerk to advance NextToPerk'. If that means I have to create totally new character (played more than 350 hours and don't want to lose everything i've already built and achieved here), that's bad. Until the developers fix this, the review will be negative.
Posted September 1, 2022.
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21.1 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
Отличная крипипаста от мира игр!
Posted July 28, 2022.
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0.1 hrs on record
Played it from Epic Store a lot, and this game is totally awesome if you have a friend that can play it together with you: one is dodging the bullet hell, the other one prays.
Wanna remote play support to play it in the same way online.
Posted July 20, 2022.
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34 people found this review helpful
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34.7 hrs on record (20.9 hrs at review time)
I updated my review after beating this game on legendary diffuculty\boost survival mode and reading\watching a bunch of negative reviews on this product.
NoMatter Studio, if you read reviews, please, check this. In first place, I bring up some technical issues\quality of life stuff.

Now, to users.
Things you should know before you buy: actual technical issues and quality of life points.

Here I'll tell you what I have actually faced here.

- clunky controls
Most of negative reviews were about them.
I didn't feel that my controls were clunky at all. But, maybe, it is due to the fact I play on minimum quality level with 800x600 resolution (otherwise my PC gets overheated pretty soon and just switches off, thus, it is either 'Shadow of the Colossus PS2 original release graphics, or nothing), but on this quality level the heroine response quite flawless with no lag input (played with PS4 dualshock gamepad, connected to my PC via USB).
What I did face, though, here is: when I switch back to keyboard, and then to gamepad during the playtrhough (when I need to aim very precisely with a bow, for example), there may be not lag input, but a moment when the heroine won't react to gamepad at all, and the game need second or two for re-recognizing it. Thus, if you play both with a keyboard\mouse and gamepad attach, you are warned: it may be issues right after changing controls.

- camera
Ah, yes. You will face some moments with it.
It tries to brign you feelings of colossi shaking, flying, turning, moving and so on.
In some cases it actually helps you by telling if the surface you are grabbing to is flat so that you can actually stand on it. And it really helps.
But, mostly, it will cover your screen with fur\stone\whatever colossi has on its body you are grabbing to, confusing you and giving you some disorientation and additional time to understand where you are and where you are crawling now.
For real, this may be your most dangerous enemy sometimes. Not too often, though. Again, ocassionally and not for long.

- unskippable cutscenes
Some of them are totally unskippable (not too many of them, mostly - some plot-driving ones), and for the most part - you can skip them, but not from the start, and usually have to wait for a second or so after the video starts. I understand why it may be issue, especially during tough fights when you just want to re-try the battle and don't want to watch the scene you already know by heart.

- ocassional lags with grabbing
When you want to climb from one surface to another (both of wich are stick together, but either at some weird or sharp angle, and, clearly, there is no empty space between them), the heroine may choose not to climb from one surface to another, forcing you either to stand on the ground and re-grab to the surface you need, or, if there is no such option, just release yourself and regrab with your grappling hook. I didn't face this issue while fighting colossi, but there were moments with it during regular open world exploring

- ocassional music fading
When you switch to your inventory\settings screens and back to game, there may be a chance that overall sound volume lows down. This can be fix easily by switching back to the settings screen and return to game again. Got it a couple of times.

- black screens at locations switching (cave entrances, in and out)
Got this bug once: I left the cave, could hear my heroine walking, breathing and jumping, open inventory\settings\save-load screen and so on, but the location itself was totally black.
This was a one-time issue, and everything solved once I've loaded the game (had a manual save right before leaving that cave, thus, nothing was lost), but, still. It is a really tiny chance you may face it (literally, I've played for nearly 30 hours and completed the game twice, and only once met this bug. But you are warned: it _can_ happen).

That's for actual technical issues me myself faced.

Now for quality of life stuff.

