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6,322 Hours played
So I have bought this game on 05/25/17 and have been only playing this game till 06/04/2017 with an accumulate of 139 hours.
Update: 06/22/2017 accumulated about 235 hours and I have payed a month of my Subscription :). I am reupdating this for the Summer Sale for people who want to try this game and also for the StormBlood DLC update.
Updated 5.5: 09/06/2021 up to date with Shadowbringers

-Completly Noob Friendly
-Tons of Content with two DLC's (Heavensward 60)>(Stormblood 70)>(Shadowbringers 80)
-Chocobo,Chocobo and Chocobo racing.
-The brilliant soundtrack is very unique and captivating.
-Multiple classes that this MMO is unique with is having 1 character and being able to switch classes
- The one major thing that also makes this unique, is that in FFXIV, there is no rush in this game. You can be what you want to be and you are not forced to do anything else.

Community:The community is amazing in certain perspectives that is actually more better than most MMO's. What makes this community so unique is just the cycle of players that are willing to help new players. Yes this is normal in all MMO's but in FFXIV we aren't forced to help new players but instead we choose to. That;s what makes this community so nice. Not all Communities are perfect or imperfect but the majority of this one is decently kind.

Heavily Story Reliant: Most MMO's always fail to captivate the player of the story in general. FFXIV is very unique in it's own standpoint that the developers actually put so much development and depth into this story that just makes you enjoy it . Also being that this is probably the longest story in all Final Fantasy Genres. This is probably the only MMO that can potentially make you cry just from the story. That is how good it is.

Dungeons/Trials/24 man raid/ Hardcore raids:

Dungeons: Pretty generic even in this MMO that there isn't really much to say about honestly. Maps are very unique in it's own sense even the mobs and bosses with their unique skills. Though each map will have it's soundtrack included.
Trials: Trials are Bosses that you will face during the Main story or a side quest. You will be with a party of 8 facing this trial. Every Trial is unique with it's own soundtrack. Though trials are not difficult, there are Trials:Extreme which increases the difficulties making it twice as hard.
Alliance raids: 24 man raids are pretty much 24 players clearing a dungeon with multiple bosses. It's not difficult but you will die a lot. These 24 man raids also consists of the Nier raid in the most recent Shadowbringers update.
Savage raids:These are your hardcore raids. They are about equivalent to Mythic raids in WoW. But, you are in a party of 8 of what you do is important. Everyone has to work together and synchronize too be able clear this content. The amount of time varies but in the most extreme hardcore raiders it can take them a 5-7 days to clear but for normal players it can take them 2-3 weeks. There is also a 48 man savage content that released in the Eureka content.
Ultimate raids: Thought savage was hard? There are currently 3 Ultimate raids. Ultimate raids make's savage content look like a joke. These are for the hardcore players that want to take it too the next level. Ultimate fights can last for about 15-18 minutes. Each passing second or minute, there is always a new mechanic that is very unique. This type of content take up to possibly more than 60+ hours. Being it can take you more than 1-3 months just to clear 1 ultimate. Though yes it's hard. But that is what makes this so much fun. The reward is that you will get a ultimate title and a unique ultimate weapon. But it's worth it.

Graphics: Even with a Low end PC you can still run this game smoothly. For Medium-High End PC. A lot of people tend to not like this aesthetic of graphics because of the anime type graphics but it really seems to fit.

Free Companies: Aka guilds- Finding a very dedicated FC that is willing to work with their own community is fun. Being able to host events and sometimes do raids and obtaining benefits makes FC's worth going to. Joining a FC or getting into the community can help you not get bored but can significantly make your FFXIV experience better.

Enternal Bondings: So this is basically a Marriage system that can help boost the XP gain of two of the couples are together in this game and a Chocobo and YES there are actual relationships between players but don't try to take it serious as a relationship game.

Housing: You can have you're own house or a FC house that are limited in each server. There are even crafters that can craft housing items or just be able to have you're own garden. You have your own section of an area where you would run into other players that could be your neighbor or another FC.

Golden Saucer: Pretty much a land of Mini-games that has good decent amount of games to play like Chocobo Racing or Card games. People actually seem to enjoy this content that they sometimes live in it. They have unique glamours or mounts as rewards.

Gear: Gears can be obtained from doing raids, dungeons or crafting. Every gear in this game unique. There are people who actually farm gear just for glamour that just looks really cool too be being very gorgeous or just very funny.

Eureka: Pretty much Legendary weapons or armor that have their own signature look and stats that can be used for endgame content. This usually takes about 1-3 weeks to be able to obtain 1 weapon but can vary on the time. They are very grindy content.

Classes: You will have a single character with multiple classes to change into.So this means you do not need to make another character. There are 10 DPS, 4 Tanks, 3Healers, 7 Crafters, and 3 Gathers. Each job is very unique in terms of playstyle. You can be good with a specific class. But you will see a huge difference in terms of skill of the class you play too someone who plays the same class as you. This means even though you know your class. You haven't mastered it being there are rotations.

Leveling: Leveling: Leveling can completely vary on the methods that players use. But it can probably take about 1- 3 weeks or maybe less to max a DPS/Healer/Tank class. For Crafters and Gathers it can take probably a few hours to 2 weeks that can vary. Leveling doesn't feel slow or fast. It's just very moderate.

Crafters/gathering: Probably the most unique and yet rewarding content. There are tons of crafting recipes and gathering. Compared to other MMO's where Crafting and gathering are just sub-classes. In this game they can be a main class for players. Each crafter's are unique. Culinarian makes food for buffs even raids. Carpenter's can make housing materials. These are classes that can make you money and gear and being a crafter and gather is like playing a different game too where you can put infinite hours into this.

Monthly Payment: This is a subscription based MMO. But one thing in mind is that, if you do buy the steam version, you can purchase subscription with steam credits But this is how the game is still alive and healthy.

The story length: You will feel beyond rushed. The story is good and it's amazing. But too other players they want to reach the endgame content. If you are the type of player that only wants to play endgame and do raids. Then this is probably the biggest.

You are not forced to follow a linear path in this game. You can be what you want to be is what makes this game feel so alive. You can be a hardcore player or a casual but you are not forced. This game is started to become more mainstream now and it's always great to have new players. To be honest this game feels like WoW when it became popular when Wrath of the Litch King was released.(Not a hate rant). This game feels like it has more content than GW2 endgame. Both are amazing MMO's but, Final Fantasy 14 feels like the MMO that filled the void of my heart from what an MMO should be.

Rating: 10/10
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Scorch ☂ Dank Jan 22 @ 3:26pm 
selects skull merchant and runs aol internet
Dr_Minty | TTV Jan 18 @ 1:27am 
-rep hard tunneled off hook nearly every chase at 4 gens
Nuggies Jan 17 @ 1:10pm 
Hard tunneled off hook for the 1 kill. This is what a broken home looks like. Please stay together for the kids or they'll end up like this guy.
8pija Nov 9, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
+rep best killer :sacrificed:
danysyko Nov 9, 2023 @ 9:17pm 
+rep did unspeakable things to me as chucky
Bug Licker Nov 6, 2023 @ 9:50pm 
-rep gets upset when hes too smooth brained to run someone on doctor