Mike Pence But Even Gayer
Jesse   United States
Former owner of WeAreIndie. Now just a videogaming ♥♥♥♥♥ poster who maliciously attacks current politicians, and ass rapes the general public in arena shooters. No lube.
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Review Showcase
53 Hours played
An interesting mix of Arkham-esque brawling, environment traversal, and, while not nearly as prevalent in your average title - mind-rewinding ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
The combat is comprised of your standard light and heavy attacks, with a long-distance roll as an evade. What makes the game much more interesting, however, is the custom combo-mechanic in place, which allows for different "pressens", which are each individual element of the combo, which offer everything from increased damage, to healing, to the faster regeneration of the plethora of powers (shield break, stun, extra power, etc) on offer.
As interesting as entertaining as the combo mechanic is, however, you will quickly build a standard deck of 3 or so essential combos that will serve you throughout the vast majority of the game. The mechanic is fun at first, but becomes almost pointless not far into the game.
On a visual level, the game impresses. Purely adequate texture work aside, the game shines through in its use of color, art design, and highly detailed, if linear world.
Not technically impressive by any means, but a great showpiece of overall art design that keeps itself interesting and entertaining to the eyes throughout it's moderately varied world.

The game clocks in around 8 or so hours on the medium difficulty, though I recommend playing on the hardest setting for any sort of real challenge. Only a few deaths were to be had throughout the entire experience, so anyone looking for an even somewhat hardcore playthrough should try their hand at the title.

Solid voicework hold up a rather middling, tame story that, while interesting, felt a bit scattered. With a couple plotholes and logical falacies put in place for good measure. There are a few strong characters to be had here, but most are offered very little screen time, with the protagonist, Nilin, serving most of the narrative-driven expression on your journey. Luckily she holds up very well as a character, and is most definitely a driving force in an only moderately entertaining story.

All in all, I enjoyed my time with this title. The gameplay is, for the most part, fluid. The story, for the most part, is worth experiencing. And the production value, for the most part, is properly on show.

If you find the game for $10 or cheaper, I definitely say it's worth the time spent.
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