- no choice of what to pick if there are a lot of stuff on the ground
If there are a lot of things lying around you, it is very difficult to choose manually what to pick and what not to, as you have to aim very precisely to the very item you need, and there is no button like 'highlight all the lying stuff' like in Diablo, and no additional window\scrolling option to switch through loot before gathering it. Only aiming for now.
Very, very precise. As your pouch is divided into sections for:
support\healing items, it can be a problem sometimes.
It my case it was like:
There were a lot of arrows, and a tiny berry among them.
I had my backpack already full of arrows and, not only didn't need them, but the game told me that there is no space in my inventory (for them - yes, pretty fair, all arrow slots were filled).
Thus, in order to pick that stupid berry, I had two options:
Either to move somewhere and to drop all my arrows to pick up those which are near the berry I need
Or, to aim with a mouse, to a very particular pixel at which the main heroine at last understand what particular thing I want her to pick.
And I don't think I need to explain further why it is an actual flaw and should be fixed.

- no default weapons memorizing (at least for me. Devs replied that this should not happen and they are investigating this case)
The issue is, you have three hotkeys: one for meele, one for range, one for grappling hook.
And here is the case:
To shoot your bow and to shoot your hook, you press the same button.
And, if, you _didn't_ equip your hook, the game picks a bow as a default. This fact is okay and I get it.

What is not okay:
If you did not use your bow at all, but use only grappling hook all the time (and, believe me, you will use it, you want to use it, it is a must to use it at some points), and then die or load game manually, and just hit 'aim\shoot button'... The heroine picks the bow instead, just because she can. Even if you didn't use it at all since the very start of the game.
Alternatively, after death or a manual load, if you don't have a bow in your inventory (and, still, used your hook before you died or when you made a new safe file), and, again, you just hit 'aim' without telling the heroine to equip your grappling hook manually, she just won't react to your command and won't aim at all. At least until you re-equip the hook to the hotkey.

Thus, now you are warned.
If all the listed technical issues\quality of life stuff is totally unacceptable to you, but you still interested in the game concept\want to try it, but afraid that the game costs too much and is still so unpolished - I'd recommend you either: wishlist and subscribe and follow the updates, as the developers releasing hotfixes frequenlty and react quickly to bugs and feedbacks, or to get Praey of the Gods on sale.

Despite all the listed, I still recommend this game.
Like, hey, it was made by a team of only three developers. It is a finished product, it is definitely not rushed out, it is made with care, and there are may be some uncomfortable stuff, but overall, everything here is more than good and worth trying out. Really.

Thus, those were technical issues.
And now the original text of my review, totally subjective, and only about how it feels (at least, to me).

I have just finished my playthrough (hard difficulty, boost survival mode).

Overall feeling:
Nice, really nice. Throughout the whole game I was wondering if it's just a game-fanfiction, or a true sequel to Shadow of the Colossus. And, after beating the game - yes, you can call Praey for the Gods a real non-official fan-made sequel to that great game.

Now pros:
First off, the colossi themselves.

The rest in comments. Start from 1st page to continue.
Posted December 20, 2021. Last edited December 23, 2021.
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30.9 hrs on record (22.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Да отлично, на самом деле.
Ну, как. Это всё те же "Курицы", только онлайн, наконец доработанные до состояния "можно играть с друзьями". Апдейт, после которого завезли мультиплеер, таки мотивировал опять вернуться сюда.
А так - всё ещё, на базовом уровне "стрелять-летать-собирать шняжки" вполне приятно и залипательно, чего от такой игры и ожидается. Да, однозначно рекомендую.
Posted October 29, 2021.
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8 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
I understand that the game has just released, but...
It would be better if it wasn't a full release and an Early Access instead, because everything here looks just sooo cheap and feels sooo clunky that I tried to play it for only five minutes and left :C
Like, I struggled to adjust video settings (BTW, the game doesn't say if it applied something or not: when you press 'Apply' button, literally nothing happens), I struggled through full-screened one-lined tutorial messages which I could not disable. I struggled with aiming. And, to top it, I just didn't feel any weapon response from shooting. No audio effect of it, only bright spots on the floor in front of me.
Thus, for now - no, I can't recommend it to play, Especially if it is already a full release.
Posted September 17, 2021.
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